Anyone else unable to sit through movies anymore due to dopamine exhaustion from years of instant gratification on the...

Anyone else unable to sit through movies anymore due to dopamine exhaustion from years of instant gratification on the internet? If the movie doesn't get straight to the point I'm bored after just a few seconds. I can't stand long, drawn out intros. I'm bored to tears with lingering cinematic shots that don't move the plot along. Endless exposition and character building makes my eyes glaze over. Most movies could be condensed into 15 minute mini-movies and still make sense, and but a lot easier to concentrate on.

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No not really

Yeah, I can admit that my attention span has deteriorated, especially in the case of watching films, but that has much to due with my choice of films. If I find a film which is WOiRTH paying attention to then you'll find me sitting paying attention, but if I find the film uninteresting with DUE reason (as in, I sense and see that the film simply isn't worth more than half-an-eye, then I won't give it more).

That's funny. Action movies and bombs and violence and shit bore me to tears. I'll take a slow burning character building exposition film over instant gratification films any day

Youre not 18, a prerequisite of posting here.

This, this and this.

No, because I didn't pass my formative years getting mindraped by youtube and phone apps.

You're not alone, and you have to fight these urges of becoming bored after only a few seconds. We have become utterly spoiled by all the oversaturation of constant information. I see my friend browsing the internet on one monitor, listening to a show that is playing on the next monitor, and playing a video game on the third and it's just such a clusterfuck I have no idea how he deals with it all. I put my phone in another room while watching a movie and am constantly tempted to look at it during the film. Shit is fucked and I don't think we were supposed to live this way. People need a few minutes a day to just sit and ruminate and BE bored so you actually do some introspection and thinking.

Boredom in small doses is good, it motivates you to think about changing or bettering yourself. We don't even give ourselves a moment on the shitter nowadays without browsing the web.

Action scenes are the one thing I almost always skip. When the action sequence comes I usually tab out or just skim through it.

This, I had to watch an episode of Venture Bros just in between reading each sentence of your post.
It's this fear of boredom which drives this unending need of escaping the reality of our lives. In boredom we're faced the true state of ourselves and media, in whatever form we choose to indulge with, help to distract us from that perceived pain.
It's silly.


Its the dialog that keeps things going.

Skip romance scenes all the time though

not really I get drunk and high while watching movies
also sometimes pause the movie and watch porn to get the juices moving.

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99% sure I have some sort of ADHD but I have the solution. The main issue is because most movies fucking suck. Just watch good movies. You'll know pretty quickly if one has heart to it.
>long ass 30 minute exposition intro
>hey lets use 2-3 minute long establishing shots because good directors use it
>bullshit romance scene that adds nothing

If I can read a movie's synopsis and see that there's a bullshit romance subplot, I automatically deem it to be bullshit.

That's why I'm unironically in a cabin in the woods atm, all by myself, with no tv and nothing but my phone and a limited data plan that's running out as we speak.
Decided to get off the grid for a while so I can snap back to reality.
Labour intensive work helps a lot too. Just don't touch any instant gratification for like a week. You'll quickly start to appreciate the simple things again.

Am i the only one in here who never gets an urge to randomly check the phone at all?
If i'm not really hooked into the story of a movie, most of the time i just zone out thinking about something random while looking at the screen. I never got bored watching anything slow-paced.

I'm also unable to eat unless I am watching something, so I'm trapped into seeing shitty shows and Youtube videos for meals, and never actually viewing movies.

There are films that I feel are offensively boring and I will either doze off or turn them off. However there are also slow paced movies that resonate with me just in the right way, so that I become totally enthralled by them. Two lane blacktop for example could be considered a boring movie but I really enjoy it. Also Florida project and that guy's first movie. Although I couldn't care less about the topics of the movies, they are fun to watch (for me)

No, but I pause movies and pace around my room more frequently nowadays. Didn't do it very often in the past.

I'm genuinely glad you've chosen to do what you do, now..
for your own sake. Don't browse, don't even a little. Leave ALL this shit be.

Larp more

I used to think that I lost the ability to enjoy things, but then shows like The Orville come along and I instantly get into and focus for the full 45 mins per episode. And I realize it wasn't me that changed, but the world around me.

Nope, if it's engaging I can watch it the whole way through with no interruptions, the only time I'd check my phone while watching something is if its just some comedy show or something

I have to, but it's hard. I'll try. Good luck to you asswipes as well. We're in this together. Bye now.
Not even. I had to do something to break the monotony. Moved to a new city with very little contacts and a very boring monotonous job. Couple that with years of instant gratification/possible ADHD and yeah. So yeah.


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Same, unless it's a romance movie they add nothing to the movie

this shit is real.