Any good films about rape?

Any good films about rape?

Attached: 1474232970612.jpg (741x800, 91K)

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is this rape?

Attached: lover5.webm (836x480, 2.6M)

OP's childhood

hu this girl? did she rape

ck doesn't actually still use a flip phone, does she?

Yeah your child home video you have stored in your attic called "Uncle tickles my willy in my sleep"

if i convert to judaism will i get a qt jewish girlfriend

Attached: Irreversible.jpg (310x445, 25K)

No. She is clearly loving that.

where did you get that pic

Attached: uber.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

Attached: MV5BMjIwNzAxMDgxM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODM5NzU4NQ@@._V1_.jpg (540x800, 95K)

I always like when a brutal, humiliating rape scene is happening but the woman's face is expressionless but eye well up with tears and pour down her face. Gives the sense its completely destroyed her spirit


Fuck that's hot. Tell me you have sauce?

holy based

Is that the girl from Blue is the Warmest Colour?

I spit in your grave 1

That Spartacus scene where that pale slave is being raped by a gladiator whilst the based Chad lad in pic related was delivering an evil monologue.

Attached: Based Chad Cossutius.jpg (321x350, 11K)

Quick run down?

get help if you're attracted to this one

great movie tho

That didn’t look like rape.
She was just passive and unresisting.

I used to cum so fast to her nude scenes in this movie especially when she starts getting real passionate

Sauce before 404

>the thread will die before the sauce gets posted
its not fucking fair

Was not even born (1993) when that film was released (1992).


Jesus, learn to internet. Literally searched "gopro uber xxx" and it was the second result.

Attached: 1557738712116.webm (1498x1088, 1.96M)

I have sauce search uber driver fuck or somthing

I've known about this movie for 15 years but I still haven't taken the time to watch it.

good to know

Any bad films about rape?

Attached: 1556082361920.png (675x610, 44K)


>user sees a film featured in the OP that interests them but doesn't know its name
>asks the thread
>even though the film's title is in the OP's pic's file name
>even if it was not could still do an image search in case if yields anything
This one always drives me up the wall. Blithering idiots

why would I when there's spoonfeeders like you

Spartacus is great if you have a humiliation or slave fetish. Like when Mira was humiliatingly forced to strip so the patrician lady could examine her as if livestock

don't help them
it's like feeding wild animals, more reddit niggers will just show up

Probably not Khazars would rather fuck their own cousin lel than a goy/convert. And if they were to race mix it wouldn't be with a Chad euro it would be with a nigger or something similar.

god shes hot as fuck, is she a real chick or an actress?

please, who is this?

Attached: OHNONONO.png (436x586, 529K)

>is she a real chick

No, she's pretend

>considering dreams admissible evidence
Literally Salem witch trial tier perversion of justice.

rashoman by kurosawa
the virgin springs by bergman
irreversible by gaspar noe

She's got tons of vids on pornhub with her Asian fuckbuddy not memeing.

i can't comprehend how whores actually believe they're disadvantaged. maybe they're all faking hoping to be handed more free shit

what movie is this?

whos this chinthot next to based paul

"The Lover", from 1992, starring Jane March

>no seatbelt
boner ruined

>maybe they're all faking hoping to be handed more free shit
It's this. Only the really deluded ones think they're disadvantaged, the ones with their own complete model for how reality is reasoned out on their lonesome.

wfam is never rape

>dude you just gave them your wallet? nah that's not theft it's just a present.