Dobson once again BTFO Yea Forums

can we finally ban Alita Battle Angel posters?

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Other urls found in this thread: 1431904354830/image/kI1m8n2jpFmSFwTF4u6nEQ/

>alt righters love it
Faggot, I joined their alit discord (to later spam gore on tbose fags) and they are anti-racist tranny loving, sugar coating faggots. They report you on their threads for any racial slurs. They're fucking gay as fuck.

Alita poster admits they would organize a raid on Yea Forums if their general is removed
Alita poster admits they have a janitor who has told them he is a janitor
Mod/janitor from the discussion in the linked threads above leaves up discord advertising while multiple users admit they have reported it.
Thread full of wiped posts while the discord advertising link stays up
Discord posters admit they plan on organizing raid threads
Same mod/janitor leaves up discord link while post exposing them not even a minute after is deleted

Also he hasn't been fired which means its time for more Yea Forums and /pol/ levels of mod/janitor bullying

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>fucking gay
You don't have to hide your sexual feelings like that friend, you can be open we're all anonymous here.


You know who like breathing oxygen? Hitler.
You don't want to be like Hitler, do you?

>they are anti-racist tranny loving, sugar coating faggots.
I've noticed this too. A lot of alt-right are very pro homosexual pro tranny and HATE white women. It's really weird.

There is no such thing as alt right.

They ban you for fucking saying "nigger" they're not alt right you Jew. They seethe at any jew or nigger memes. FUCK YOU AND YOU MOTHER

>People I hate like this so I must hate it too even though it's completely innocuous

It's no use trying to get on the right side of history Tom, history is going to remember you as an inflation fetishist who larped as a fedora wearing teddy bear.

>being this assblasted about some faggots on discord

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I don't fucking care about politics, Captain Marvel and Alita are great, fuck you stupid cuck

You have to admit though the alt-right and homosexuality heavily overlap 1431904354830/image/kI1m8n2jpFmSFwTF4u6nEQ/

Lucifer will burn you eternally in the North Star

Shut up kike

>Nazis are also weebs

Alita poster admits they would organize a raid on Yea Forums if their general is removed
Alita poster admits they have a janitor who has told them he is a janitor
Mod/janitor from the discussion in the linked threads above leaves up discord advertising while multiple users admit they have reported it.
Thread full of wiped posts while the discord advertising link stays up
Discord posters admit they plan on organizing raid threads
Same mod/janitor leaves up discord link while post exposing them not even a minute after is deleted

Also he hasn't been fired which means its time for more Yea Forums and /pol/ levels of mod/janitor bullying.

imagine not wanting to protect that :(

Attached: alita554.jpg (1920x1080, 155K)

>faggot furry
>thinks anyone gives a fuck about his opinion
People like this should be stomped to death in the street


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>placing yourself under a media created label used to discredit alternative ideals and keep the established right in place
good goy


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she has no flaws, no weakness. Superman has flaws and weakness, I'm replying even though i know this is bait on the slim chance that this is actually dobson

Threadly reminder of how much of a failure Dobson is

Attached: Who Dobson Wishes He Was.png (2172x768, 1.05M)

>Man of Steel
>Superman loses his dad, fights people just as powerful as himself, has to break his moral code
>gets his ass handed to him by Batman, nearly loses his mother and then fucking dies
>only in the last half of the movie as the ace in the hole

>her flaw of being emotional is actually her strength, enemies pose no threat, only people who dislike her just hate women

Dobson is an idiot.

>being so completely assblasted you have to look up file names on fireden
You're not helping yourself you lolcow

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The thing is that she's far from overpowered and still manages to boring.

why aren't you a Yea Forums local?

Because I don't post the same image over and over?

>Alita hater admits to being a sneedposter
So they're based then
>Admit to entering discord
Yeah we all followed you faggots and harassed you like crazy. You faggots whined about it but I guess now suddenly you act different.
You can't even make these without sounding so fucking gay. And no one wants something that long, the one outing alitaposters is shorter and easier to see, faggot. Kill yourself and kill your whore mother

>break neck speed reply now
why are Yea Forums parasites so ashamed of their home?

Yes we should
Avatar IS just dances with wolves in space you tranny faggot

>what is auto refresh

Actually I don't sneed post at all or even use discord. You can ask your little janny friend who I am as they know and they even know they cant stop me :^)

Oh it's shit fighting piss again, fascinating

Saw it yesterday. What a confused pile of shit.

Hey I'm a sneedposter but i like Alita


Ok but how was the movie

This is by far the faggiest ‘topic’ I have seen on Yea Forums in some time.

You should fit right in then.

it sucked (and fucked)

But she had a flaw - she's cocky. They just have not explored that yet

I wonder if people like Dobson and the writer of that article will ever look back and realize that they promulgated a modern day satanic panic.

Don't they play that off as a strength?

very embarrassing. Why do discord trannies love this movie so much?

Dobbo thinks everything is fascist.

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yes, it's a 100%. If you identitfy yourself as alt right you are gay

The manga is... better... Seriously it feel way over simplified.
>"I don't remember who I am"
>"Oh yeah, I'm from Mars and I must kill Destiny Nova"



Attached: dobsons shitty taste.png (798x1817, 2.17M)

>doesn't understand math

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Dobson thinks that writing Mario fanfic is an endorsement for monarchy systems and makes you an enemy of democracy. The guy have his head so far up his ass he is almost making the full turn and regurgitating itself.

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sup Ido

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Is his name Preston or Dobson? The fuck is the deal with that? Or is one of those the name of that fucking midget bear character of his.

No shit. These are the same people who shilled that "arthouse" discord some months ago. People join thinking there will be good discussions or bantz and eventually they realize they're talking to 30 year old balding bottoms from Europe that want a "daddy" to fuck them.

whoa whoa whoa dobson, no need to blow this out of proportion. Jeez, this dude is full of hot air...

The guy also thinks Calvin from "Calvin&Hobbes" is some kinda "right-wing troll". For fucks sake, the guy's supposed to be a cartoonist himself yet he can't appreciate a classic like C&H without injecting his shitty opinions into it. No wonder none of his comics are funny.
His real name is Tom Preston but he uses Andrew Dobson as an alias for some reason.

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>go to discord
>thinks there will be any community that won't slowly fade to tranny worshiping faggots who ban you for any bantz
That's where you were wrong. Discord is the place you go to get nudes from twinks with your name written on their tummies, not the place where you can discuss anything.

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This thread is gibberish. Why aren’t I studying for the MACTs right now?

oh no

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Same reason I'm not writing my dissertation right now. Yea Forums is too addicting, I can't leave.

Why do I do it to myself

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Some days I just spend hours posting Sneed instead of working.

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Also known under the alias of CattyN

I'm on the same boat as you
>supposed to have written my thesis ages ago
>all I've been doing for the last 6 months is get drunk and shitpost on Yea Forums

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But enough about your personal life. How was the movie?

h-have any pics?

ahah totally not me ;_;

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>directed by a Mexican
>starring a Peruvian woman
>diverse cast all around
>anti-capitalist themes


They are all thirsty for attention, you can make then give you pics with 20 minutes of sex talk.

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>chuckles every 30 minutes

I occasionally crossdress give me some discord account and Ill add you

You had my attention at battle

Attached: g3eeg.jpg (1024x1453, 219K)

I already have enough e-"girl"friends on discord, If I have more it will be hard to manage. user, you are offering water to people that live in islands, In discord is the bottoms that need to compete for attention.

Post me some crossdressing pic with "Yea Forums arthoe" written on your tummy, and I will add you.

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Why are internet comic artists so cringey? It doesnt matter their position. Stone Toss and Shadman are just as cringey as Dobson and Alt

lol keep trying
good luck finding an actual screenshot from the discord and not just using a random photo

why does every meaningless popcorn movie need to be made political now? what the fuck is wrong with everyone

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Stonetoss is very cringy, but Shadman has his moments.

Shadman is at least self-aware to a degree.

>Why do discord trannies
Do you even know what Discord is?

That's nothing, his previous online persona was a lesbian teenage girl with a fetish for inflation cartoon porn

Attached: aero's harem.png (2484x2072, 1.59M)

Shadman isn't trying to make a statement or promote a message, he's just edgy for the sake of being edgy

Where did this site-wide 'tranny' obsession come from anyway?

It gives a sense of purpose and reason for existing for people that otherwise lead boring meaningless lives where all they do is slave away for someone else, and whose sole purpose for ever existing was because two people fucked each other one too many times.

>he doesn't know

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It used to be autists but as it turns out, autistic men are now dressing up like women for attention.

>Jeremy Brett
This faggot. Everyone says he's the best Sherlock except for maybe his idiot fans.

The "everything is fascism" and/or everything is a right wing "dogwhistle" narrative is tiresome and essentially the lefts version of "reds under the bed".
That's not the reason to ban them, this is though. Go to their discord and see if you're curious. Definition of Yea Forums tourists.
It's artificial inflation of interest in a very mediocre movie from a group that organises from outside.

The art of the nigga on the rigth looks soulless af.

So we´re supposed to take all this obvious neo-bolshevik social engineering in obedient silence and even say "thank you master", "yes my supreme feminist mistress, this cis gendered white male is happy to eat your commie shit"?

Is THAT what irks you, Mr. "everyone"?

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I remember Jack Posobiec trying to make Alita the right wing 'answer' to Captain Marvel but somebody found a tweet of him saying it sucked and he just looked like a retard. Outside of that I didn't know it became a thing in right-leaning circles.

>formatting your post like some redditor
No one actually cares. This is what Yea Forums does, circlejerk things until it annoys the rest of Yea Forums.

gained a bit of weight pls dont bully

If it were an "alt-right" thing then /pol/ would be fan girling over it. Protip: they don't.

just dont watch the movies and dont give them money. complaining that every single movie and tv show is communist brainwashing is just obnoxious. go read some books, stop pretending star wars matters so fucking much

she's asian and female, what do you expect

Why do trannies insist on being out of shape?

Yes, it was shit and alitafags need to stop shilling their garbage movie.

That’s not what larp means

But this is actually based. I bet you are butthurt about the sneedget

Agreed. There's a lot of chronic sameface going on. It takes real discipline and talent to draw different kinds of characters with different kinds of faces and general aesthetic feel.

Dobson's a massive faggot, always has been.

because they are all mentally ill faggots

Holy shit, Disney moms are going in hard on Alita, lel. This is absolutely some Twilight Zone shit.

>dont watch the movies .. go read some books
You know you´re on fucking Yea Forums, right?

>dont give them money.
well doh..

>complaining that every single movie and tv show is communist brainwashing is just obnoxious.
Wonder if you´d be so nonchalant if every movie had Hitler and fascism painted in most beautiful tones.
Of course not, (((you´ve))) been found out.

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This is a very dishonest picture, Dobson now has less than half of the patrons and Sakimi now has more than twice the amount in the picture.

>Your going to watch my movie, user?

Attached: Alita.Battle.Angel.2019.4K.HDR.2160p.mkv_20190713_155445.203.jpg (3778x1608, 401K)

I'm holding my breathe right now, user.

>I'm NOT one



no, fuck you

This is as asinine as assuming all of reddit or Yea Forums is filled with fur and ponyfags

I'm not a tranny, I'm a dollar store trap
Beside, I started crossdressing "for fun" because I used to have a skinny body, I don't have a shitty body because I dress up in girly clothes

>"i wont stand for this marxist brainwashing, ill never give in, blah blah"
Shut the fuck up you trite boring prick, you're not some oppressed fucking political rebel when there are a fuckton of tabloids, news channels, internet outlets, parties and elected heads of state that cater to your delusional, paranoid idiocy. Eat shit.

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a fat manlet who cant even drink. pathetic

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1/10 awful

This guy is fucked in the head

who is this pedobear faggot and why do we care?
most of us don't use twitter


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newfag, this is no zoomer celebrity we're talking about


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I support fighting robots especially CUTE ones

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>and elected heads of state
cannot wait watching you commie scum chimp out a 2nd time..

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Because white women refuse to sleep with them


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nuke this board please

the torrent is out

>Dobson hates Alita
Well you know its going to be a good movie at that point.

remembering the mission..

Attached: waltznod2.gif (245x150, 497K)

Yep! In all its 4k glory.

Attached: Alita.Battle.Angel.2019.4K.HDR.2160p.mkv_20190713_154706.718.jpg (3778x1608, 539K)

It's only facebook because hes still banned from twitter

will never understand what's about this naive, fun, sincere, action movie that makes people HATE it

Blobson makes CWC look like a Chad.

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hahaha why, what happened

>not 2160
at that point isn't objectively better watching the 1080p with IMAX ratio?

Sakimichan makes really good stuff tbf

CWC became cool when people realised how stolidly he's braved the digital trial by fire that is the internet.

Maybe... but the 4k rip looks better than a 1080p rip even on a 1080p monitor, due to the increased bit rate and having more pixels to work with.

But, yeah but the IMAX ratio is also bretty cool.

Attached: Alita.Battle.Angel.2019.4K.HDR.2160p.mkv_20190713_091515.631.jpg (3778x1608, 567K)

People actually give money to this faggot?

if you don't care about HDR

What has Stonetoss done?

>IMAX ratio
Confusing the crap out of me, which one do I have to get now for that?
Is it only on the 4k?

this guy is worse than chrischan

Attached: (500x2382, 904K)

>son of Dob

Is there a bigger faggot?

Attached: dobson.png (317x750, 469K)

a borderline retarded neet that thinks hes a woman is in no way a chad, regardless of who you compare him to

You simply can't convince me he is a real person.

To be frank I'm not even sure where the pirates are getting the IMAX ratio rips, as all the 4k and digital's ones I own and have seen have only been 21:9~.

He's cringy af but still, he was an internet-wide joke and he stood strong. Can't help but give props to that, especially next to fucking aDobbbz.

Stonetoss can be funny when his comic strips aren't all political, but 99% of his content is just shameless propaganda.

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Fucking this

I dont consider anything about chris chan to be "standing strong". hes going to be homeless as soon as his mom dies

>Yea Forums is so addictive
No shit

>lyingpress clickbait proves the reality of phenomenon
That would be news to that one Israeli who was doing all the synagogue phone threats.

I finally watched this and wow... I hated it. It was a slog to get through. Rosa Salazar is a horrible actress, in fact all the actors sucked aside from Christoph Waltz, he was good at least. The action scenes lacked oomph and the plot and pacing seemed all over the place. Also holy shit the romance was dreadful, Alita's lover had the worst acting I've seen in years. It's probably the worst movie I've seen this year. Fucking yikes, I will never understand the praise it has received

Clown world.

even his political ones are funny, you're just a reddit fag.


Alita is a movie or TV show and is therefore perfectly appropriate to discuss on a movie or TV show discussion forum.

hes right wing so all the whiny internet commies and leftists hate him

>edgy for the sake of being edgy
That's pretty redundant, edgyness by nature doesn't have any substance

>everyone who doesnt care for alt right preaching is reddit
run along back to /pol/ now

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Based Alita poster

Based samefag.

It's not that I'm offended or even disagree with a lot of his points, it's just that he lays it on too thick. It lacks subtlety, making it feel like I'm being preached at when I read a typical comic strip drawn by him.

I'd really like to ask these people what they think "alt right" actually means.
i have a feeling they have no idea, and they wouldn't be able to tell me the difference between regular right and alt right.

Once I get my blu ray, sure!

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nice bait

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>came here when I was 16
>i'm 32

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Hi Jerome

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>muh alt right

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Are you incapable of laughter?

Don't tell me you didn't join the Cult of Alita yet.

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Since it's a Dobson thread and people are talking about Stonetoss I might as well post this.

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terrified of /pol/ posters really shouldn't be telling anyone to go back anywhere.

Might also ask what "Nazi" means.
The true synonym: "witch." The accusation is the proof and no accuser can be wrong, even if the target is Jewish or a leftist.k

>el boliviANO

ah shit, you've got me, I'm super scared you might spout another retarded false dichotomy

you post that every thread. maybe you're the one who is seething

Let's face it, they're political cartoons in comic strip form. I've never liked political cartoons except for satirical ones like the stuff drawn by Kelly.

From what I understand
Far right = alt right + alt lite
Alt right = ethnats
Alt lite = civnats
Regular right = everyone else

Feet are the patrician's fetish, Stonetoss just a massive giga faggot.

Jesus, so true..


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>Jeremy Brett
I now have something in common with this cuck

I'm a Nazi and I LOVED Alita. Neither of these makes me a bad person.

fuckin' homo

Ugh, fuck that first panel. I don't like sports at all but every person who sneers at those who do are always colossal asshats.

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sounds based

It looked good but in general it was pretty bad tbhq

There was too much going on for me to care about, the enitr rollerball thing was not needed. I guess its a cyberpunk situation but there is sitll no reason why everyone would live in a city like that.

THe war was 300 years ago, people would have already spread out across much of the planet in that time.

Sakimi's earlier drawings have more character than the current sexy emotioneless dolls.

I'm /pol/ and I watched this movie 2 days ago. I don't see the alt-right connection.

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no U

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They're always fat fucks or twigs too. It's maximum cope from people who are physically weak and not okay with it at all even though they pretend they are. It's why they make comics like this.

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I've watched your movie three times since it became available on digital. I love it.

These people think that the "okay" is some kind of secret racist code. They're so dumb they lost a rigged election.

>Anti-jimbo fag calling anyone a tranny

Attached: apua.png (536x522, 65K)

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>Thanks, user!

Attached: Alita.Battle.Angel.2019.4K.HDR.2160p.mkv_20190713_154209.177.jpg (3778x1608, 531K)

What happened? What I miss'd?

out the woodwork (you) crawl

Lots of backstory there fellow polack.

First Cameron pissed the jews of by telling them to stuff their "we made tha stronk female" meme where the gas doesn´t smell.
(see Avatar, Termnators, Aliens flics)
The tranny at Disney responsible for hyping Cpt. Marvelous Fungus hated that.

The hate speech got primed directly at Cameron´s lovechild flic, Alita.
It was relentless and lots of Critic whores joined, it still continues till today.

Didn´t help ONE bit that Alita was actually ground breaking CGI and portrayed the female heroine´s FEMALE virtues as positive.

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>"muh rigged election" dipshits calling anyone else dumb

>Surprised Hispanics are left leaning

what an alt right is suppose to be?

>main character is a kickass female
>city couldn't be more diverse in terms of race/cultures
>most of the villains are white dudes
I did a quick mental recap of the movie. So it's basically all made up and there's nothing right-wing in the movie? Gotcha.

being nationalist makes sense in the first world, cause your country is winning the game, but supporting the right on a 3rd world shithole is pure retardness

It looks something like this.

Attached: 06.jpg (1094x1642, 337K)

pls respond

It´s actually exactly the manga storyline.

Also the floating city literally shitting on what´s left of humanity is named SALEM.
Remember her mission?

Best part, NOBODY of these critic assholes even NOTICED till now.

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no because im not a tranny

Alita poster admits they would organize a raid on Yea Forums if their general is removed
Alita poster admits they have a janitor who has told them he is a janitor
Mod/janitor from the discussion in the linked threads above leaves up discord advertising while multiple users admit they have reported it.
Thread full of wiped posts while the discord advertising link stays up
Discord posters admit they plan on organizing raid threads
Same mod/janitor leaves up discord link while post exposing them not even a minute after is deleted

Also he hasn't been fired which means its time for more Yea Forums and /pol/ levels of mod/janitor bullying

>Dobson likes Nero Wolfe

I hate that I have something in common with him

Alita is cute so it's okay. Cute is justice

i like your work

I bought it on amazon, and I'm actually going to get the bluray too. I don't know if it'll actually help get a sequel, but I want more Alita. And maybe if enough people do this, we might get one.

Not all people who take care of themselves physically are meat heads. This artist is infuriating

holy shit even disregarding his autism he can't even place the joke right. the comic would've had a much better punchline if he just removed the third panel
what a fucking retard

i don't get it. plenty of european cities called like that

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>the art of the nigga

sounds like a cool book

generals should be banned on every board

Oh yeah?
Well congrats to the 3-4 alita bashing threads each day, because that schizo hater cannot live without pissing on this movie.
At least he was contained, together with the others.

on the contrary, most who do are not. The ones who don't exercise at all and actually have ill feelings towards those that are in shape are fucked up in the head

i agree but think of /vg/ oh no that would suck :)

This cartoonist is terrible in particular. I want to believe it's satire but the dude's been drawing this shit for years and it's been a steady downward spiral to insanity from relatively normal comics.

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1) Fascism is good, healthy, and normal. It is a reflection of natural law.

2) Some current countries exist as de facto fascist states in everything but name (eg. China, Russia).

3) People like Dobson et al. are afraid of fascism because fascism REQUIRES something of its citizens, rather than coddling them with entitlements and government assistance. These people know they are weak, puny, and useless, and that they will not thrive in an environment of competitiveness.

I mean what the fuck?

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But they are

Is the cartoonist a based and redpilled guy falseflagging?


> 30k per fortnight for drawing fucking pictures

the fuck

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You don't understand how boards work.

nah, he's a really mentally ill good goy. Probably pops an SSRI or prozac on the regular.

He makes trannies seethe

>. There's a lot of chronic sameface going on.
just like 99% of all artists ever.

> came here when i was 17
> 28 now
> been here for over a fucking decade, nearly every fucking day

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Have sex

This was exposed in documents and admitted to, it's the reason Schulz resigned and some Bernie bros voted Republican. Her career was straight up before that.

This is the gayest thread I've ever seen. You are not redpilled for picking one capeshit franchise over another. kys

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This took me ages to work out. The cuck angle wasn't even a possibility.

It has less to do with the Alt-Right more with James Cameron aka “””based James Cameron”””.

If Alita was written by literally ANYONE else on this planet, no one on this site would have given a care. It would have been ignored and swept under the rug.

But the fact that James Cameron is somehow involved (writer), caused so many of Autists to come out of the woodworks (some even more autistic than even imagined). This is because James Cameron has attracted an autistic fanbase after Reddit started shitting on him and Avatar long ago. When this happened, contrarians started ironically defending “BASED” James and Avatar which led to actual unironic autists who worship both James and Avatar (which is funny because James hates Yea Forums and strongly disagrees with most of the politics of his fans on Yea Forums). Then those same autists started shilling the Alita movie super hard, begging people to see it, and even attacking reviewers that criticized it.

Are you doubting based Cameron?

Attached: cameron is based.jpg (512x3367, 556K)

the alt right is obsessed with this Japanese adaptation directed and starring brown people and position it to counter the movie starring the white blonde woman directed by the white guy
doesn't this go against their narrative

That's not rigging the election though, is it? All of that is internal Dem politics

So Yea Forums is widely viewed as the "alt-right" now?

It also has class struggle as a main theme and is set in a multicultural society while Captain Marvel was basically a love letter to the US air force. None of this shit makes any sense.

>liking Metroid: Other M
how can one man be wrong about everything?

Are you the faggot that can see our info??? Tell me my name faggot.

That's would include you, who just posted Alita

>THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR for drawing images on the internet

Attached: 1457839460081.gif (400x225, 1.94M)

I watched this in the theatre with an old friend of mine. Real nice guy, wouldn't hurt a fly.
Afterwards I didn't have the heart to tell him what I thought so I just said 'yea user it was awesome, absolutely 9/10'
So I get the kind of crowd this stuff is made for and even though you take it a bit too far, you guys are alright and probably not many of you are transgenders as they are saying.
It's just guys who didn't really grow into men, I think kind of like Michael Jackson, he would've loved this for sure.

>Loves to create characters
>all the ones featured are pop culture

Still cant tell if thats tarantino or that guy from some tv show

If you're going to bait can you at least come up with something new next time

why didn't rlm review this when it came out? do they hate robert rodriguez movies or anime?

you're right. it's funnier without the 3rd panel.

but leftists can't into comedy without text text text text text text text

You think they would have reviewed it since James Cameron wrote it and Mike made two Plinkett reviews about him.

Yeah but if he doesn’t explain the joke to you then you might not get it!

rlm only cares about movies guaranteed to give them the most clicks

they don’t care or want to put effort into making videos unless it is Star Trek or ghost related

Alita is based but Avatar is objectively gayer than tits

Attached: gayer than tits.png (971x519, 378K)

To be fair, you need to have a very high IQ to understand Alita Battle Angel. Despite being an action oriented film, the themes are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of literary analysis most of the insights will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Alita's optimistic outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterization - her naive personal philosophy later influenced by her run ins with Iron City's dirty underbelly. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of all the plot twists, to realize that they're not just entertaining- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Alita Battle Angel truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Alita's problems with adapting to her new life which itself is a cryptic reference to Isaac Asimov's writings regarding machines' coexistence with humans. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Yukito Kishiro's genius unfolds itself on their local cinema screens, aided by James Cameron's visionary approach at adapting it to film. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have n Alita Battle Angel tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even then they have to demonstrate that their moral integrity has not deteriorated beyond redemption.

good question, even that nostalgia critic dweeb did one, with his bro even.
Manged to actually sound normal during it.

Maybe RLM are pussies about the big D and their well known hate of the Cpt.Fungus remover..

I equally dislike superman for the same reason, he's boring as fuck and the only time he is somewhat interesting is when he plays the villian in a story

> Dobson facebook post..
>Dobson and random SJW journalist have the same opinions.

What should we care about any of this 2 things.

>t. edgy kid
Fuck off kid

i get my news exclusively from the chans, do you mean msm consensus ain't that Alita is a nazi propaganda film?

Isn't the whole point of anime to be escapism?

There's another city in the space (above zalem) and it's called Jerú.
You shouldn't know about this until the 3rd movie, but whatever.

>Scrapyard=3rd world
>Salem=1st world
>Jeru=Jew illuminati elites

Attached: 1410795040257.gif (1264x1580, 695K)

Heres the whole Alita vs Captain Marvel saga

>Alita is about to be released by Fox in theatres
>Disney is negotiating to buy Fox
>Alita as a strong woman protagonist could give the upcoming Cpt Marvel, the new leading female face for MCU,a run for its money
>The mouse could end up paying some extra billions because Fox's stocks would have gone up with Alita success.
>This cannot be allowed.jpg
>Disney pulls a bogdanoff and the shills are activated
>The result is bad Alita reviews with a biased content from Disney lackeys-reviewers, and articles that said Alita is a sexualized female cyborg and she is being carried by the toxic male-only cast and shit like that
>The internet caught wind of this
>Especially Yea Forums
>They couldnt let this happen
>People went to Rotten tomatoes and rated as high as they could
>Eventually RT pulls a sneaky and transforms the 59(rotten) into 61(fresh)
>Some time later. Cpt Marvel is about to be released at "women's day"
>The Brie vs white males controversy from the past was released as well into the world
>People and especially alt righters went mad about it and eventually opposed against Brie Larson and her feminatzi activity
>The mouse shills were working overtime to counter this
> The "Alita challenge" was created(support Alita, boycott Cpt Marvel)
>People rated Cpt Marvel as low as possible in the "want-to-see-meter" that RT has
>It was so bad that the Mouse had to step in directly in order to save this movie
>RT had deleted a big portion of negative ratings at first and then they just disabled the ratings completely in order to "protect Brie Larson" from the toxic males

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 152K)

Wow, you guys are so desperate that you're using Dobson as a source? That's fucking sad.

>What I miss'd?
alt-schizos having an episode again

>The mainstream media was dancing to Disney's tune as well; Calling the haters basement nerds, toxic white males, incels etc
>Cpt marvel's premiere was met with insanely glowing reviews from shills
>The mouse in order to secure that people will see the movie, had booked literally every cinema for a week, only to play Cpt Marvel.
>"If the moviegoers have no other alternative, they will sure gonna watch Cpt marvel, amirite?"
>This scorched earth strategy came with little results, because not as many people as expected went to see the movie
>I guess this happened because they would never fill every cinema's screening room, so it is rumored that Disney had bought some tickets in order to inflate the box office, making it look as a success and lure more people to see it
>In my country Alita was for just 2 weeks in the theatres while Cpt Marvel was for a good month in theatres playing non stop.
>The end result had the Mouse win in the box office race even though Cpt Marvel was an average MCU movie, while Alita had barely made the production money back
>The lefties and the trannies were celebrating this overwhelming victory over the "toxic male nazis" while Alitafags went back into shitposting in Yea Forums.
>This shitposting had created a cult over the time in Yea Forums and reddit
>Some journos find out about their activity, linked them with the "boycott Cpt Marvel" meme and wrongfully concluded that everyone that likes Alita, hates Brie Larson and therefore is an alt right nazi

Attached: 3c7.png (680x496, 755K)

This pretty much concludes the saga. In my opinion, Even though Alita had some annoying issues that kept her back from being a James Cameron masterpiece, it definitely had some great moments filled with soul. I was worried about the uncanny eyes but I ended up loving them. It's a damn good fun movie in the end that unfortunately got crucified for the sake of Brie Larson's success and Disney's multi billion negotiations to buy Fox. She was destined to fail at the box office no matter how much James Cameron and his team tried their best. The only thing Alita has right now is the people's love. She needs all the love she can get if we want to see a sequel(which probably we wont since is Disney's property now)

Attached: alita-battle-angel.jpg (681x383, 132K)

it kinda makes sense, but still can't believe disney's shilling machinary is so well tuned
if they really are able to make this, they could literally choose the next president

Currently watching this ABA right now trying to figure out why you guys love sucking this movie's dick.

Jesus, it´s short for jeruSALEM.
Always was.

>when I'm for the brigading it's done by "people"
>when I'm against the brigading it's done by "shills"
based alt-incel retard

>since is Disney's property now
Wrong, Cameron still has ALL the rights.
Rest of your posts are a bit much hyperbole, but seem to check out mostly.

Bait harder faggot, all these are not a just a coincidence. Disney is printing money not because of its quality anymore, but for its marketing tactics. See the latest controversy that surrounds Ariel the Mermaid that got lazily blackfaced in the name of "diversity"

You had to be there, it was a moment in time that you obviously missed.
Now the flic is just a giant pleb filter until the sequels come out.

Attached: 1551057505042.jpg (768x432, 42K)

More like Alt-Righta: Battle Incel

>so well tuned
Bah, cowing some shitty internet movie critics isn´t well tuned, that´s just a fucking BCC mail on their mailing list with some choice suggestions.

The fucking söy shills are ALL tuning themselves for that sweet Disney cock sucking privilege.

Pretty gud summary though I'm unconvinced Disney bought tickets to their own movie. Billions of dollars in advertising was more than enough to do the trick. If Alita was promoted as strongly as Avatar was then it would have made probably 600 million.

The only thing that might be hyperbole is Disney that bought tickets to inflate the box office. I dont have tangible evidence about that, but for the rest of the things I have mentioned I have them confirmed with enough evidence. I was waiting years for this movie to happen, and I was there when the whole shitfest broke out from start to finish.

Can you elaborate please?

I guess so. It need a bigger promo campaign for sure. I think that the big anime eyes was a bit of a pleb filter and the trailers werent received as good as people would hope. In the end though, I am happy that Cameron wasnt cucked by the negativity and had decided to keep the big eyes.

>sports is dumb, i love chemistry so much because I‘m a smart guy into science and stuff
>i‘m too dumb for D&D where the most complex calculation contains maybe 5 values

>everything is a lefty conspiracy
you're a brainwashed retard
you and your ilk deserve to be called nazis by the MSM because you are evil and retarded

All you need to know about American politics is that Captain Marvel is meant to be the far left movie when it's literally an paid for ad for the U.S. airforce and Alita is meant to be the far right movie even though it's literally about class conflict and how hierarchies dehumanize people.

>This fucking faggot had a girlfriend

Attached: those comics behind him are looking at him in disgust.jpg (300x256, 11K)

Tells you everything you need to know about women.

Hopefully the redditors in here that constantly screech about muh /pol/ boogeyman will realize no matter what they say, if its on this site they're considered alt right.

Jimbo is leftist as fuck.

I have never said that this was a 100% lefty conspiracy. But it was definitely the Mouse behind it. The lefties had pretty much sided with Brie, as she was representing their ideals didnt like Alita because she wasnt true to their agenda and alt righters in order to fight Brie Larson,decided to grab onto Alita battle angel. Thats pretty much it.

Attached: mickey-mouse-south-park-5.26.jpg (210x240, 19K)

why do you think facts are fake, insane libtard

All these tell me is that Dobson has no artistic, academic, or athletic talents, but because he draws comics and says he doesn't like sports he thinks he's a smart artist.

>see all these (you)s
>none about lady in the water

somebody post the beach body cope, you know the one

What are his views on the inflation fetish?

I missed the Alita generals, did the movie do good? Sequel when?

hes a rich trustfund kid

Some people liked it, some people reallly liked it, some dont, it kinda bombed in the box office but did well enough to have a slight chance of getting a sequel in the future

>it kinda bombed in the box office
>did well enough to have a slight chance of getting a sequel
Does not compute.

Alita was a great kino. If you can't recognize it, you should move.

>hitler was nice to animals
>you can tell about someone by the way they treat animals
>united states treating people like animals
>hitler treated people like animals but loved animals

>a political cartoonist makes propaganda
How absolutely shocking

Attached: k.png (415x353, 115K)

why the fuck couldnt she understand that he knew where his home was? why couldnt she be supportive? just like a fucking women

imagine saying this and meaning it

you need to go back

She knew that trying to get to Zalem already cost him everything and also that the cables had defense rings so he was certainly going to die if he kept going

we all know how much andrew "inflation porn of my donut steel lesbian characters" dobson respects women

>even Yea Forums has Dobson-mocking threads now

Alright, I just finished watching the movie. It's a visually stunning movie, but the dialogue throughout the film was campy as fuck. But I can't bring myself to dislike it. I sat through the whole fucking thing feeling unbothered by it.

Attached: ABA.png (1920x804, 1.32M)

I also just watched it for the first time, funnily enough. The effects are impressive, and I was surprised by how much I liked the world its in. It has a Cowboy Bebop feel to it. And I agree, the dialogue was cheesy, but in an endearing way. This movie is not cynical, it made me feel good. It was like a campy 80's movie with modern effects. The romance subplot felt forced, and I actually wanted to see her boyfriend die, because of his criminal activities. He was a piece of shit, and deserved what he got.