Lose an argument

>lose an argument
>close the thread immediately

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Other urls found in this thread:


I've never lost an argument on here.


Never post in my threads again or even reply to me retard
maybe then you won't get btfo

>lose an argument
>call the other person an incel and tell them to have sex
>close thread

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This is ban-bait, right? Not this time jannies, two days for replying to off topic garbage were enough.

also this, it's your own fault if you lose an internet argument. if you don't want to, it'll never happen.

>win an argument
>close thread anyway because the other person arguing is a dipshit who will never admit he's wrong and I know he's just going to keep going back and forth with me for hours so I'm tired of wasting my time

Very based

>the other person doesn't respond so I've won the argument
more than likely he probably think's you're retarted and/or baiting.

this, happens all the time.

you can never lose or win an internet argument because the entire thing is arbitrary, there is no objective judge to evaluate the quality

Not possible because the only arguments I get in are with myself.

>post something funny
>read it out loud
>get (You)s
>read it again out loud

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Never was I fucking wrong in this shithole, so I can't relate.

speak for yourself, I'm in direct contact with God and he lets me know


>spend all day phoneposting while wagecucking
>get home
>put away the phone and properly browse on my desktop
>give positive replies to all my phoneposts from earlier
>looks like somebody else since it's a new IP

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>user is sad
>post some kind, thoughtful words to help him fix his pife up
>jannie immediately deletes thread before user can read it

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this unironically sucks, happened a few times to me

Kek, fags!

Just send him a pm

>schizophrenic user calls me a tranny for no reason
>know that I cannot argue with someone so irrational
>Just stop replying

>Someone mentions having a gf or an ex
>Close the thread and try to do something else and get my mind off it

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this but repeat two or three more times

>waiting untill you have an argument till you start calling people incels.

Keep up grandpa

>lose argument
>pretend to be someone else
every time

Did you hear of the famous word "Dilate" that wins any argument?

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Whatever, incel. Have sex.

give sex, bitch. please my peepee

>type out a well structured well written response systematically disembowelling the other morons brainlet tier drivel
>realize this is 4chinz
>erase post
>call the other person "nigger"
>close thread

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>Horny and lonely/ feels thread
>Anons start ranting about their exes
Normos ree

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You speak for yourself. I am God and I know everything, you lying satanist.

I also do this often. Whats the point of arguing if i'm free to just say what I really feel?
"shut up nigger"
really just sums it up nicely 99% of the time.

>see anons having an intelligent discussion
>join in by calling one of them retarded and saying ridiculously simplistic stuff that are guaranteed (You)s
works every time

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>post controversial/contrarian baits
>the (You)s roll in and i read none of them
>most of my posts are sage
who here /devilish/?

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I do these all the time too but still haven't been able to figure out if I'm actually baiting people or if they're in on the game and are just playing a part like I am.

doesnt really matter, as long i get (You)s hahahaha

>btfo an american
>he starts seething about yurop and calls me a muslim

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never lost an argument on Yea Forums

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>see Marvel thread
>post how Marvel still hasbt topped Avatar despite the billions of dollars blown into marketing and 22 shitty pandering films
>trigger mousecucks and /pol/tards shrieking about "muh megacorps"
>the (You)s roll in
>validate my shitty wagecuck existence by attention whoring and baiting online

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>>post something funny
>>read it out loud
>>get (You)s
>>read it again out loud

get linked the screen cap years later

laugh again

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>make tranny hate thread
>janny deletes the thread
>banned from Yea Forums for another three days

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>be american
>make posts making fun of america
>rake in (You)s while everyone is calling me a europoor and making fun of europeans

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>argue on Yea Forums about politics with incels
>get banned for "replying to off-topic garbage"

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>tfw just got exposed and btfo in that deleted thread about the girl who punched the fortnite zoomer behind her

I'm literally rethinking life right now. The guy was so right about me it physically hurt. Thank god the janny deleted the thread to end my misery.

>misread the OP
>post some old shit that is either wrong due to said misreading or something else
>realise your mistake
>"Hide thread"

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was that the thread about "who would win, a bear or a gorilla?"

that was a good fucking thread, and the jannies killed it

Which one was you?

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>reply to post "reddit spacing"
>he didnt reddit space

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The guy who was saying the girl should get sued and jailed.

He exposed you, son. How will you ever recover?

I'm so lonely and desperate for attention and I can't even afford to hide threads and ignore posts from people shitting on me. It still feel nice someone acknowleding your existence.

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>lose an argument
>go into denial
>desperately try to salvage the situation
>make myself look dumber with every post
>do this until the thread is deleted or passes the bump limit and goes into archive
Feels good to be the average Yea Forums poster.

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>tfw i actively avoid reddit spacing now, even if it makes my comment harder to read


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Argue only when you know you're right, then it's easy af. Problem solved.

>see thread that was just made with no replies
>quickly reply to it with a complete nonsense post that makes zero sense
>get 100s of (You)s and the thread is only about my post

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>some thread I don't care about is nearing the bottom, about to get closed
>quickly bump it with something obviously forced
>when asked why, can't give any answer

All those niggers admitting they shit threads up on purpose are the same ones who cry about this place being overrun by zoomers, that old anons left and they are directly the cause of it.

>some user posts something that I know to be wrong
>write a reply
>read my reply to see if I've made any mistakes
>only a small issue
>"fix it" and press submit
>read my post again
>it's basically unintelligible
>close thread and hide it

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>tfw purposefully never hit enter on any of my posts, so the text goes all the way across the screen in an extremely irritating fashion that is a pain to pc fags and a pain to read

>>lose an argument
Literally never happened to me.

>see a thread about to be archived with 0 posts
>make a post calling them a nigger or some equivalent and sage

>you notice the mistake as your post is uploading
>unable to stop it

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>write a wordy reply but I made a grammatical error
close thread

>not playing devil's advocate as a challenge even though none of the opinions align with your own
live a little


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>losing argument
>get on my phone and reply to myself agreeing with the person I’m arguing with but act retarded
>make the person in arguing with look retarded by association
>win argument

Yeah dude, sorry, but you got btfo hard.

>make a funny post
>no one replies
>just start replying to my own post with "based" over and over again

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I've seen a lot of samefagging where the guy has a very distinct writing style and so obviously outs himself, but then he keeps denying he's samefagging.


why can't you post from your office cuck-top while wagecucking?

>oh no all the old anons left this place is shit now oh no no no NOOOOOO!
Yea Forums was always shit

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Holy shit that's some next level shit. I use my phone account to sometimes agree with myself or attack someone if there few posters in the thread but never thought of subversively agreeing with my enemy while playing the village's idiot. Absolutely based.

Oi, you got a loicense for that post?

are u the bullied user?


Look at that belly, I wanna squeeze it

>have to keep seeing the thread at the top of the catalogue for the next few hours



i'm married with kids and I'm 28

couldn't imagine that void in my life

well, that is a terrible opinion

(you're also probably not the person that made that post)

>Browsing a general non stop every day for three years
>Basically what I considered my home in here
>Get btfo so hard by some namefag that everyone is okay with hogging attention to themselves all day, I leave and never come back

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>go to take a shit
>someone replies on the way out the door
>think of all possible arguments to defend my opinion
>check what they read
>they agree with me

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I have other places I use for real discussion. I just come here to shitpost.


I am though.

What other places

>stumble across 2 anons arguing about dumb shit
>role play as both of them, replying to both of their posts with progressively retarded shit
>both start accusing each other of samefagging

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damn user your zoomer ass just got handled

How do I learn to be like you?

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>not completely switching up your grammar and sentence structure when you samefag
Thats some real newfag shit right there.

these are the best Yea Forums threads

too bad jannies will delete it
meanwhile capeshit threads remain untouched

Holy fucking based. God I wish I had this power.

>make jumpscare bad thread at leaste one time per day
>hide it immediately without reading any answer

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How the fuck do you close a thread? I just go back to the main page.

based. Nothing like watching retards melt down ovet trivial shit

Real life.

>enter non political thread
>say something like "trump is a shit president" or make fun of americans for being gun crazed retards
>close the thread

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How does that even make sense? Are you actually autistic?

>post in thread
>come back 15 minutes later that a bunch of quality anons have replied with original and actually funny posts
>don't want to mass reply but feel like they should be acknowledged anyway

tfw i am a thread ender
im usually the last reply,
even if the thread is young

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Based puppetmaster user

same, but with slow boards it's even worse. You feel like they know who you are because there are so few posters.


Are you literally retarded?

t. literal retard

My people actually fall for it, but to compensate, I shit up /brit/ threads and actively encourage the tripfags as much as possible before closing the tab and fucking off.

Now all of /brit/ is just yanks, namefags, and gimmick posters like Emma yank and Cat yank. You may have won the battle, but I won the war.

>post in thread
>nobody else posts and the thread dies

>don't come to Yea Forums for 3 days
>immediately enjoy life

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>he doesnt use 4chanX

>see thread on page 9 with 3 or 4 replies
>reply anyway
>come back 4 hours later and see the thread hitting bump limit
>mfw no one acknowledges that I saved the thread
Every goddamn time.

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>open thread about something I care about
>write a lengthy post describing my feelings and knowledge about the topic
>someone replies "tl;dr faggot"
>thread archives

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Kind regards, person who is lying

>admit the guy was right about you on every front
You know you're anonymous here right? There's no reputation that you'd have to protect here. When you got BTFO that hard why did you keep pretending you were in the right? You beta male fuck.


>it gets posted anyway

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True but I still like knowing I’ve won. But I prefer actual discussion over being called a nigger

>enter a thread
>wait for the moe poster to give me the (You)
>the (You) arrives
>be happy for the rest of the day because that's the only human interaction that I'll have

>see thread I don't like
>reply with obvious bait so that the discussion turns away from the thread and onto my post

>get into an argument with an user as the thread hits bump limit
>it becomes a mindgame to see who can post the last reply before it gets archived

Wtf I thought deleted threads don't get archived. Fuck this shit.

I mean, doing anything on here’s a waste of time arguably, but if I get so much as a grin while browsing it’s worth while

Closing is a verb. I always imagine someone walking up and closing the curtains. Clicking on a cross doesn't merit the expression of "closing a thread.". It takes more time to express the actual action, than the action itself. Which is accustomary to writing. But "closing a thread" is literally the most banal thing you can do, it's like blinking. Just say: Punch God for Cheesecake!" and all will be fine. The AI voice command will accept it as a thread closing command and all will be fine.

tfw i wanted to be a music producer and visited Yea Forums for 2 years, i couldnt find the motivation to follow my dream and stopped going there because it reminds me of my failed dream

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>make a post
>anxiety immediately flares up and my body starts shaking because I automatically assume I'm going to get BTFO

So this is the psychology behind sneedposting; I must say I'm not surprised.

What jannies delete and let stay is bizarre

Love shit like this, then when I really start steamrolling him the thread actually archives and even though I've won the argument by now, I want to keep arguing with him because I want my streak to continue.

I briefly think of starting a new thread calling him out again to continue our argument, but then I shrug and say "meh, it was fun while it lasted", and fuck off to do other things.

>user replies to me with some half ass post calling me retarded or some shit
>about to end his career with a huge post calling out every mistake he made and using FACTS and LOGIC to destroy him
>spend a good 5 minutes on this post making sure its perfect with zero mistakes
>hit Post
>Thread has been pruned

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My ego got the best of me user

>Always (you) anons who try to make jokes, significant contributions or contentfags, even if they're not too good
>Bump threads that are about to die, even if I don't care about them
>Sympathetic to feelsposters that need any form of positive feedback and reassurance
>Don't reply to bait and spam, as it'd encourage bringing down the quality of posting
>Always polite, try to make actual arguments and to be a productive poster of each thread I'm in

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literally me

niggers are bad and violent
prove me wrong

formely cared for by parents

based redditor
probably a tranny

Same but with /ic/
I get discouraged whenever someone even mentions vaguely drawing here or irl

Hell, I already know a hotpocket is going to hit me with a two-day ban for replying to this thread. Not that I won't just evade, but their power trips are so pathetic.

>make thread
>close it immediately
>come back hours later, on page 1 with hundreds of replies

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>put your thread on thread watcher
>get replies
>shamelessly self bump when it starts reaching page 10

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>not that user
>but actually is that user

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>see sum1 ask 4 movie title
>reply with wrong answer

I KNEW I'd find you here, you little bitch. Come here, I'm about to rape you some more.

>this amount of samefaging
not fooling anyone

Conundrum kid

Ugh this is the worst feel

>some little twerp who got bullied by his Dad and by classmates
>having an ego
You don't already know that you're lower than dirt? Where's that ego coming from, champ?

>Love shit like this, then when I really start steamrolling him the thread actually archives and even though I've won the argument by now, I want to keep arguing with him because I want my streak to continue.

>I briefly think of starting a new thread calling him out again to continue our argument, but then I shrug and say "meh, it was fun while it lasted", and fuck off to do other things.

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>respond to every argument from another post
>other side replies while ignoring some of mine because user can't refute them in any way

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tfw we are alone

I think of this when I see thinly veiled /pol/ threads and wonder if it’s just someone posing, thinking about that it’s easy to see why people believe trannys on discord sow discord by making false threads

But it’s more than likely devilish anons like yourself

>see some user getting shit on by someone else
>react as if I'm the one being shit on

>see new thread just created
>reply bump to it
>thread is disregarded by everyone immediately because of how cringey they think op is

>meet nigger IRL
>start race baiting thread.
>see anons hostility towards them make me feel better

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No sovereignty for senior citizens

The benefit of being wrong is being less wrong afterwards

It never happened.

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made me chuckle

>getting BTFO in an argument
>another user comes in and argues for me properly
>opponent gets BTFO instead

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I do this but the other way around.

>be from random eastern yuro shithole
>make post praising based America
>everyone jumping at my throat calling me a gun loving lardass or whatever

Feels good.

Is this bait?
You know you can see how many unique IPs are in each thread, right?

>intentionally misspelling "samefaging" to both lighten the mood, and to deflect my anger away from you and to your spelling error instead
>typing "not fooling anyone" in all lowercase letters to seem as non-threatening as possible

No, fuck you. You need to learn. NORMALLY you would be right. NORMALLY it WOULD be 3 or 4 posters all ganging up on you to blow you the fuck out. Didn't you fucking learn? I just blew your ass out single handedly last thread ALL BY MYSELF. I already proved I don't need to samefag to rape your ass back to the stone age.

You actually thought you were above average intelligence? This is what it feels like to meet someone who's ACTUALLY above average intelligence. To me, you're just my little fuck bitch, and I'm going to fuck you all night long.

You're still uncertain, aren't you? Am I trolling you? Is this just one elaborate character that I'm playing just to fuck with you? Do I actually talk like this in real life? The answer is yes. I don't need to lie. I actually DO talk like this in real life to all my friends. Am I lying? Do I actually mean that? Yes. I actually mean that.

>use logic to refute bad arguments
>schizospasm when you can't find a rational fault
based d.w.griffithfaggot

No one opens the thread genius

based bully user bullying nerd user giving him flashbacks to when he used to be bullied

Not if you samefag your post before anyone else gets there.

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>some guy posts revealing he's a slav
>ask him how his day was in russian
>every slav that isn't russian gives me (you)s about how ">slavs = russian"
>russians and non russian slavs getting into argument
>americans and euros join in the shitposting
mfw i'm 3rd world

are you going through a bunch of threads making posts like these right now? there's something about the unhinged, narcissistic, oblivious way in which this is written that seems familiar

you should stop

>You don't already know that you're lower than dirt?
now you're just fucking with him

>see shit thread on Yea Forums
>post sn*ed in it
>close thread

tfw i know briefags are trolls
i pretend to be unaware of that fact
we argue a little
they think i am being trolled but 100% of times their mask falls off and get unironically angry :-)

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>see a losers thread
>post bonbi to comfort them

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plot twist he never left the playground

That wasn't me actually but still hurt. Fuck you.

I would still probably beat the shit out of you irl. I was serious.

The only based post in here

You sound very smart user;
It's a shame you're such a piece of shit

Forgot pic


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>make a thread to discuss a movie I've just seen
>get 5 replies and then it dies
>make a bait thread about the same movie
>300 replies click to view

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>See an interesting,healthy and fast thread on page 1 with consistent replies.
>Make a post
>Thread archived

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hes a piece of shit to another piece of shit
bullying is love, it can crush your ego and dignity, then and only then you can admit your faults and rebuild yourself, gordon ramsey does that shit in every kitchen nightmares episode

We can sense how ugly you are through your posts and want no part of it

H-how do you do that?


this, being attractive is literally the only thing that matters

>when an incel loses an argument

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>argue with anons in a thread
>realize they are all teenagers
What am I doing with my life?

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>get into argument
>spend 15 minutes writing a long post with proof in a pic
>click the reply button
>Thread archived/404

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>Make the same thread daily
>Same bros come and reply to the thread with usual replies
>Janny deletes it
>Do it again tomorrow

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I'm (You) bombing, because I want the original poster to see this, but I know he's going to read it anyway no matter what. He's too invested at this point to run away from me now. Like a moth to the flame. Behold; my body. I bench 3 plates for 1 rep max, and I squat 3 plates for 5 reps. I am literally superior to you in both body AND mind. I am LITERALLY your superior in every way. Go ahead, reverse image google search it. It won't show up. Like I said, I don't need to lie in order to BTFO you.

Also, I know your little secret, user, but I won't divulge it now. I'm saving it for my trump card later.

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>Post something against niggers or Muslims
>Gets banned for 3 days
Comes back and repeat

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I've given up trying to argue on here. People have a hard time reciprocating my intellect. I might try my luck on Reddit soon.

Ok now I'm pissed. How the fuck am I the piece of shit when I've been bullied my entire life? How is it a little kid's fault for growing up with some anger issues becauase some piece of shit parents didn't educate their piece of shit children properly?

Fuck jannies and fuck mods for pruning my jag threads jag make people happy

This except i dont get (You)s

You got bullied -because- you were and are a piece of shit. If you can't tell that then I honestly don't know how you figured out how to post here, you seem retarded

Have 1 (one)

uhmm...racism isn't allowed sweatie

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have you tried pornhub comment sections? that's where I go for all my intellectual discourse these days

This actually hurts. It's always a vaguely on-topic thread too. I honestly think the jannies hate this website. Like delete all the porn and gore but feels or travel threads ain't hurting anyone.

>thread on page 1

But the posts that are posted just before the thread is deleted still show up. The thread automatically updates once it's deleted. So the user sees it.

Might be to another piece of shit, but why spend your brain on bullying instead of something better?
You say it makes people admit their faults and rebuild themselve; but most of the times the people who are getting bullied allready have their confidence, ego and dignity on the floor. Unless I misunderstood and you're doing it for the hell of it

etiquette is everything.

People bullied you because you're an inhuman piece of shit. How much of an out of touch pussy do you have to be to rely on lawsuits and mommy's money to solve all your problem's for you? Especially something as trivial as a fucking everyday scrap?

Get him user!

This is pretty cringy

Ok fair enough, you might be stronger than me (I don't go the gym, just run and do pullups) but it's kind of pathetic of you to post a slefie of your body here just to prove some point to a loser, dont't you think.

I might still take you down if I use all of my anger issue energy and retard strength though.

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>Debate is about something without a clear winning side
>Change sides to see if they can counter the main arguments

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No, I'm being based as fuck. Are you literally so low intelligence you can't tell how based I'm being right now?

Yet you hide your face

>make a thread to discuss a movie I've just seen
>get 5 replied then it dies
>make bait thread using a photo of the leading actress and asking how the film compares to her body of work
>300 replies

(You)'s turned this site into reddit

>woah so many answers! that's the most upvoted post I've ever seen on 4channel!

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maybe at first you were a nice guy
but years of bullying can make you resentful, bitter, jealous and passive agressive,
it isnt fair. for you or the people who has to live with you of course

it is your fault though
for example
a great percentage of pedos were abused.
if the same pedo abuse another person he cant say "im inocent i was abused back in the day"

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t. never won an internet argument

>get BTFO in a thread with a given counter argument
>repeat the same argument in future threads to see how to counterract it.

You can't use that type of rhetoric on me. My troll level is too advanced for a simple "omg then show your face if you're not such a pussy". Child's play.

I am that user, you are welcome

Because you're not funny

Who is it his fault? Allready said he might have been a nice guy at first

I have no idea what you previously said ITT, but you sound like a douchebag, friendo

Stop mistyping shit hoping I'm going to call you out on it. I know you're doing it just to test my offense at this point. Like I said, I'm what you experience when you meet someone who's ACTUALLY above-average-intelligence.

Who are you trying to fool you little beta worm? We know it's you.

Oh I didn't write it in order for you to show yourself, it's just funny you have such confidence yet afraid to expose yourself

A little kid cannot be an inhuman piece of shit!

And I stand by my words. Sucker punch someone for a no-contact joke, you deserve to get sued. A punch in the face is not an everyday scrap. Imagine if celebs who argue on twitter would punch each other on the street irl. They would have their life ruined immediately, and that's how it should be.

I love when this happens because usually I literally have nothing else to say

Again, my troll level is too advanced for your "you sound like a douchebag" rhetoric/gimmick. It can't, and won't, work on me.

>replying to off topic garbage

Kill all jannies

>voluntarily doxxing youself

>Post my honest opinion
>Close thread because people are going to call me a faggot for it

I'm not stupid, user. Unlike your mother.

You have small forearms

well, color me devastated

>"no that user, but..."
>actually that user

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The universe itself is rational so any logically sound argument is objectively correct. Whoever is in an internet argument is objectively a loser.

Yea Forums is not what it once was, people post their face all the time
Only reason for you to not show it is if you're less proud of it then your body
But I get it, it's not fare, the only thing in your body you can't improve is the most important, beauty wise

not even him

Oh sorry but you also probably have small forearms so my point stands

lmao, he's trying to copy my writing style

>The thread automatically updates once it's deleted.
no they don't

its kinda hard to see the origin
i mean you are 100% ugly that didnt help
you probably were a coward and low test because your mom didnt gave you nutritional food, nowadays you are extremely skinny or fat
kids could kick your ass easily and improve their confidence
your dad probably hated his life
just like you right now but hey at least you dont have kids

>spend 15-20 minutes on a long, well written/humorous post
>post it and wait for the (You)s to start rolling in
>thread dies

Every. Time.

I'm on phone at work you moron, I'm not going to proofread 30 times my posts. Also you're really becoming pathetic. I regret admitting defeat to a faggot like you initially.

Tranny maybe? Like female to male? Weirdly feminine forearms indeed.

It was me the whole time you dumb bitch. Holy shit, how actually retarded can you be?

Do you have Yea Forums x? The thread does update.

>mfw I got into an altercation with the Alita janny
>kept calling Daisy Ridley moist in the thread and he kept deleting my posts
>Keep posting it while calling him a faggot
>Eventually bans me
>Find out he got replaced because he was so garbage
Feels good man

Attached: 225.jpg (960x721, 57K)

>demonstrate that a poster is a spammer
>mod bans me instead of the spammer

Attached: 1557211091377.jpg (193x197, 6K)

>post in a lively thread
>thread dies

>long reply with heated language
>notice mistake after hitting reply
>immediately call myself a thridie or calm down to get ahead of it


Holy shit, user is RETARDED

you arn't even denying it lol

I dunno I just got in here and pointed out your noodle arms
I didn't want to accidentally insult the wrong babbyarms

>you probably were a coward and low test because your mom didnt gave you nutritional food, nowadays you are extremely skinny or fat
>kids could kick your ass easily and improve their confidence
>your dad probably hated his life
>just like you right now but hey at least you dont have kids

That's ridiculously accurate. Not even mad.

I'm literally too based to fall for your gimmick. I fucking invented it, it absolutely does not work on me.

still not his fault
>oh nono
still not his fault

same except jews

Nice try Eduardo

You cant win em all user

mfw sometimes i actually laugh irl at some funny reply but never send him a (you) so he will never know if it was a funny reply

nah dude, you're retarded, I can't believe it

when other people join in your faults starts showing user, your detective skills arn't as good as you think

>make a typo
>furiously refresh page until I can delete the post
>post a new reply without the typo

Jews control America.

Attached: 1540365962226.webm (1440x508, 1.75M)

>talk shit to someone
>realise typo
>close thread

>Never take a stance on anything so I can't ever lose

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What the fuck is this goddamn schizo even trying to do at this point.

You've jumped the shark buddy. You were a real threat when I thought you were serious. Now I know you're just taking the piss and being edgy. No respect for you anymore, and you words can't hurt me.

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I dunno but I've taken one side and pretend he's talking to me so it feels like someone had a conversation with me today

>leave the thread before I get called out

Attached: 1532048097302.png (330x189, 19K)

>in argument about a subject i don't understand
>pretend to know what i'm talking about
>google text from someone's post
>didn't delete the >quote in the reply

Attached: 1549974268621.jpg (372x300, 28K)

>have a conversation with some user in a thread
>we're getting along amicably
>immediately assume he thinks im an idiot and is just being nice

Attached: 1562541171533.png (792x545, 89K)

his misery started before he could even talk, years passed
and he didnt do shit to change anything, so its his fault

>be part of the glorious phoneposting master race
>lurk all day on phone
>make a reply to a thread
>support post by changing from WiFi to 4G with “based”
>wait until battery is low to screenshot news articles and start new threads
>collect (You)s from triggered PC peasants telling me to charge my phone

>someone notices anyway and points it out

>somebody replies underrated to my post

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i would never do this to you champ :-)

this shit is the worst
>start arguing about a niche topic
>realize I am talking to an actual professional and I am way out of my depth
>become dishonest to save face

He's stopped replying to me directly. I know he's here somewhere, probably posting right under my nose too, but I have to admit, picking him out at this point would be very difficult. I know he's reading this though, and I know he knows I'm right.

Usually at this point, I casually drop my trump card and find another victim and fuck off.

I knew all along he didn't give as much of a shit as he let on. He was KIND OF hurt, but not really. He was just playing a character, like I was too, and he maybe fooled you guys, but I knew all along he thought he was baiting me.

Yeah, like I said, I'm not retarded. You're an okay troll, but I'm way fucking better. You have to be smart to troll effectively, and the beauty of my play is you still have no idea if I'm playing a character or not. You still have no idea if I'm being serious or if I'm just fucking around. I'm fucking based.

>be me
>see a brainlet in a thread
>he gets btfo by an user in an intelligent and polite way, giving him a chance to reflect on his mistakes and admit he was wrong
>brainlet doesn't reply
>the whole derailed thread is useless now
>step in
>start to LARP as said brainlet, but make him look even more retarded
>everyone keeps laughing at him (played by me)
>occasionally the brainlet comes back
>he swears it's not his posts
>everyone laughs at him even more

>point out typo in someone else's post
>realize I made a typo in mine
>close thread

>they tell you to have sex

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the trump card is hes kinda attracted to you because you act like his dad


>Reply to the wrong post
>Call service provider to terminate contract


>skipped over an important word while writing a post
>post makes no sense now
>too lazy to correct
>close thread and hide it
Living on easy mode here

Absolutely based

BASED bully user BTFO's nerd user once again

>doesn't realize the "professional" he's talking to is google-fu'ing

Attached: 1502572210176.jpg (782x788, 321K)


>call user a newfag
>I just got here last week from reddit

Attached: 1527983658929.jpg (225x225, 9K)

>user says X, Y and Z posts are the best in the thread
>X and Y are mine

Attached: WpggOIHy_400x400.jpg (400x400, 30K)

שמישהו יעצור אותו ודחוף

Holy cringe. Dude, you just got the point where I was in the original thread. You need to close the thread and drink yourself to sleep.

>See two guys arguing
>try to help one
>end up damaging his argument instead.

Attached: flat,1000x1000,075,f.jpg (1000x1000, 70K)

T. Terry crews

not even him, but I still consider him to have blown you the fuck out

>thread theme


But i come here for the porn and gore

>google-fu even deeper on my own days later
>realize he was a phony and I was actually right the whole time

Attached: 1490823274243.gif (489x532, 631K)

sorry i don't speak kikenese

>waiting until the thread is about to 404 then submitting your cutting and devastating rebuttal so they can't respond, thus winning you the argument

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wait... uh... ahem... HAVE SEX!!!!

Attached: 1539506221778.png (320x320, 88K)

He did initially when he seemed seriously, now he outted himself as an edgy troll and I know he will say anything to hurt my feelings. I'm actually starting to have fun. Hope the jannies don't delete the thread this time.

>the user you were trying to help says that he never defended the argument "that one retard" put forward and moves on

>wait until thread is the last one on page 10
>hit reply
>create new thread right after
>"what are some movies where the protagonist gets BTFO?"

>start an argument
>let others join in and start arguing then close the thread

Attached: 1402893102153.png (257x384, 39K)

You're good user, better then me at this for sure.

You're clearly a character tho
>I'm based
>Look how based I am
>I'm fucking based

>make a joke so good everytime the same type of thread is made someone posts it

Attached: 42I2.jpg (801x573, 76K)

Oh, I'm coming back just to say one more thing though. Everything I wrote in the previous thread, I meant 100%.

You're still a nerdy wimpy faggot who needs to rely on codes and books and laws because he's not enough of a man to uphold himself through his own merit. You don't like law and order because they represent justice; you idolize law and order because it's the only source of power that you will ever truly have in any legitimate fashion.

תכבה את זה

>win argument
>begin samefag (You)ing my own post agreeing with my point of view and ignoring my defeated opponent
>begin whole new conversation with myself and my puppets granting my point as true and disregarding the opposing user, further frustrating them as now they feel like they've lost AND they're being ignored
>they keep replying to all the different sockpuppets trying to argue with them, but getting no (You)s back

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plain evil

>your whole greentext is a larp waiting for validation after being inspired by my recent trolling escapades, and you wanted to try your own hand at living as a troll vicariously through your made up story

Yep...Still got it...

Attached: 1489493403591.png (650x650, 13K)

Are you Jewish by any chance?

>You don't like law and order because they represent justice; you idolize law and order because it's the only source of power that you will ever truly have in any legitimate fashion.

Solid stuff. Likely true. I'm honestly pretty fit, I can run a lot and I can do 20 pullups on a good day but I'm incredibly weak on the inside and that makes me seceretly very violent, angey and dishonest (that and some embarrassing medical issues)

>these are all user's sockpuppet replies validating his own approach to arguing
>I'm now the one (You)ing them all but getting no response to my calling him out and he will likely continue the conversation with himself

sneed's feed & seed (formerly chuck's)

Literally don't give a shit what you typed. I'm typing because I want to attract the attention of Machiavelli-user again at this point. I just wanted to reply to you to see if I could bait him out of hiding one more time.

>this poster is actually this poster trying to get you's from everyone who posted to his original post

>mfw I get the last word because I dedicated myself to spending the most time posting responses, thereby winning the argument by making sure that my points are the final points in the reply chain, even if they've been rebutted over and over again
>stayed up until 10AM to do this, giving me the only feeling of satisfaction, accomplishment, and power over others I get in my life

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damn dude, I know this is Yea Forums and everything, but I think he's had enough, chill the fuck with him

wow, this thread blew up!

This one was all me, baby. I don't want no one to take the cred for that ().

I don't give a fuck about you too

>lose an argument
>come into other unrelated threads pretending to be the other person admitting it was them that was wrong

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Reminder if your post doesn't receive any more replies during an argument that means you have won