Why is he so unlikable?
Why is he so unlikable?
Because he's a black man
>I'm not american but let me tell you americans why you're wrong
I guess he's funny in South Africa but in the US he's a terrible hack. T
>black man
We say nigger here.
>Not funny
>Thinks he's funny
>Panders to liberals
>Tells America how stupid it is while not being American or introducing any ideas on how to fix the "issues" he shits on
he's a corporate democrat mong who pushes establishment bullshit. Complete opposite of Jon Stewart
He's just not funny. Out of all the correspondents to get their own shows to replace Stewart/Colbert, it's really weird that Comedy Central went with him and Wilmore, the least funny parts of The Daily Show. You can't even say it's because of diversity, because Cenac and Williams are both black and much funnier.
oof yikes that's a big mood sweaty *yeets*
He fought against zionism by being anti-apartheid
what have you done?
He’s jewish
He’s touring and still on tv so someone is watching
He took a while to grow on me because he’s not funny in the same way that Jon Stewart was funny, but I like him now, I think he does a good job and he’s funny. He definitely is a worse interviewer, and the interviews haven’t been as funny since he took over. But everything else is solid.
he's too smug and snively
jon stewart always felt like an everyman who was exasperated by the absurdity of american politics not a fart sniffer like this guy
he's not being funded to be "likable".
He's not jewish and is actually pretty anti-Israel.
malawi is one untrustworthy motherfucker
Wyatt Cenac’s problem areas is funny while also talking about really important shit. It’s a good show.
Is he jewish? I thought his dad was Afrikaner (Dutch Protestant) and his mom was Bantu
Smugness is only charming when you can see yourself on the person's side. Since theres a million points to take a side on every day in America its inevitable that you will eventually come across to the majority as a smug asshole eventually.
Malawi and Botswana were the only country to side with the South Africa/Rhodesia/Israel/Portugal axis in the 1970s. The alliance that Ghana's Nkrumah called the "axis of evil" (bush stole the term from him).
his shitty Trump impression every episode.
I think this is true to a point. Trevor seems to care more that his guests like him than Jon Stewart did.
He's not jewish
people on this board just tend to call anything they don't like jewish
He's a naturally smug looking person. Perhaps he's not got a smug personality, I'm not really sure, but he certainly looks it. He's forced, no one wanted him for the role, no one expected him, hundreds could do it better, but very few could do it cheaper. He's sterile, every element of his onscreen persona is injected into him by the producers and writing teams, and it's more obvious somehow than any other presenter in a similar role.
He's not obnoxious, but he's certainly bland. His posturing comes off as a guy trying his hardest to succeed and be likeable, but it comes off ultimately as artificial.
Nobody else wanted the job, understandably. You just can't replace Jon
He literally had a bar mitzvah
He hates America.
Black + smug condescending “Americans is so dum!” Foreign accent. Yet still not as insufferable as John Oliver And Current year Colbert
His face plus condescending attitude.
Because he looks like a smug overgrown baby.
Insufferablly smug woke faggots ranking from worst to least worst
>Maher (actually he’s pretty based for a lib)
the mods are gonna cry now
>Be from a country where racism against white people has damaging consequences that wind up destroying families and generations of work.
>talk about how orange man bad for keeping people out of a country and how white people bad for things their ancestors did.
>americans have literal foreigners on their MSM telling them how to vote
Funny innit
Silverman and Hassan Minaj belong in there somewhere too they still have some daily show knockoffs in Hulu or Neto think
his skin, his hair, his ideology, his accent, his smugness, he isnt funny, what else...oh yeah, his skin.
You sound like a false flag pretend racist. No one thinks he's unfunny just because he is brown.
>No one thinks he's unfunny just because he is brown
i never said that you stupid shit
Honestly I just don't enjoy anything anymore, I just hate him because I hate everything
Why are you giving credence to the idea that all criticism is racially motivated? You act like you want more of this not less. You know they'd do it more just to spite you
I’d put Kimmel over Noah and Myers but they’re all so awful it’s hard to justify why
the question was why he is so unlikable. the fact that he is blak makes everything else worse, because reminds me that the only reason he is there is for minority points. a white guy like with his personality would not be on that show.
Because hes a quadroon? People are naturally repulsed by that.
>Trevor Noah was born on 20 February 1984 in Johannesburg, South Africa.[11][12] His father Robert is of Swiss German ancestry, and his mother, Patricia Nombuyiselo Noah, is of Xhosa ancestry. She converted to Judaism when he was 10 or 11 years old
Bee is even worse than Colbert's insane insecurity + egotism. Disgusting drunk wine mom lecture routine. Huge hypocrite too and argued against integrating her rich white school.
How did they explain away that one?
They just ignored it as leftists always do when shown their hypocrisy
feels like he's laughing at you rather than with you.
instead of it being like "haha we're fucked aren't we?" it's "haha you guys are fucked."
Thought as much, personally having such a big rift in what I present to the world and how I actually am would cause me a lot of discomfort to say the least.
and he doesn't do funny black man things either so what's the point
>argued against integrating her rich white school.
nothing wrong with that. the problem is she wants everyone else to integrate. is she jewish?
there is nothing more annoying than a black man acting smart. not to say that there arent smart black men, there are, such as thomas sowell. but when your average ghetto black man decides to put on a suit and pontificate...it's so cringe.
Are late night hosts are shit now. They all turned into preaxhy scolds and literally don’t even tell jokes anymore yet call themselves comedians. What the fuck happened to comedy? Memba laughter u guys????
Dude, you're a faggot.
>Is she Jewish?
Are these people ever not?
Really inoffensive and corporate but still only attacks easy targets.
Like Maher is a bigger asshole, but at least you can tell he actually believes the shit he says and doesn't care about his "image". That can't be said for Noah.