Will Disney remake it? If so, I got the man for the job
Treasure Planet
When did he decide to become cool?
2019 apparently
Damn. Review brah fit.
Cast Scroop
I've always been fascinated how this guy manages to both look like a teenager and an 80 year old simultaneously
Holy shit he has young Leo hair
Sold his sold to reddit and became self-aware.
review brah?
90s hair making a comeback
He's not self-aware, he's still doing his autistic podcast
He has the best disney villain death
How old is he anyway?
His sister is hot
especially when she's in public with no pants
But who will play Jim's mom?
Looks like Wojack with hair
That's not his sister, this is.
>That dirt on the soles
21. He's in college double majoring in math and econ.
He's always been cool
I would.
I actually met Reviewbrah a few weeks ago. Just as was finishing up a video about something from McDonald's. He told me he was walking around which he does after every video just to wear off the full feeling.
We started talking and I was telling him about how I'm a fan of his videos because his channel is something different, what his favourite foods and energy drinks are and about the obsession this place has about him, specifically /fit/, /fa/ and /pol/ which I told him I browse. He kinda brushed it off and this nervously laughed and glanced away when I ended with /pol/.
We walked a bit more now towards the restaurant before he stopped me and pointed ahead to an African American man and his daughters eating outside cafe area.
He looked at me and said "You ever crack a boon before?"
I just stood the speechless and confused, right before Reviewbrah whipped his arm back slinging out a telescopic nightstick out of his coat sleeve. He immediately charged at the black man while shouting "This is RUNNING ON EMPTY..." as he can down on the mans head with the weighted weapon "...FOOOOD REVIEW!". The little girls started screaming. "Unfortunate for the skin color, it makes up for it in the amount of blood and brainmatter coming out, so I'm gonna rate this beatdown 14/88" he cackled maniacally.
I just ran to my car, I was in shock. I pulled out of there as fast as I could while people were screaming and yelling. I could hear in the background as I drove away; "It is what it is user, it is what it is!"
Absolute mad lad
Disney would never acknowledge Treasure Planet since they marched it out to die alongside Harry Potter.
Idris Elba
What? It's unironically one of their best animated movies. Guess a black Ariel is more important.