100% pure flying kino

100% pure flying kino

Attached: 829FFBC2-F890-4881-86C1-D67FC30773B8.jpg (1013x1500, 1.77M)

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Its Blow, but without the degeneracy. Which is also Wolf on Wall Street without the degeneracy.

But it has planes, which are awesome.

Don't know how I never heard of this film, it sounds neat. Is it more of an action movie or drama?

Cruise Action

Helicopters > Tiltrotor > Airships > glider > airplane >>>>>>>>>> hot air balloon

Fight me

Neat, I'll probably rent it tonight or maybe rewatch Hunt for Red October

more of a period piece if anything
there isn't a lot of action, just a lot of cruise piloting a plane

What are some chopper kinos?

I'm trying to find that 80's film with jets where the guy gets in it and starts it like a car. Does that film even exist?

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg (645x793, 41K)

It’s awesome.

Comanche versus Hokum.

Tom Cruise loves to fly.

Attached: mission impossible 6-3.webm (1138x600, 2.84M)

Once I hear that a movie has something to do with drugs, I'm automatically turned off.

One of Tom's best and literally an Awesome film! 100% kino!

Are you 12?

Blue Thunder? Lots of 80's flight movies, bruh.

Jets win again

Can't bruise the Cruise

blue thunder

Need more plane kino
Rewatched Air America recently and Con Air for the don't know how many times

Attached: Air.America.1990.720p.x264.mkv_snapshot_01.46.34_[2018.01.06_22.18.28].jpg (1280x546, 107K)