Which is the Coen Brother's best film, and why is it pick related?

Which is the Coen Brother's best film, and why is it pick related?

Attached: Fargo.png (1543x868, 3.19M)

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it's impossible to tell which one is the best

That is not good enough. Quick! Pick the best Coen's film, or your waifu will die in her sleep tonight!


That's not The Big Lebowski!

Hudsucker Proxy

Prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that "The Big Lebowski" is better than "Fargo", in nine words or fewer.

The show is better

Is this from the group that has an discord which is full of incel losers.

that's just like your opinion, man

kek fuck yourself

Yes.But at least we are not discord trannies.

Based redditor

The first season was on a par with the the later seasons are not up to snuff.

>full of incel losers
It's a Yea Forums server, so obviously.

I think Seasons 1 and 2 are kino, Season 3 was where the dropoff happened.

There is trannies there too.

What did they mean by this?

I'm gonna have to go with Raising Arizona

Fargo but it's summer as fuck

This, kino as hell.

Fargo has a terrible fanbase, but it is an actually great film, too.

Miller's Crossing or Raising Arizona

Attached: coen_moobie_night.png (290x427, 292K)

No love for "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou"?

Hey OP I've got great news. I can take $100 off the True Coat


Yea Forums are streaming Miller's Crossing later today Three was when it was obvious they had run out of ideas, but Two was weaker than One, even tho it had some stronger characters.

Their best is Miller's Crossing

Is that your favourite, too, or just their best technically?

In my top 10 anyway

It's just my favorite. I'm all about Jon Polito.

Barton Fink and A Serious Man are the thinking man's Coens top

"Barton Fink" has its moments but "A Serious Man" was a snoozefest.

it's ok

Attached: Raising_Arizona.jpg (810x1080, 179K)

>I concur.

Attached: chad_forward.png (874x1024, 427K)

Why are the Coens, two midwestern middle class Jews, so good at portraying white trash, losers, low lives, derelicts, and rednecks?

Attached: is it kino?.png (879x281, 78K)

Blood Simple is the only correct answer.

The midwest is basically nothing but white trash, losers, low lives, derelicts, and rednecks.

my waifu is already dead

Because they do not merely observe, they also sympathise. They portray such folk authentically because they can empathise with them, that is how they make their characters both comedicly pathetic and yet still oddly noble and likeable.

No one’s got more aesthetic vision than the Jews.

Attached: 5774A43B-3979-4266-85DC-E1DFDCAD83E5.jpg (540x810, 107K)

Then she will come back to life and then immediately die again. Is that what you want? huh?


Based AF. How are the women? Do they have big milkers in fly over country?

They aren't like most Jewish elites who condescend and scorn low status white people. There is no malice or contempt for the "little guy" and they are really good writers.

They're almost all fat, so yeah the tits are pretty big.

my first reaction: no country for old men
if I had to think: barton fink
if im stoned: the big lebowski
if im feeling patrician: inside llewyn davis

Very overrated, not even counting the fact that they are Jews, thus they push their social ills onto everyone via encouragement and passive humor/watching.

Literally the only thing the "Coens" are good at is writing dialogue, and that's because most times the actors themselves are good at their speaking parts or imitating accents.

Fargo fucking sucked.

Attached: Kurt.jpg (1079x398, 109K)

Thats disappointing. I like big tits but not on fatsos.

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Cool opinions.

Well then I guess you win this time. But one day, I WILL find out what your favourite Coen's film is, just mark my words.

heh... I'd like to see you try

In Barton Fink they seem to tell us that ultimately they do not comprehend "the common man".

Fargo>No Country For Old Men>The Big Lewbowski>Blood Simple>True Grit>Inside Llewyn Davis>O Brother, Where Art Thou>Raising Arizona>Miller's Crossing>The Ballad of Buster Scruggs>Barton Fink>Burn After Reading>The Hudsucker Proxy>Hail Ceasar!>The LadyKillers>The Man Who Wasn't There>Intolerable Cruelty

Brother Where Art Thou

Swap No Country and Hudsucker and this is correct.

When’s the stream where

No Country

A serious man


you forgot a simple man

>having watched all these but not the literal best

Is she a good actress or just a good director's wife?

Attached: MV5BMjI3NzgxNjYzOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTIxMjExNzE@._V1_ (1).jpg (1976x2380, 1.24M)

No-one ever really understands anyone else, they come far closer than most people do, but are humble (or neurotic) enough to know that they fall short.

shit i mean a serious man

True grit was fucking dogshit


I hope I make a Coen Bros tier kino someday.

Oh snap, Yea Forums are streaming that in like 15 minutes time

And then A serious man above fargo

Even their weakest film are technically excellent, they really do have an exceptionally consistent record.

Only the season 1 pilot is close. The show falls off from there.

You better post with one eye open from now on, kiddo, because on day, when you least expect it, you'll make a post that gives it away and BOOM, I'll be right there. Screencap this.

It is on right now, address in the poster

I didn't leave anything. I'm not missing anything. I know where everything is.

Holy dubs Batman!