Look at this stupid shit

Attached: SbxINTT.jpg (640x640, 32K)

Have sex incel.

Fuck off mouse shill faggot

Have children, roastie

give sex whore

WHOA, it's red!! BAD ASS!

Attached: 1548733846888.gif (452x371, 59K)

The humour is extremely suddle.

Pretty unique design. The paintjob adds a whole new layer of meaning and subtext. JJ is a true creative.

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literally hamburger tongs

Haha! RED! Like republicans XD


the reds are the bad guys, get it?

Why is he holding gardening equipment?

I hate the pointless bumpyness it has

Whoa, one word. BADASS

Red like commie scum
Based Disney /our media company/

That's not how you hold a pogo stick.

Looks like its really cheap to manufacture into toys with molded red plastic.

>these ridiculous weapons

Just wait for the figuarts.

weeding out rebel scum

The angled look of the armor doesn't look right. It looks like a 3d printer toy.

Attached: 3d.jpg (480x480, 25K)

Kek, anyone who use incel as an insult in a Star Wars thread need to have sex