Will Warwick Davis play him in the movie?
Will Warwick Davis play him in the movie?
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I'm 6'2'' but I unironically support these guys, it's really fucked up that people make your life hell just because you're born little
the part where he throws the bagel on the floor gets me every time
Manlets finally rising up
every time a short guy goes viral or whatever, the entire world makes fun of and talks down to short guys all at the same time for like two weeks straight or however long it's a hot topic. it's bad enough for us short guys that our entire lives, our very existence is fucking torture, a joke, but when literally everyone openly expresses their utter pure contempt and hatred for us for something we have no say in, it gets absurdly frustrating. switching between homicidal and suicidal, then getting temporary relief from one person who expresses sympathy, but the relief is fleeting. we are not seen as human, we'll never be included in anything people do. i'm 5'7" and althought i don't experience the specific level of hell bagel guy has to experience, we're both in the same boat. we're both viewed the same, tolerated like gnats in the summer. and when one of our kind finally snaps after the countless years of being made fun of, laughed at, the looks, everything, and the years to come of the same shit, we're mocked for our insecurity, for our rage. called bitter. they say that's why no one likes us. do they not understand that we were not born like this? we came into this world just like you, eyes open, mind open, hoping to experience love and respect and everything else. but no. no, we are not allowed.
i'll stop now lmao
>tried to rise up
>lanklet put him on the ground
>Manlets-females War of Honor followed by the Lanklets Civil War
good times
Internet is driving people crazy.
As a manlet the attention this guy is getting is making me feel really uncomfortable. I mean I already kind of accepted I was a genetic joke and am able to laugh along with it to keep from feeling down about it, but the way this guy is blowing up and bringing attention to the pathetic manlet inferiority complex is making me feel like my darkest fears and insecurities are getting cast onto the national stage. Wish he would just shut the fuck up already
Apparently he has a youtube channel where he goes around and manlet rages at women and minorities.
He's a total asshole, someone is reuploading what Shorty is currently deleting from his own channel
Where do you get these stereotypical insecure manlet responses from, they are hilarious
This is better than Denny's nigger chair fight 2018. It beats Rick N Morty Szechwan sauce flipout.
The question though, does it beat the Whataburger 2013 kino?
The popular viral video has changed my whole outlook about standing up for myself in public. But maybe not the way you think.
Because I’m small, I get people who step in front of me all the time and assume I won’t say anything. Sometimes when I’m in line at a bar or even a typical retail store. Or something else disrespectful, like block my car in at the park. Normal everyday issues. Usually I don’t take it and I’ll say something. For example, I might say: “Hey Bro, I’m in line, please wait your turn.” If they take issue with it I don’t back down. So far, I’ve stood proud and I don’t let people push me around. I’m not insulting, just firm with people.
But now, after the popular viral bagel video I’m starting to think I should just back off and not do anything in these situations. I don’t want a camera phone shoved in my face then published on social media as the “angered little man” at the local bar or park. Even if I have legit reasons for arguing with someone in public, I doubt I’ll get my side of the story told and become the victim of a feeding frenzy of short guy bashing that doesn't help any of us. I would probably have to leave social media completely over a stupid argument over a parking space.
What do you think?
At the very least I’m gonna be more cautious now about staying really calm and just assume everything I say in public has the chance of making it on social media to be judged by a crowd of angry pitchforks waiting for the next little man who dares to try and stand up for himself.
Do we know what he does for work?
>my sides.
I only managed to watch one video but it seemed like he was friends with a spanish dude. It didn't look like he's racist but he probably does use racism to get back at a lot of people who call him short. It's an easy way to piss people off.
Basically sums up how I feel. I didn't choose to be a short fuck.
just be ready to go to jail over it bro
Remember how that eipc beard man caused a movie? That would be hilarious if they made one for bagel boy
I taught my grandma the manlet slang term. Took her out to the movies and there is a tiny man at the counter getting popcorn and she leans in and says quietly, "do they ever learn?". Except she's half deaf and it was really loud. LOL, grandma burned, popcorn manlet.
he has a cleaning company (ie. janitor). His site is hilarious
>only 4'11
even a trip in asia won't save him
People watching fights and laughing hysterically as if this could never happen to them because they're too cool - these people are scum.
oh no it's hysterical because He's Got a Cheeseburger and It's Delicious. Didn't you listen to the video?
also nothing better than fucking with drunk idiots. fucking scum of the earf
I feel bad for manlets but it is always really hard to associate with you guys. I cant count all the times some roided out little manlet has tried to start shit with me just because I'm tall
Fuck you manlets atleast you can get easy gains. Try being a chinlet now thats horrible
can fix that shit easily with surgery
Im glad manlet hate is becoming more mainstream now. Those little fucks deserve to be bullied for having such inferior genes. Its 2019 human males shouldn't be shorter than 6 ft.
That's just low self confidence/self worth, learn to stand, talk and walk tall instead of like a little bitch and maybe faggots will take you seriously, you don't have to be 8 ft tall to have a presence.
Also do a useful martial art(s) and spar, you ever see little Thai niggas doing Muai Thai?, it doesn't matter what size you are, a kick to the shin or kidney will bring you to your knees.
I hope you get cancer in your brain
I meant people in the scene, who are actually there (and usually filming it now), doing it. These are 2 people in a hyper stressful, humiliating, situation and it's just HILLARIOUS. Oh Lord it could never possibly ever happen to them. Ha! Can you even imagine?
Here's another thing, there needs to be some sort of penalty for filming things like this and uploading it to the internet. It's potentially life ruining to the people being filmed. People who do this are fucking worms.
honestly, obvious bait like this makes me feel better. like the absurdity of it all is being toyed with
fucking die
yes... "bait"...
seems like most people over 5'11 have empathy for short people, it's the ones that are 5'7"-5'10 that make midget jokes to makes themselves feel better.
Doesn't change the fact that no one takes manlets seriously though.
I bet you're exactly 5'11"
Sorry shorty, 6'2"
>i'm 5'7
Time to transition, lad.
Absolutely based.
Why are manlets so aggressive?
Yes, I'm sure they have the resources to help you live the life that god clearly intended for you. Best of luck, user(ette).
"""""""""""""men""""""" under 6'5 should unironically be purged from the gene pool
>being above 6'5"
You better be fucking jacked because thats lanklet territory friendo.
>You’re not god, or my father, or my boss
What did he mean by this?
People make his life hell because hes a bitter incel who bitches on youtube. Peopl mock him because hes a terrible person
so how tall are you, midget?
how do you think he got like that, moron?
You empathize with him because you're both functionally illiterate incels, height has little to do with why this guy never found a midget girlfriend
At first I thought this guy was ridiculous, but the more stuff I watch of him, the more I realize that he's 100% in the right and it's the society that's in the wrong.
Probably bait but, if we’re really talking about inferior genes, height starts to be an evolutionary disadvantage at some point because you need so much more energy to do work than a manlet. Really, something like 5’11 is the perfect height. I don’t want thots ruining our race because they can’t accept getting dicked by anything below 6’5.