Cast them

cast them.

Attached: vlc-record-2019-07-13-22h14m29s-LiveLeak-dot-com-se5g10gly2a31_1563044491.mp4.5d2a2ab371207.mp4-(1). (762x360, 2.29M)

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quick rundown?

woman was mouthing off to him, he pushes her. the rest is in the webm



why these fags can't keep their shoes on?

white knights

Idris Elba


he was in the wrong then

If I were to go bar hopping by myself tonight what are the chances I'll be picked on/beaten up?

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Under my administration everyone in this video will be tracked down and skinned alive. Including the passers-by.

Reminds me of this

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Incredibly based

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Discord tranny gets 0wned!

lad needs to work on his single leg
looks like he might have got the td at the end though

post more fight/death kino

>When chad sees a weeb

around virgins....never relax

I'm fucking sick of these threads being made and no sauce being given.
Give the fukken sauce or don't post at all.

Holy shit, she gets pushed and they severely beat the shit out of him? Fuck this world.

white knighting is a hell of a drug

What the fuck happened to just a square punch in the jaw, like real men.

Guy was in the wrong but its pathetic how all three of them jump in and beat the tar out of one guy.

This is why you invest in a tactical knife.
But of course you'd have to be prepared to pull it and use it. He should have anticipated the dudes attacking him and should have lunged back after pushing the girl.

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I'd punch these fags so hard their head spin 360

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male privilege

Did this guy just suplex a tranny

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you NEVER hit a woman

What's even going on here?

where? i used to go by myself all the time and never got shit from anyone. just don't hang around the really drunk people.

Only when no one else is around

why didn't the white shirt nigger liked their rap?

> holds onto his leg as he leaves

the fuck you doing chang

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he saw the loli pictures and thought he was a pedophile

those white knight faggots deserve to die. That woman isn't gonna let any one of them fuck her and she was the one talking shit to begin with. White knights should be executed in public.

holy FUCK

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because hes biggie and they were singing tupac

Now you've woken the dragon.

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why are white males so mediocre?

fucking DED

>he saw the loli pictures and knew he was a pedophile


god is there anything worse than teenage sheboons


You deserve it if you're dumb enough to assault a woman in front of her bf and friends. I mean, this shit is basic. Of course he man is going to jump you and his buddies will back him up.

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Why? So he would still get jumped but this time they have a knife to stab his ass with?

wow white people are cowards

That punch looks so satisfying.

the funny thing is, if white people weren't holding other white people back, white males would have annihilated the trash a long time ago. remember that

I don’t agree with that. Sometimes they need to be smacked around a little, just like your children.

>messing with a guy who's a head taller and 50 pounds heavier than you
Manlets, will they ever learn?

i love how these nigresses have been surrounded by weak white men their whole lives at school who are afraid of doing or saying anything wrong for fear of being called racist..

So they assume all white men are this way and fuck with the wrong one. Happens so often.


Most satisfying irl punch I've ever seen. Looks like a haymaker hollywood layout, except its real.

sadly yes. And since he had no close family, nobody filed any charges against his assaulters, so they went free


>[monkey noises]

he died from this btw

Damn Gabe Newell has a mean left hook

>physically assault woman
>her friends defend her
>stab them
>all this on camera
>go to jail for the rest of your life


I one how the one guy sees the big guy coming and marches off while still trying to look tough and just leaves his friend to get killed.

that girl was "11"

kek roastie btfo

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>American justice system

Is this the guy getting beaten up's home or some kind of weeb cafe?


fuck niggers

They jumped him because he assaulted a woman, not because one of their buddies was getting his ass kicked fair and square. Had to clear that up

Absolutely FUCKING BASED. Nothing says "fuck you bitch" like literally tossing someone.

>the wig

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3 guys going down on an attempted murder charge by the looks of it, I hope she was worth it, they'll be used as currency inside.

-Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
-In contact with aliens
-Possess psychic-like abilities
-Control france with an iron but fair fist
-Own castles & banks globally
-Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
-First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
-both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
-They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
-You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
-The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
-They learned fluent French in under a week
-Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
-The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings.

Are you retards seriously cheering for a 265lbs adult man hitting a little girl? Nigger or not, this is retarded. He's supposed to be the mature one in that situation.

str vs dex

>believing everything you read on the internet

what was going through his head at this very moment?

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Damn did Spooney get caught looking at dog porn again?

Watch the video again, he only gently pushes her and then freezes up as she hits the ground, obviously meaning he didnt mean for her to fall down like the dumb weak bitch she is, then he gets jumped by white nigger whiteknights

he did nothing wrong, bitch was talking shit

Don't be ridiculous. He physically assault the woman first.

have sex lmao


fuck niggers

Is all of America just a a big action movie?

watch the fucking video again, she fell down after the guy meant to push her away from himself, not slam her to the ground, she fell by herself after being gently pushed

>can't handle the bants
>respond with force
>cry when you get your shit pushed in

Typical incel mentality.

heem sleepy

Holy based then

around whites never relax

>then freezes up
That's where he was wrong, he showed his weakness and the betas jumped on him.

hah obviously you didnt go to an 'inner city' school

>Push a woman
>Get literally killed

This is why I don't give a fuck about every retard that gets shafted by the Duluth model and spends the rest of their miserably short lives eating literal shit.


>she fell by herself after being gently pushed
i think the guys are white knighting faggots but read this sentence again

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if you're on video stamping on a guys head you're doing time, doesn't matter how many women the guy shoved.

>t. thot enabling cumbrain
if you dont get white bitches under control, the muslims will

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>can't handle the force
Typical femcel mentaily

>walking away
>turn around and walk back to woman
>shove her
>I-I only meant to push her away

Fuck off, dude. If this was a nigger you'd all be cheering for the guys that beat his ass btw.

If you escalate a fistfight to a knife fight, you'll go to prison

ever pushed a girl? Its not like pushing a guy, they fall down easily because they are weak bitches who fake falling down to get sympathy

They would have never done this to a nigger.

So I guess all mutts are niggers after all

>guy comes in to try to stop the beating
>chad politely motions for him to leave, this is for weeb's own good
>it's the beating he needs, not the one he deserves

I want to see the porn adaptation of this where he lays each one of them flat one by one, then impregnates them accordingly.

Youre the shirtless guy. What do you do in this situation? Like after you wake up?

You talk shit you better be prepared to get hit. This is why you should go out with friends anyway.

Western dude staying at a hotel sneaked in a second person in his single bedroom so the staff said he had to pay for two people or something among those lines and the western guy just wanted to sneak off but it turned into this akward fight

Chad Thundercock to the rescue

Good point. Thank god someone recorded this or those faggots probably would never have faced any consequences.

>hurr you guys have a double standard for niggers
what a revelatory statement, any other blinding insight you'd like to share with us that we aren't all already aware of before you go drink some draino?

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Women are the soccer players of gender.

>can't handle the force
Neither could he, retard.

Pathetic. Incels are truly subhuman.

based degenerate

More like
>chad attempts to stop the beating
>pureasu chad-sama I will take this outside just don't interfere


based Polack


Long rundown?

Of course they wouldn't, like that balding white knight faggot that tackled the midget that was in the news.

Yes, your mother's a whore.

>Neither could he
He wasn't talking to them. Random niggers jumping in to beat you should never be a part of the equation.

Only works if he's anticipating their retaliation of course and lunges backwards like I said to create distance.
On camera it would show it was self defense.
What kind of bizarro world law is this?
You can defend yourself with a gun if being attacked but not with a knife?

I'd probably think twice the next time before going around being an obnoxious douche to strangers.

a nigger deserves any beating he/she gets for being a nigger

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Sucking dick so hard that you drain all the fluids away like a fucking Imhotep can technically count as annihilation.

>bike dude ready to throw

Because it's exactly this.
It's sad what a pathetic pack cunt lickers humanity is.

This doesn't apply when it's an adult and a bunch of literal children, retard. I bet the fat fuck got arrested for that.

they need to do this with a fat chick

>light push
>respond with attempted murder
Typical Femcel mentality

What happened to Domino's good luck powers?

*tink* *tink* *tink*


Damn, you don't want to fuck with Nick Rekieta

>When you accidently hit a friendly NPC and all the guards are high leveled

They were clearly her friends, retard. I know you don't have any, but friends protect and support each other.

>attack first
Lmao no.

kino thread

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