Now that GoT has finished, What are the cast doing?

Now that GoT has finished, What are the cast doing?

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Sucking and fucking.

browsing Yea Forums for shit opinions on their shitty show.

Planning their next 20 years of convention's that will have them made for life

Well Maisie's in The New Mutants, which is certainly playing to her strengths.

play as Gwen Stacy in the MCU

>20 years of "excuse me but 15 minutes into episode 4 of season seven your character definitely looked like they were going to say...'
Jesus Christ how horrifying

>Oi, where's me pie and mash?
>but it's 7 in the morning Maisie
>I don't fakkin care, get me pie and mash, and a six pack of beer

Not wondering what you are doing.

Pooping and peeing.

Star Trek: Game Of Thrones


having sex

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Aside from a select few, retiring from show business.

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Seeding and feeding

We don't really do six packs here. Shitty beer often comes in fours of 500ml cans though.

>not an animated gif
my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

Can't wait Emilia to accept the role of my wife

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Inb4 prune

Of these two, which will have a career by this time next year?

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Sophie died with Xmen, Emilia can have a future in romcoms and dramas

Or sharing love, in the case of these both ones.

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Good call, she's definitely meant for the romcom space

Stealth thread?

search the catalogue

suffering from aphasia appearantly

Kino. I bet the relationship is in shambles now though, considering they are plummeting from the peeks of their careers.

Sophie and Maisie are drinking themselves to an early grave in traditional British fashion.

you know she used to give out free handjobs on set to lonely nerds right? do you really want sloppy seconds x 1000?

Rose hasn't had a career since Ygritte died. And Kit went to rehab for what, two weeks? Plus, he's still hung up on Emilia.Yeah, their marriage isn't going to last.

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He had sex with some instagram model and she leaked all the pics.

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>six pack of beer
Found the yank imposter

I require more information

A hero among us 5'8 (formerly 5'6) manlets

You were one of them?

I always wondered why her hands looked so rough.

the man seems drunk almost to death and perhaps even stoned.

You can probably live fine as an alcoholic entertainer as long as you don’t have a 9-5 job to worry about.
He’ll probably just be a cyclical binge drinker who has to dry out every eighteen months or so.
I’d rather dry out in a rehab center with doctors weaning me with xanax than sweating in bed with the shakes and my mind coming apart.

Is he out of rehab yet?

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he got out after 2 weeks

>those teeth

Goddamn, don't you Bongs have toothpaste in the UK?

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emilia and and sophie's careers are in shambles because everything they've been in has failed

>Rose, my wife, you sit way over there.
>Emilia, you sit next to me.

This guy is broken beyond repair.

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Oh ok. Well I wish him luck. He's going to need it.

haha such are the perils of engaging in fornication

Who says anyone was trying to impersonate one of your wretched race, anglofaggot?

Rose is supporting Brexit

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Emilia has a good track record, the one movie that flopped she was a minor character in and that was doomed anyway

As if yours look any better, you fat incel.

He chose poorly
Emilia had success in Me Before You, Voice From The Stone, Spike Island and arguably Terminator and Solo

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Found the Bong with shitty teeth

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Oh no, the fat incel’s been rooted out of his piss-smelling lair and responding aggressively, whadda I doooo?

>Me Before You made 11x its budget, but it's still a flop because she's the lead.

This is what Yea Forums thinks.

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Isn’t she literal royalty, on top of being a gorgeous redhead?

You know teeth aren’t supposed to be pearly white. Veneers are unnatural

Maybe she sees it as the start of a road that leads to Scottish sovereignty

King ud duh Norf

>Emilia makes movie about a guy killing himself
>Yea Forums loves it because its their 2 favorite topics, Emilia and suicide.

Well we know Sophie Turner is box office poison thanks to Dark Phoenix so the best she'll get is shitty TV and b-list movie deals

It’s really bad luck for her that film was botched so bad. I’m just assuming she took the role under the assumption any comic book movie is big money and big exposure without distinguishing between Marvel and trash.
If her first post-GoT movie was a success she could have been a consistent A-Lister for years and years.
Of course, I’m going on the assumption that like 8/10 successful film leads aren’t really difficult to play and that she can try to not look like Queen of the Slags on camera.

Nell Tiger Free did that Too Old To Die Young Show
Maisie is still waiting for New Mutants to come out
Sophie's career is probably dead after Dark Phoenix
Kerry Ingram is on Free Reign (it's on Netflix I haven't watched it)
Aimee Richardson is living in London doing who knows what
Rose Leslie was on that CBS lawyer show

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Tell that to her.

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>am nipping down to poundland
>ya want anything
>na, just pick us up a steakbake from greggs om the way back
>awright, terrraw

Reminder that sophie got married to some faggot from the jonas brothers in las vegas

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I think they got married twice to milk the publicity of two ceremonies

They will get divorced in year or so

they're not even that bad, mine are like 3x times more yellow

Best thing about Sophie's marriage is Emilia's response when asked why she didn't attend: "I'm not a Stark!"


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Yep, she's far to young to be getting married yet

Why is New Mutants taking so long anyway? I'd swear I saw a trailer for it last year.

Incredibly based

No one ever accused her of being intelligent.

Natural Beauty

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confirmed retard tattoo

Is /got/ dead for good this time? Good

>you will never be a big shot movie star and order emilia to come to your trailer in danny clothes and humiliate her before kicking her out and laughing at her failure

Maisie needs her own movie

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she's had a few already

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He's gay, Sophie is just his beard. Its a very common thing in Hollywood, hiding your cocksucking in order to keep your career alive because your fans are mainly teen girls who fantasize one day about having hetero sex with you.

Damn, she just couldn't resist getting retarded tattoos.

Maisie is hideous. She's a manchester 6 at best.

>she's had a few already
I mean a RomCom.

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joke on you, I have a cuck fetish

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Emilia is one bout of high blood pressure away from a fatal stroke. Rose will give him some fine looking children, and being the son of a baronet himself, their kid(s) will probably go to some of the best schools in the world.
He just has to avoid drinking himself to death first.

>be 23
>look 40
Fucking bong genetics, how do they work?

Imagine trying to get away from your GoT identity as Lord of ______ and blundering into a baronetcy

She was also Jean Grey in Age of Apocalypse, which didn't exactly set the box office on fire. She had to have known that series was in trouble.

Junk food

Gotta inject some pajeet genes to balance it out.

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It’s weird that theres like a physique associated with cute romcom roles that like Alison Brie and Emilia have that disqualifies her

i wanna sniff sams thick thighs

Yeah but Emilia is literally a CIA psy op CGI so it doesn't count

>Look it up
>It's real

Based conspiracy poster

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She's too anorexic too have children.And her family is poor their castle is gone because daddy doesn't pay taxes

>tfw "10 Mile Smile" was actually written about her.

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He's so TINY

>Maybe she sees it as the start of a road that leads to Scottish sovereignty
Scots wanna stay in the EU. They learned absolutely nothing from Braveheart.

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it's the fucking alcohols Tone, I swear, should've never drank that night.

so cute

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She needs BOTOX before those eyebrows fly off her head and go into orbit around earth.

I can smell it

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Happy Birthday what? Fellow? Pillow? Follow?


Based and redpilled jock

I don't see it.


Man I've never been the type of person to report shit but until gookmoot spends less time worrying retards spoiling capeshit and starts worrying about this endless, brainless spam, what can you do.

Reporting sneed posts just gets the whole thread banned because everything on this board is off topic

I bet they don't know what to do with it, especially given the Disney/Fox merger. It's probably different enough that it doesn't fit well into the MCU, and they're probably questioning how to sell it to the Blank Panther and Captain Marvel crowd.


sophie = young brit girl
young brit girl = steady diet of coke + mandy + alcohol

So how is GRRM even going to make Jon a non bastard?

>Muh annulment
Literally impossible when we have rules set up that this can noly happen:
>if the king approves explicitely
Which Ayrs, thinking Rhaegar was going to overthrow him, wasn't going to do (that's probably why he hid in Dorne with Lyanna, because he was going to kill him). He chose Elia as his wife to cuck any of the Westeros families to try to set up Rhaegar in the throne.
>aside of the king, he needs the High Septon approval
And this guy was working for the Lannisters and the king both, so he wouldn't approve any shit to marry him with Lyanna.

Unless the marriage was coerced by the parties and there was no consummation, without those approvals, it stands.

>muh can take another wife!
Impossible unless he has dragons. Maeglor and others set the precedent that the Targs can only marry twice if they have dragons, otherwise they don't.

I don't see any reason why he would legally marry Lyanna either, I mean he could have easily trick her into believing an illegal wedding stood to fuck her. He was convinced his son with Elia was the Prince who was Promised, and he was just making another sister-wife for him most likely, but Aegon's line will continue through his older sister, as it did with Rhaenys, historically.

Unless of course Jon being the heir of the throne is bullshit and the show just stole Griff's storyline for Dany's paranoia, and his blood would only play a role because he'll be a dragon rider.

Maisie is probably going dogging on the reg.

George literally can't without breaking the rules of his own world. Then again he'll break those rules to make Bran king and has broken dismissed realism before to advance the plot, lol I just so happened to survive Winterfell burning and followed Bran and Rickon and saw Rickon go to Skagos, so he might not care.

Targaryens don't even seem to matter. Dany is just a plot device so the Starks have someone else do the dirty work of killing untold number of innocents and conscripted peasants to take down the Crown. fAegon is just there to drive Dany crazy. Jon's only a Targaryen so George can subvert expectations by making it not matter especially since Jon won't care in the end.

>arguably Terminator and Solo
What do you want to argue here?
HOW hard they flopped?

No she´s NOT, he´s just a complete asshat.
Plain as day.

Terminator is the most profitable Terminator ever or since 2 i don't remember
Solo wasn't her fault

She was the most interesting character in Solo. Funny that she outshone the film's namesake. And it still made more than its budget, a small miracle considering it was virtually filmed twice.

Terminator Genisys made nearly triple its budget.

But yes, they're still flops because you hate Emilia.