More beautiful than 99% of hollywood

more beautiful than 99% of hollywood

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Why do girls always make that face?

here is your ariel bro

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what percentage of hollywood is old men?

What does she do now

she looks like she got molested by her dad (sad)

who cares?

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damn I wish I was her dad

>that artificial r*ddit face she makes in every scene

And almost as slutty.

cocaine and rich businessmen

Her dad is a lucky man then.

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She most likely grew up without one. That's why she needs so much male attention now.

great pusy and butthole too

I would literally dive head first into a dumpster for this girl. Name?

>pre-Bog Eva Lovia

Any other genuinely pretty adult stars?

I dream of the day when we can discuss adult movies on Yea Forums without the fear of getting b&.

Zoomer pls.

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you don't remember Liz Vicious?

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>a literal whore
who cares

I wanked it to her entirely because she reminded me of Avril Lavigne.

Brush up on your LV lore, guys.

Liz was so fucking hot it's a shame all her porn was with her lame bf.

Aria Alexander

Eva Lovia has godtier footpusy

at least he ended up dead in a dumpster

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how is that a hard thing to do, lots of people dumpster dive

Aria is ridiculously gorgeous

holy shit i forgot about her.
I wanted a scene with her and Allie Sin.

Porn version of my ex. Absolutely stunning to look at but never had a good sex session in her.

>it's a Xev Bellringer spends 45 minutes intimately teasing you with her ass episode

ayy lmao

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Have sex

I care. I can see the suffering in her eyes.
I want to hold her and tell her everything will be okay.

To let people know they are sluts with low IQ. It's a good thing.

Nah, that's what happens when you have no father at all.
Pic related is what happens when your father rapes you.

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that train left the station a decade ago bro


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Me too user


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actually way over a decade if I think about it.
when was she big? 07/08?
so yeah you are like 15+ years too late bro

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tell me about liz, why does she randomly capitalize words?

No she isn't

It's mommy Avril now.

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twitter syndrome

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>ancient pic
What does she look like now?

>tfw watching old porn and getting hit by nostalgia


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Unironically this is a common symptom of schizophrenia. It's also a common symptom of being an illiterate moron though so take that as you will

What's wrong user?

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I want to go back

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she doesn't fly so good

Imagine being her kid and finding all the porn.

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Someone should do a deepfake of her

It's "I wanted an abortion but the state wouldn't let me get one so now I'm just going to pose with a knife pressed against my cunt on Twitter" now.

>she actually did the damaged tattoo
I was convinced that was just a meme

wat, Avril has no kids.

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Oh I was talking about Liz.

If I knew for sure that I would reincarnate as her son which would discover her porn I would suicide instantly

Why not at least try to fuck her.

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I mean would a mother REALLY report a rape if it was her own son? Unlikely!

shes not in her prime anymore anyway so who cares

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>tfw no sexy goth mom to rape

it's the "I love niggers" face

>tfw no sexy goth mom to be raped by

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For me it was aurora snow

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For me it's Gina Valentina

>Yea Forums didn't protect her smile
you should all be ashamed

>Allie Sin.
Still have her anal on a motorcycle scene. The way she works in porn is the same way a person works at mcdonalds. Expressionless and void of soul.

I got the joke user.

Now there's a girl that was definitely fucked by her father.

The dude who owns her website has been pretending to be Liz online for like a decade.

for me it was Carli Banks

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Is he also the one making the videos of her now?

She actually posted a video of her naked recently.
Nothing special, just like saying hi.


It's in pornhub, just search for her.

'Member when porn wasn't about close shots of dicks and women getting bukkake'd? What the fuck happened?

why not just fap to avril lavigne?
cut out the middleman.

I love goth sluts.

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because avril lavigne doesn't get naked on the internet.

She didn't even do straight stuff other than a few casting videos.

Mia Malkova was unbearably gorgeous in her early vids. She could've been a model or an actress before the surgeries, she must genuinely love gargling jizz.

there is only 1 blowjob video

Ash Hollywood for me, bros.

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Naomi Woods too, she absolutely destroyed her body. What a fucking shame.

I really doubt she's made porn, user.

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top fucking FIF

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Why hasn't she had a starring role with Paul Dano yet?

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Christ, how recent is this pic? She's aging well.

itt: times hannah acted like the joker
>mail my pet lizard across the country
>it dies

I think it's a year old.
This gif is from a week ago.

did she really?...

her blowjob videos have provided a lot of material over the years

It's a shame Emily Addison only started doing b/g now when she's past her prime. (pic related)

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Oh shit, what happened? God dammit. God fucking dammit.

Idk. Hadn’t followed anything about her in a while. The dudes always would shill this comic book about her that never got funded, and would take pics from her private facebook when she was inactive to convince people it was “Liz”.
Looking at the pornhub and twitter accounts it all seems like him. He owns the “Liz Vicious” character under some weird deal, he had a similar one with Raven Riley but she was able to get out of it

>She most likely grew up without one. That's why she needs so much male attention now.
I’m fairly certain she mentioned growing up with both parents.
I think I read once about her commenting to her parents on some holiday dinner that she had just shot her first Anal scene.
She seemed sort of passive aggressive towards them.

how absolutely retarded do you have to be to get a damaged joker tattoo?

yeah lmao. she flew back to her home state and mailed her support lizard to herself instead of trying to bring it on the plane, and she was pretty broken up when she found out it died during shipping

odds are shes got a penis in her butt in that picture

>I wanked it to her entirely because she reminded me of Avril Lavigne.
Different Nose.
Different Chin.
Different Forehead.
Different hair color.

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this chick bridged the gap for fifteen year old me between fapping to consensual sex in the missionary position and watching a chick get railroaded by 15 guys before swallowing their jizz one by one

>the feet

not /ourgirl/
/pol/ can have her lmao


yo, word...she killed dat nigga

For me, it was Gauge.

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did she stuff it in a fucking cereal box or something lmfao

>those fucking feet

jesus, this girl is just an american nightmare

>how absolutely retarded do you have to be
We now we have the answer

different person

There's only one way to make leg tattoos look good.

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The smell is already there to be fair

confirmed for cursed image

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Aletta Ocean
You know...before the surguries

Perfect natural, les only. ALS and ITC are wankino

Why did you post a spider pic, OP?

lexi and riley
someone post the video of riley's song

Malena Morgan
Georgia Jones
Elena Koshka

I remember reading somewhere her dad said she ruined porn for him, kek.

a lot of the most popular pornstars are prettier than most of hollywood.

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they're photoshopped you fucking retard

i know this feel.
i killed my turtle in an RC car crash.

Marry Lynn

God tier fake tits. I always find it incredibly disappointing when a les only actress finally gives in and does hardcore, you know it's just because they're desperate for money.

>support lizard
what the fuck am I reading?

b/g? as in, big guy?

they actually aren't but nice try Hannah, nice to see you learned how to use a computer