Who will play as her in her inevitable bio-pic?
Gwen Stacy
Knowing Disney's mental retardation for picking cast roles? Christina Hendricks
>Hiring ginger
It's big no.. no.. For disney
January Jones is more fitting candidate
God I can’t wait to see her get blacked in Spiderverse 2
lupita nyongo
The opening scene will be a closeup of her face RIGHT as Miles drops a gallon of baby batter balls deep inside her.
The explanation for her undercut was pretty funny
Bella Thorne
Millie Bobby Brown
Gwen is overused and overrated. Give us Felicia Hardy already
i will
Hell yeah!
>Who will play as her in her inevitable bio-pic?
That asian chick from the new star wars movies no doubt.
I'd rather they never do Felicia, that way they can't ruin the character
Black Cat has to be a black girl. Cast her
The Rock
A black woman hopefully.
Enjoy your NC-17 rating
>everyone dead or alive is a version of Spider-man
Is Spider-man the worst superhero comic franchise? Who reads this garbage?