The frost, sometimes it makes the blade stick

>The frost, sometimes it makes the blade stick

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Other urls found in this thread:

Need a chad Germanian legionnaire vs a virgin praetorian meme

I need black cock to furiously pound my slutty boipusy

Where u at boi? I be over soon.

>army of loyal followers who consider him a genuine friend
>bones the emperors daughter
>superb tactician
>will have his vengeance in this life or the next
>serves the glory of rome
>best friends with digimon houston
>lives eternal in elysium
>IS gladiator

absolutely based thread. Praetorian niggers eternally btfo

Attached: Gladiator - the frost sometimes it makes the blade stick.webm (1280x544, 2.91M)

I'm sure that seasoned soldier wasn't aware of that quirky physical phenomenon.

Have we had a good movie about Romans since?

where have I seen that praetoerian before?
the large ginger cunt I mean
where would he be from anyways?

he is in the 13th warrior and underworld sequel

passion of the christ

>no soldier will ever regard you, his commander, like this
>you will never even have a commander for you to regard like this

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>Germanian legionnaire
That's not how you spell Spaniard

>You stitching me up or making a dress? WILL YOU HURRY UP MAN

Attached: kino.png (926x650, 1.06M)

>Marcus Aurelius will never talk philosophy with you and the true nature of Rome
>he will never tell you that you are the son he should of had
its not fair

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13th warrior that's it

He was a spaniard his legion was in Germania thus making them the Germanian legion

>on knees
>praetorian holding sword above him in front of his body
>jumps up and headbutts praetorian in the jaw
>somehow misses the sword
ridley scott is a fucking hack

Rome was a big place could have spent his whole life in the middle east, africa, greece or spain.

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if a germanian legionnaire moves into gual does he become a gaulish legionnaire?

wasn't gaul and germania like nightmare for the romans? because of the dense woods the bad supply lines and the quite fucky weather?

gual was piss to the romans. Germania was a nightmare, yes

this is a terrible movie and i don't know why people like it so much or claim it's epic.

>he will never tell you that you are the son he should of had
> should of

Not with that kind of diction he wouldn't, no.

> Marcus Aurelius shakes his head in sad disappointment.

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Beta male incels worshipping Rome is the reason roman empire gloryifying shit movies are elevated to god status

Also obviously because the jews in the movie industry have an interest in promoting the "multicultural early-christian civilized romans" above "filthy barbarian pagan germanics"

AS ONE!!!!!

what are some movies besides asterix where rome get btfo

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The roman legion were mostly named from the original place they were from. They had many legions up in Germany but I do know the first legions formed by Marcus against the Germans were Legio II Italica and Legio III Italica.

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none because the movie industry is jewish. and even if the movie industry was slightly better, popular historians on behalf of their jewish masters have completely warped peoples image of what ancient pagan europeans actually were like, so even if we were to get a movie about for example the battle of the Teutoburg Forest, the pagan europeans would be depicted as mud-eating mud-hut dwelling sexual degenerates and the romans as blonde haired blue eyed nazi fascist aryans or something.

we're never getting good movies or video games again until there's massive cultural and societal shifts in the west

>Also obviously because the jews in the movie industry have an interest in promoting the "multicultural early-christian civilized romans" above "filthy barbarian pagan germanics"

is there seriously not a movie about that i can't believe it


there probably is but none that i know of or that anyone cares about

>the pagan europeans would be depicted as mud-eating mud-hut dwelling sexual degenerates
But they were though, retard.

Back from whence you came, retarded fucking city dwelling mongrel

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Conquest 1453

kino theme song. Anybody tells you otherwise is lying.

>yes yes well done Commodus

>the pagan europeans would be depicted as mud-eating mud-hut dwelling sexual degenerates
Rome was christian for all of like 70 years before its collapse. Why do Christians pretend the classical world wasnt pagan?

homosexuals had their feet and hands tied with rope, thrown into bags, and the bag then thrown into a bog.

homosexuals in rome, on the other hand, were their emperors, politicians and artists. probably the reason why they were constantly raped and pillaged by more virile peoples.

they had some bad romans in king arthur, keeping that slinky slutress kiera Guinevere locked in the basement

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no, even in that movie what we're getting at best is a morally neutral rome, good native britons and EVIL PAGAN GERMANICS.

it is not anal rimming christianity and rome though, has to be admitted.

wouldn't you just.. keep it to yourself under that system? everyone thinks that all the 'backward' cultures have laws against 'being gay' but they don't know what's in your mind nigga, the laws are against gay acts. fucking learn self control


well obviously it was against homosexual acts. as you said we can't read minds.

i know im saying how much of a retarded faggot do you have to be to go for some gay fuk when you know you'll get that - i guess what i'm putting to you is did this sentence ever get carried out

evidently it did, i believe there are accounts of this punishment being carried out

Gays dont have self control and have to act like fruity faggots at all times.

is this ROBin hood or Gladiator?
I really dont remember ths stupid scene in gladiator

In 9th grade history we had a substitute teacher play Caligula for us and during each rape or sex scene he would say

"That's how it was in those days!" And look around the room nodding to each of us who made eye contact

This was the precise moment I knew I was watching certified kino.

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Were the romans soldiers actually individually skilled at fighting (obviously there'd be some highly proficient ones but speaking generally) or was it just their tactics and equipment allowing them to crush their enemies?

Lmfao are you retarded?

its actually robin hood men in tights

Neither, it was their numbers. The romans outnumbered all of their opponents and just threw body after body at their opponents. The roman militaries were made up of desperate incel single men

Both, but mainly tactics. Romans were the most "TEAMWORK, FUCK YEAH" guys in the world.

Based Brainlet. You'd fit in on /his/

>their numbers
their history is filled with victories with fewer numbers. It was their tactics and discipline over anything else

The goal was never really to kill the enemy. A typical Roman engagement was

>Throw javelins
>Take advantage of the chaos

As other anons have said they usually outnumbered their enemies and had more discipline. Most of the deaths happened when either side started running

It's been a while since I've seen the movie and I liked it back then, but I have to say, that editing is absolute garbage

Romans had the tightest pussy and by pussy I mean phalanx which helped them expand early on

This is roman christian propaganda that you've fallen for and nothing else.

The romans had numbers due to relying heavily on agriculture, but they lacked quality (bad food/urban environments) and most importantly, their soldiery lacked actual motive for fighting, while the enemies they fought were smaller in numbers due to being tribal in nature, which of course resulted in more quality men, and much better motives (defense of homeland from roman conquest).

Fucking kek.

The notion of roman superiority/discipline etc stems from hollywood propaganda. The roman soldier had no real motive to fight other than either citizenship or material reward after a long time of service. It was the desperate losers of roman society that became soldiers (or foreign desperate loser mercenaries).

The romans had nothing but numbers.

You know what i fucking dont understand? How come none of his original army's soldiers questioned his disapperance?

My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius,
Commander of the Armies of the North,
General of the Felix Legions,
loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius.
Father to a murdered son,
husband to a murdered wife.
And I will have my vengeance,
in this life or the next

Attached: Gladiator - tfw no audio.webm (1280x544, 2.89M)

>Proceeds to spout shite defence for tribal fags who were crushed
Wtf is your argument. In your own sentence you have stated that they had more numbers because they were smarter, which is implied by you saying they had agriculture. You are basically criticising the Romans for being more civilised, and therefore more organised, than there enemies. You've got some sort of faggotry love for the "underdogs".

He was in Ultimate Force (UK series about the SAS, basically the bong equivalent to The Unit)

well.. do we hear from them? or were they over in germany or somewhere

What motive does a navy seal have to fight user

fuck off retard

>their soldiery lacked actual motive for fighting
Bullshit, their myths and legends were formed around militarism and it enveloped their culture early on which is why they always had replacements ready for their army.

1. I never at any point in my post implied that the romans were smarter. Having more numbers is not being smarter, I do not understand how you are equating the two.
2. Relying on agriculture doesn't make you smarter either, again I do not understand why you are equating the two. The food from agriculture is less nutritious, but grants easier access to more calories, allowing for a larger (but dumber and weaker) population.
3. Expansionism/imperialism/conquering for the sake of conquering is indeed bad, and one should cheer for the underdog in such cases. Although that wasn't the motivation for my post you're replying to.

That's the thing. You would expect that at least a couple of loyal soldiers would've seen him get out of his tent accompanied by Praetorians

answet the fucking question

and then what?

I don't know, probably some nonsense about defending america from the evil people across the other side of the world too dumb to have invented a single thing in the modern age. Or some sort of ridicilous american exceptionalism idealism.

Why am I retarded? I'm providing facts. The fact that the facts don't match up with your false hollywood image of the romans doesn't change the facts.

This is childish thinking. Step into the real adult world.

>Heavy relying on agriculture
That, to me, implies they are smarter. They are more civilised. Why would you not choose an easy access to food, which allows a greater population, which in turn means you can have more soldiers. That is smarter.

They had better equipment

I bet you listen to Ben Norton you fucking retard.

Agriculture and civilization might imply, to you, that someone is smarter. But that is factually not the case. We are many times more advanced than any humans at any prior point in history, yet the average human being is many times dumber aswell, and only getting dumber by the minute, not only due to increasing non-white population, but white people are getting dumber aswell.

Being able to throw body after body at your opponent, maybe defeating them =/= Being smart

It's a scene from Noah

They had access to more raw materials, allowing for the production of medium to high quality equipment to a larger portion of their military. But the tribal european societies had more advanced metalworking, although not access to the same amount of raw materials.

No clue who that is. Angry little manlet.

>Romans weren’t disciplined, they just had numbers!
The most famous legionary formation, the testudo, would require at least moderate discipline among its ranks. And to say that there was no motive for fighting would be only accurate in some cases. Remember that in the beginning soldiers had to pay for their own equipment. Romans idealised heroic, loyal men

>retard derails a gladiator thread with a 30 post rant about the roman empire being NWO propaganda

But that was during the time when Rome persecuted Christ cucks and were pagan. What a dumb brainlet u r. Can’t wait for your daughter to get blacked oh what you have to have sex first lmao

Manlet doesn't work as an insult because most of the world is taller than you when you are South American.

>Romans idealised heroic, loyal men
Everyone does. Be it genuinely or as part of state sponsored propaganda to inspire soldiers. Yet that doesn't mean that is actually the case. The romans were not a people whom in practice were heroic. They had numbers and a modicum of strategy and tactics that they relied on.

Once again spotted the retard brainlet. Romans loved Greek culture except the homo stuff. Roman legionaries were killed brutally if caught fucking one another. If a senator was accused of being a fag and submissive it was over for him. Jesus you retards should try to get some facts

why did this guy have an american accent?

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god dammit

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I wrote
To imply they are praised for being early to adopt/be conquered by christianity.
I.e the quality of being the first of to adopt/be conquered by christianity is promoted as a positive.

>Romans loved Greek culture except the homo stuff.
Actually it's the other way around. It was the greeks who strictly punished homosexuality, and the romans who were the homosexuals.
I'm sorry that you've been fooled by propaganda.

It didn't stop them from fucking each other though.


Ah yes, the thulean cope.
This is some WeWuz level shit.

Yes, the glorification of rome in popular media is part of an overarching strategy to elevate civilzation/christianity/multiculturalism/state imperialism above tribalism/paganism/ethnic seperatism/isolationism.

huh he doesn't speak

True, of course they would idealise heroism. But to claim the gauls or germanics were more disciplined fighters than the romans with their military traditions and tactics is a bit much for me. Individually better fighters I can believe, sure. But atleast provide some proofs man

Shut the fuck up schizo

Why are you worshipping the people who ravaged your ancestors and forcibly converted them to a foreign religion? Are you into cuckolding pornography aswell?

this, it makes no fucking sense

You're nothing like your ancestors.

Daredevil season 2, boardwalk empire and Van gough in doctor who

There's nothing schizophrenic about pointing out that the platforms which can spread information the quickest to the most amount of people is employed to spread ideas beneficial for the people who control said means of media.

He was a great Van Gogh

its a scene from monty python actually

Weren't Praetorians supposed to be elite soldiers? How did they manage to get rekt by one unarmed and bound guy? lol

I am as much as my ancestors as I can be in this day and age, which is miles ahead of anything you will ever be, race traitorous cuckold :-)

Thread theme

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The point I've made throughout the thread is that the romans were able to match the tribal europeans primarily by use of overwhelming their opponents with the numbers they had access to thanks to being more civilized and employing agriculture to uphold a larger population. They were 'more' disciplined than the tribal societies that they fought though, that is absolutely true.

Part of why the western roman empire fell was because they eventually outsourced their defense.
The roman army existed for a long time, so you've got to specify particularly who, when, and where since it's almost impossible to make generalizations without having to omit plenty of counter examples.
I just want a big budget Siege of Alesia movie.
>Reinforcements... THOUSANDS OF THEM! What do we do?
>...Fortify your position centurion.

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>you will never even have a commander for you to regard like this
That hurts the most. Give me a leader like that and I will extinguish the sun with my blood.

Late Roman kino when

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You guys are both wrong. Being gay was seen as degenerate in both cultures.
But they didn't think rubbing your dick between a buddy's thighs was gay.

Nobody gives two shits about Christian Rome, everyone is enamored with the pagan era. Sure it was Imperialist but they certainly didn't take shit from their conquered peoples.

Everything that was Rome is the antithesis of the modern liberal state. That's why the symbol of fascism is the fasces.

>The original symbol of fascism, in Italy under Benito Mussolini, was the fasces. This is an ancient Imperial Roman symbol of power carried by lictors in front of magistrates; a bundle of sticks featuring an axe, indicating the power over life and death.

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All white men have the Roman Warrior spirit inside them.
What would give a man such a will to conqueror and continue doing so you ask. It wasn't the conquering it was the fighting. The absolute need to fight. Did you feel full of energy white man, when you watched the NZ shooting footage? that was the rumblings of the warrior spirit that resides inside you, why do you think they tried so hard to suppress it? well now you know

there's nothing honorable killing defenseless civilians especially women and children you stupid fuck

haha i didn't even notice there is no sound till the end

That's all a matter of perspective.

>Nobody gives two shits about Christian Rome
Eastern Roman Empire was Best Roman Empire though.

answer the call Yea Forums

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How did the message to kill Maximus' family get there before he did? He practically rode non-stop back home and no one knew he was alive so the message wasn't urgent. I mean the letter had to be written, sent by courier, probably sorted at one or several posts, sent to the governing body where is home is, orders then passed down to military personnel who have to plan and carry out the attack.

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they used the eagles

this isn't 'roman' warrior spirit. like, germanic people (actual white ancestors) fucking fought the shit out of each other for thousands of years until christianity.

If they're going to decorate their saloon with my friends they should arm themselves

smoke signals

>He practically rode non-stop back home
I imagine he had to take back roads, while sealed orders from the new emperor would travel by the fastest horse down roman roads.
Also dramatic time dilation.

This is what people actually believe. A tip, rome was full of mudslimes,of course not actual muslims but at the least, tanned lads, The people who gave them the most trouble in wars were blue eyed blond germanics

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Why not sweep the leg? It would have been more believable and easier to follow than that overedited mess.

Ridley Scott can’t into believable filmmaking

It is one of the most flawed films ever made. And it is fantastic.

Plebs. He was the villain in Underworld 2.

since when did popular media elevate Christianity lmao

damn right

Attached: Gladiator - chariots of gas.webm (1280x544, 2.95M)

No you're thinking of Blade 2

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>ywn experience Colosseum at its heyday

For me it's Constantine XI Palaiologos aka the Marble Emperor. The best Roman Emperor.

I mean I've been to bigger stadiums packed to the rafters before.

Attached: maximus returns home.webm (720x405, 2.88M)

>puts her hand above her eyebrows as to shield her eyes from the sun
>doesn't actually throw shadow on her eyes.
Nice movie.

This shit has been ripped off so many times. Also the closeup of Maximus touching the wheat with his hand is copied in so many fucking thing

Ridley's a visual master

This is one of the essential "women just don't get it" movies.

>thread with vague reference to Roman Empire
>autistic ramblings about civilization decline, homosexuality, Christianity and snowniggers
Oh 4 channel

Like 70% of Rome’s territory was celts

If you edited all the soap opera nonsense out of Season 1 of Rome you would probably have a really good, albeit extremely long, movie.

Is Maximus the most famous Hispanic character in Hollywood history?

>work a job that requires digging holes
>working in springtime with a dude i've never met before
>digging a hole
>shovel gets stuck
>hear the guy mumble "the frost... sometimes it makes the blade stick"

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Spanish and Hispanic are not the same thing.

Was he from Spain or did they call him that because he was found in Spain?

did you fuck his hole?

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He was from Roman controlled Spain.

The Praetorians were just guys who sucked enough dick to get assigned to Italy, true elites were stationed on the conflict areas like the Rhine and middle east.

wow so they had pressurized gas cannisters in ancient rome?
They were more advanced than I thought!

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>dead memes that tv tried to push

>seasoned soldier
Was most likely the personal guards of Commodus.

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10/10 substitute teacher

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>their soldiery lacked actual motive for fighting
Legionnaires were given plots of land in conquered regions. I'd say that's a pretty good motive.

daddy taught us to be proud of our swords

On an army vs army level scale, discipline and logistics are really what determined their success. Obviously, veteran soldiers who fought would inevitably become proficient combatants, but I doubt anyone could actually speak with any accuracy about how skilled an individual soldier would be.

>the original symbol of fascism is literally a faggot

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Romans had carrier pigeons.

a faggot with an axe

why did they even need gas tanks to film the scene? you just need horses

pop the wheel soff? Make sure it flipped over? idk

Meme was better than the whole damn movie.

>t. commodus

I like it.

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there's definitely a window there
maybe it isn't done 100% perfectly but that is a really nitpicky complain

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Wait. I remember that webm.

pleb spotted

mog woman

fuck off ridley

well, you've got pornhub

Good discipline and great logistics for the time. Roman armies could generally pick and choose the time and place of an engagement against Barbarians. While the Germans and Gauls could bring massive numbers to the fight they had no logisitical support for their armies and had to force an engagement before their supplies had run out/they had picked the local area dry of food.

>Ride him until dawn then execute him
They travelled all night in the opposite direction. Messengers had effectively two days headstart plus they could change horses.

>The romans had numbers
It is quite impressive that they could lose 20% of their male population at the hands of Hannibal and still move on
>due to relying heavily on agriculture
Every settled society rely on agriculture? When Vercingetorix burned the Gaullic countryside it hurt them as much as Caesar
>lacked quality (bad food
That doesn't make sense
>their soldiery lacked actual motive for fighting
Pre Marius, only landed men could fight so they were all fighting for their home.
Post Marius, people fought for land, pension or citizenship. Plenty of motives even by today's standards.
>enemies they fought were smaller in numbers
More often than not, no. That's why Hannibal has gone down in history as one of the best (until an outnumbered Scipio beat him). The tribes were divided and conquered sure, but they also got their act together on several occasions (which makes up the famous battles since we are talking upwards of 100000 soldiers)
>which of course resulted in more quality men
A standing army results in more quality men. Tribal societies didn't have that since it costs money and they need men on the farms. Rome could afford it which meant it was usually suicide to battle the romans unless they were outnumbered
>much better motives
Again, pre Marius, defend homeland, post Marius, land and gold. On top of that foreigners were rewarded citizenship which made them flock to the legions

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Gladiator's editing is horrible. I'm not hating, there is tons of stuff to love there, music especially, but upon recent rewatch I discovered that fights are sporadic and overall the movie isn't that good. Kingdom of heaven: director's cut is kino though

>Why not sweep the leg?
He had a problem with that.

Of course, but don't be surprised if I go out of town to visit some family during the 4th crusade.

I'd watch a movie where Jackie Chan is forced to become a gladiator even though he doesn't want any trabble.

So the meme about women not liking this film is true? Huh.

>tom cruise has watched rugby league
what the..

You just can see the exact moment Lindybeige enters the thread.

My favorite part is when they play the Pirates of the Caribbean theme.


Honestly one of my top movies of all time, love that shit. Pure adventure.


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