I'm doing both and excelling. Problem?
>parents tell me to get a job or move out
>get a job
>Guess you've got no reason to be living at home do you user ;^)
>mfw I make $7.25 an hour and I will be homeless because they refuse to help me in any way
>mfw they inherited millions of dollars from my grandparents and have been retired since they were in their late 40s
Boomers really are just pieces of shit
My law teacher did this
>hey guys, its Christmas in November! Lets watch Christmas vacation
We watched a movie probably 3 times a week.
It somewhat works if you are a turbo autist but getting a degree is a safer way anyways and it opens some doors into the film making industry. Good luck making into the film industry just by watching good movies. The best thing that will come out of it, is to become a movie reviewer that eventually will make you hate yourself because you need shill money in order to live, and that will go against your beliefs
Should have paid more attention in school.
Sounds like you didn't do your fucking job in school
I have ADD, school was always really tough for me. None of this has anything to do with the fact that my boomer parents could easily help me but outright refuse to. And don't you dare sit there and tell me "they have no responsibility to help you", that's literally the one responsibility parents have towards their child
If they leave you alone in the house just leave the water running on all day and cause hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage on your way out
based fellow law student
>faggy nerds taking revenge 10+ years after school
the irony is that the chads you hated in school for banging girls all day instead of being in the library are probably doing fine
you must be a brainlet
i'm diagnosed add/adhd and i aced my way up to a master's degree with no pills
ever heard of insurance?
>known to be widely overdiagnosed disorder
>knowing it didn't affect you
if you're that smart you should put 2 and 2 together and accept that there are people who are actually affected by it
>you must be a brainlet
That's rich coming from the guy posting brainlet feelsguy memes
If you have ADD, why do you think you deserve a better job?
>t. flunkie neet
>studying in the library
Nobody does that anymore gramps
i do this
I can't concentrate at home, I always go to the library.
what a subhuman
If you read books on screenwriting/directing then analyze films it is a good education, you dont need a course to do this.
>go to film school
>they just tell you to watch movies and read some books
Based work life balance poster
>I'm owed something
no you're not, fuck off
Film school gets you the connections you need to get into the industry. You need to be one of the popular kids to make it.
Also you need to watch movies if you want to actually make good stuff.
t. an introverted autist in his 30s who has seen thousands of movies but failed in becoming a success
Of course he's owned. His parents willingly decided to have a kid, they're responsible for him.
I'm not a NEET, but if you're going to shit out children you can't just throw them into the world to fuck off.
>be me
>high school drop out
>do nothing
>get offered job making porn games
>make 50k a year
>get gf
>i'm not making this up, it actually happened
I'm actually respected more now simply because I have a job and make money, when I'm literally a bigger loser than I ever have been. This planet is a clown world.
when they're 60-70, chuck them in a retirement home ran by niggers, then slip a $50 in the main nigress' pocket, and whisper to her: 'my folks are kinda racist, sort them out'.
It's an alright education, but taking a course has the benefit of discussing those resources with an instructor and a classroom of peers.
Entitled cunt, you are owed nothing, this your life, not your parents.
Making it in any industry pretty much comes down to being somebody other people want to be around.
insurance doesn't cover acts of vindictive vandalism by disgruntled offspring
ADD isn’t real just pay attention
Don't worry user, I still don't respect you.
I unironically lived like this. I became a pseudo intellectual try hard and got called out in any argument when I came face to face with someone smarter than me. (not here because you guys aren't smart you just know effective argument techniques). Then I matured and moved to a new country and my eyes opened to a new vision of how to live a fulfilling life and how to achieve happiness
> I became a pseudo intellectual try hard and got called out in any argument when I came face to face with someone smarter than me. (not here because you guys aren't smart you just know effective argument techniques)
>not here because you guys aren't smart you just know effective argument techniques
No lol, you're still that pseudo intellectual try hard.
that sucks man
>implying life isn't strongly influenced by childhood and parents
btw lets punish children whose parents taught them nothing, it's obviously their own fault
>I unironically lived like this. I became a pseudo intellectual try hard and got called out in any argument when I came face to face with someone smarter than me. (not here because you guys aren't smart you just know effective argument techniques). Then I matured and moved to a new country and my eyes opened to a new vision of how to live a fulfilling life and how to achieve happiness
lol. He doesn't see the irony in all of that.
You're missing the point, regardless if your parents are rich or poor, you need to make your own life and own money
Generational wealth is lost on boomers. The entire point of having kids is to ensure they are better off than you were. But boomers have fucked off And wasted their inheritance and squandered the wealth of the most prosperous time in our country. Fuck them and fuck tou for being a brainlet
This is bullshit. A lot of people get a good start in life with rich parents giving them homes and cars.
>the irony is that the chads you hated in school for banging girls all day instead of being in the library are probably doing fine
Yes. My older brother was one of these and hes an electrician now making loads of money
I'm a bit older than everyone here and went to high school and college before internet discussion boards were really a thing. They really are the catalysts for turning people like you into pseuds growing up.
What if you're a woman?
You are literally proving why you don't deserve it
That's one thing, while you calling people entitled cunts is another. Dignity is a right in some countries for the very reason you don't understand.
why do Americans hate their children so much?
I'd hate me if I was my own kid too
My poor dad
You wanna be a useless piece of shit who can't buy his own car without daddys money?
One thing I never see you guys talk about is that it seems pretty easy to build up an audience online nowadays. There’s lots of people on ‘this side’ of the internet that make money writing books, gumroad shit, podcasts ect. There really is no one making atleast halfway decent films in that market, I think it’s open and people would actually want that sort of content of actual attempts at ‘arthouse’ instead of skits or shit with heavy video editing like Sam Hyde. It’s all about content curation, if you have the perfect content curation code you basically brainwash yourself into having an attractive personality on the internet in the sense that people want to curate your content. So, yes, watching films and making actual artistic shit online for your bros is better than becoming the new gay Christopher Nolan (hypothetically)
this is why the rothschilds are wealthy and you and your kids will die poor
This user knows. At some point you need to stop living in your parent's shadow and make sure other people do right by you. That's all that matters. This is a value your father should have taught you long ago, and it's a shame you need to hear it here.
my advice
once you hit 18 and have had sex just kill yourself life ain't worth it after that
>Dignity is a right
What the fuck are you on about?
no, I want my parents' real estate or else I don't care for them when they're 80 and falling apart.
I got depressed and gave up on it, but I had a small project that was making me some money. I went back and checked my channel and I had 2000 subscribers. I dunno if that's any good. It's not that hard if you just try though, I did it by making games which is a dumb joke
nah my father actually loves me and will leave me like 3 houses when he dies.
Yes because your parents are on the same fucking level of Rothschild's, every dynasty has one member of the family that makes their fortune, the rest are just sponges
Are you the man or the sponge?
The state is going to take it because you never learned how to stand up for yourself.
>Have a Job
>Make decent money
>Parents dont want me to move out yet
>Both my Dad and Mom still works
>I'm 27
What's their endgame
I mean I'm not complaning, I like daily hot food, No bills and shit.
get a load of this dumb kike
If he loved you he'd make sure his son was raised right.
holy shit i'm hungry lads
one of you rich lads order me some subs
I'd like a steak and cheese
Will also accept fajitas
This honestly. I remember my parents wrote me out of their will and they said the same shit that all the other anons itt have been parroting about being your own man but the fact of the matter is, they're greedy petty piece of shit human beings and they did it to spite me, not to help me. If I ever get the chance to get them put in a retirement home I'm finding the worst one I can and leaving them there to rot
can't happen where I live. If it could, I'd just burn it to the ground.
I won't have welfare niggers living in my 4 walls.
What does your girlfriend think of this set-up?
His parents should have raised him better
>Parents dont want me to move out yet
They're lying to not hurt your feelings.
I would rather raise sponges than poorfags. If you don't pass down your wealth and opportunity to your children then what's the point?
he does love me, hence why I'll coast through life as a landlord whereas you'll wage every day because your shitty boomer parents got a corvette instead.
It won't be yours to burn.
imagine being proud you got born lucky and will contribute absolutely nothing lmao
Why did you stop quoting mid sentence?
Once again
it will because property of the deceased goes to next of kin if it's not in the will where I live.
You're not very smart
Oh you poor naive user.
Americans are trully the worst
Why the fuck would any well adjusted parent want to separate with their well-adjusted kid(s)? The abnormal thing is the opposite - for the parent to kick their normal children out of the house, or for the children to leave their normal parents (especially today, where the outside world is utterly fucked).
I'm not born lucky. My father was a shit shoveler borne from a blacksmith.
The houses I'll inherit are generational wealth, and I'll buy even more to leave to my own son.
Do you not live in the United States?
>i'm not born lucky, my dad worked hard to get me in the position I'm in today!
literally retarded, proving the point
When was the last time you kissed a girl?
For me it was February 2014.
Why? What does "making your own way" get you?
yes, that's what parents are for, to prop up their children, not abandon them.
being a shitty wageslave whilst paying for a podunk apartment won't make me a real man or ehatever, you fucking cuck, you parents are just greedy retards, hence why you will be poor.
Watching seinfeld as high scool and curb for college is all you need to get by in life.
it's deep cut poorfag cope. Amerikikes fear generational wealth, and have brainwashed them to abandon their kids.
>I'm not born lucky
>The houses I'll inherit are generational wealth
Definitely born intellectually stunted
>and I'll buy even more to leave to my own son
you wish
Is this larping user under the impression landlords do nothing? Anybody who has rented property knows how much of a pain in the ass it is between property upkeep, dealing with local municipalities, bad tenants, etc. It can be very profitable but it's also a full time job.
Confidence if you dont die
>leaving your property to your son is luck
wow, you americans are fucking beyond salvation.
I'm sorry you're poor and that your parents are materialist tards
I think the trick would really be in becoming an obnoxious online personality. Like becoming a tripfag and constantly posting writing essays, make a Twitter and post constantly and harass and quote tweet people that talk about films. Really how you do it doesn’t matter, people just want good content to currate and add to their pallette. It seems so easy to me atleast in essence, people nowadays desperately seem to want to pay you for good content.
>keeping books
it's not section 8 housing, you nigger.
tourism, cash in hand.
Tourists are even worse since there's no liability on their part. Your parents really raised you to be a clueless retard.
>dude just throw your newborn baby outside in the gutters lmao let him be a man and not a sponge lol i'm not giving him my money
krauts are autistic and don't break shit
Landlors user is right, there is nothinf wrong with creating and passing down wealth through a family, its literally the original plan for the success of all people's, its just poor people like to complain when anyone plans more than they do and jews like to sell the idea to blacks that all wealth is stolen
your add can't be that bad faggot.
Krautland will be nothing but Arabs in 10 years, and they're the worst with that shit.
>$17k savings
>$55k income per year
>27 years old
>$20k im 401k
How am i doing bros?
What industry?
I do accounts at a warehouse
arabs can't afford vacation because they're welfare niggers
>>$20k im 401k
what does that mean
$20k in my 401k, my retirement fund
Sorry but your job will be automated in the next 10 years
I own a student housing facility and there are ones that come from endless oil money. They're awful tenants, though. If you're not larping you have your work cut out for you.
You missed the point of the post
What’s the point of even having money nowadays? Food is terrible everywhere and rich people live in McMansions that make you want to kill your whole family like that Chris guy. Seriously just imagine having money and a family and driving around in a SUV going to Chick fi la sounds gay as fuck. If you’re a neet you really have a chance to become a modern day aristocrat genius, it’s right there in front of you. There is no aristocracy today besides the neets on the internet, no one else talks about anything interesting, WE are the intelligentsia. The people in the academic or film industries are basically retarded childeren with poopy diapers in there pants, atleast mentally.
>its just poor people like to complain when anyone plans more than they do and jews like to sell the idea to blacks that all wealth is stolen
I dont think anyone is complaining because they didnt pass wealth. It's silly to suggest that those who do obtain generational wealth arent lucky though. That or it shows how entitled it makes one
Max out your 401k contributions
Otherwise fine especially if no kids
Yeah I hate classes like this.
"Lets watch a movie instead of learning which is what we are paying for"
>There is no aristocracy today besides the neets on the internet, no one else talks about anything interesting, WE are the intelligentsia. The people in the academic or film industries are basically retarded childeren with poopy diapers in there pants, atleast mentally.
Day of the pillow when?
And it pretty much is an American thing. For the whole of history leading about to about the 50s, it was normal to live at home until marriage and even after marriage you would look after elder relatives in their dotage in your own house. But then Americans got this idea that you have to all be your own consumer in your own debt and self-segregated from extended family units, and through mass media the whole world is gradually following suit. People always blame the sexual revolution and promotion of single mothers for the destruction of the nuclear family, but this unhealthy obsession with disowning people at 18 that Americans have (and by proxy the rest of the western world) isn't given near enough credit.
That said, if you're in your 20s and only capable of earning 7.25 then it speaks of multiple repeated mistakes you are responsible for in your life leading up to now.
He did not chose to have this life, it was thrust appon him by then therefore they have some measure of responsibility. If user is a failure then he is a failure they created.
Neoptism keeps families rich. Your persuit of egalitarianism is why the Jews feast while others starve, they know to keep money in the family.
I am being hyperbolic but it is completely true. The whole philosophical shift in the film industry is a reaction to the behavior of neets online. The media, the academic world, the Hollywood people, they are obsessed with us and our thoughts.
Why? To what end? It doesn't matter how hard you work, old money will always have more. Because old money understand the importance of cultivating a successor. I honestly wonder if this giant meme isn't the result of targeted propaganda by the elites in order to reduce competition and keep proles poor.
It continues the cycle of white poverty that keeps the Jews in control.
>tfw dad hasn't written a will because he's convinced you can just talk shit like this out
>he planned to leave his city apartment to me and his weekend home to my half sisters but it's all probably just going to be sold and the profits split three ways
>the guy has 10 years max (probably only 3-5) left to live
>family apparently used to have lots of money and property but his parents and their generation squandered most of it and he's making the same mistakes
I hope I get a good job.
Nigger or schizo?
That's a shame. My parents gave me the right to their safe in the bank so that I can remove their jewels in case they die, and avoid inheritance taxes on it.