Doctor Who is shit

Doctor Who is shit.

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And I say this as a fan.

I wouldn't go that far, but while I enjoy New Who very much most of the time (at least to the point when Clara got rekt) it's a kind of show I can't recommend in good conscience.
A guilty pleasure one could say


It's a bad kid show 8 out of 10 episodes. A few episodes are kino but they are rare.
You basically watch an entire season to find 1 or 2 episodes.
I don't get the nonsense "that whole season was great".
Fuck off, there was never a whole season great.


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It's for Kids, faggot
Obviously it is shit (if you are a normal adult)

I’m a fan too. It’s been shit since 1980. It’s been unwatchable shit since 2005.

Goddamn I had such a crush on Karen Gillan when she was on this show. Then she became Nebula and every normie on the planet knew her name. Fuck off, I saw her first.

It's been cringey as fuck to me ever since that episode where David Tennant's doctor turned in to Dobby, and then in to space jesus.
When he turned in to space jesus a second time in the episode with Kylie Minogue, I gave up following it and only watched maybe a handful of episodes in the proceeding years.

Only good nu-who companion. Her Nebula was hot though, all pouts and runway walks

How can she be so flat?

I didn't watch it for a while, because of femnazism. Without overdoing the humanitarian stuff and being woke, it would be one of the best shows ever. Oh, and I'm 40yr old male. It's not only for children.

Maybe in Britain it is for children but no children watch it in America. It is on BBC America in the US which is a channel aimed at affluent single adults and their advertisements reflect that.

I want to suck the lint out of her belly button

>dude theres this time traveler alien who is like the most famous ever and he has the power of being known and respected by everyone because he is so old lmao
what a retarded idea, stick to guys doing silly walks britbongs

Doctor POO

it's always been schlock for preteens tho

The only reason it was brought over was because of popularity through bittorrent piracy by adults.

The first time i ever masturbated was to her, didn't even realise at the time was just fucking my bed imagining it was her long ass leg next thing i know i just came

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It was at least adventurous and interesting, until Whittaker and her politics, and Chibnall and his team of completely incompetent, non-sci-fi writers.
Fan fiction would be more compelling and cohesive at this point

her cousin is a qt

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And she looks a lot like Karen used to. They made a good call in casting her as a young Amy.

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Are you fucking stupid? She was known by 100% of the UK population and 50% of the population of the rest of the rest of the world.
Sorry if you standards of "known" is only being Taylor Swift faggot.

>100% of the UK population and 50% of the population of the rest of the rest of the world.
go to bed karen

I agree. For a while Companions carried the show but now it's unbearable

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Pretty sure the only people who watch it here in the UK are the sorts of people who go to science fiction conventions and complain about diversity.

I would have consensual sex with Karen in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation, if you know what I'm saying.

NuWho is fanfiction already

I think that is the target demographic of BBC America so I don't know why they show commercials for Ruth's Chris steakhouse.

She tried to fake being a gamer in an interview with Jack Black so I would not.

I don't think that's her M.O.

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genetics and she doesn't munch on 3k+ kcal burgers 3 times a day

post more Caitlin

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yeah basically
thats like 75% the point of it

did not expect that to end with literal rape, wow
She is so much like her cousin in her mannerisms and speech.

I want Karen to stomp on my nutsack and call me a bad boy if you know what i mean

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Bitch needs a tan desu

I want a threesome with Karen Gillan and Jenna Coleman inside the Tardis.

Can anyone make this happen?

What's the best source for classic series episodes now?

R.I.P. PirateAnon ;_;

I hate how her 'nude' scenes don't actually show anything. Fucking cop-out.

I like this show but I will admit most of it is shit

The score is always kino tho

As a guy who has watched doctor who since the 8th grade-
this is the most correct opinion
It's 90% crap

Maybe season 9

It's so weird to me that they shave her naturally red hair.
It would really pop with her dark blue skin design I think

Best girl comin through

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I love Clara. She and River are the only new ones who are worth a damn.

>tights, shorts, boots, skirts combination

She's absolutely fucking perfect

This though I would definitely slide my cock between Karen Gillan's arse cheeks.

God she looks so fucking cute here. Imagine her giving you her first blowjob
She's 18 here

>Me going in for a big whiff just as she exits the hole.

>Amy Pond and Rory are more famous then Matt Smith

How did this happen?

They both went into capeshit, Matt Smith decided to do serious drama.

season 4 had the most consistently good episodes

I stopped watching after she left, is there any reason to continue?

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>Matt Smith decided to do serious drama.

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I was talking about major roles smart arse.
Karen is known for Nebula (and Ruby Roundhouse) nowadays
Arthur is known for that DC show or something (I wouldn't say he's more famous than Matt Smith though)
Matt is known for The Crown. I didn't even know he was in Terminator Genesis.

>Me and Warwick Davis

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Why is he holding a District-9 alien weapon?

Original nebula had hair, shame they went with the bald version (still hot though).

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Have sex

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That was unironically the best episode

why don't her thumbs idle on the joysticks? isn't the normal position?

Can the new show die yet? Please

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Reminder that he's blacklisted by the BBC because he kept calling the royal family parasites and cunts

Same reason you got a small dick

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whom. it's whom.

I hope you're just some flat femcel, because if not, white knighting for flat chested women is extremely pathetic my dude.