High intelligence that he overvalues the importance of

>High intelligence that he overvalues the importance of
>God complex in his belief in his own omnipotence and failure to recognize his errors
>Relentless bullying of those further down the hierarchy
>Burning toxic rage against the world for failing to recognize his genius
>Prickly pride that constantly causes him to sabotage otherwise smoothly functioning systems
>Creepily over-investing in the one woman who gives him interest
>Gamma: The introspective, the unusual, the unattractive, and all too often the bitter. Gammas are often intelligent, usually unsuccessful with women, and not uncommonly all but invisible to them, the gamma alternates between placing women on pedestals and hating the entire sex. This mostly depends upon whether an attractive woman happened to notice his existence or not that day. Too introspective for their own good, gammas are the men who obsess over individual women for extended periods of time and supply the ranks of stalkers, psycho-jealous ex-boyfriends, and the authors of excruciatingly romantic rhyming doggerel. In the unlikely event they are at the party, they are probably in the corner muttering darkly about the behavior of everyone else there... sometimes to themselves. Gammas tend to have have a worship/hate relationship with women, the current direction of which is directly tied to their present situation. However, they are sexual rejects, not social rejects.

Walt was a gamma male. Just like most of the posters on Yea Forums(nel).

Attached: 8C9274899-tdy-131004-breakin-bad-obit-tease2.jpg (1280x960, 957K)

he was also dying. weird to project your own shit about "men in today's sOciEtY" on a fictional character

have sex

Huh wow, do you think that episode title Ozymandias has any connection with the poem????

i have no horse in this race but this shit is why diScOuRsE is dying:

"[buzzword]: The quintessential archetype of [genre]. Their [selected trait] is characteristic of [generalization], which further supports [generalization]. [buzzwords] are, in fact true, by virtue of my saying so. However, their [my own projection] validates my [superficial analysis]. I'm only think in terms of "-cels" because I can't possibly fathom men being motivated by anything other than sex. I've read over a hundred reddit threads on this so i have a full grasp on the complexity of the human psyche. I'm hyperaware of "intelligence quotients" because neo-Nazis made it a thing, so I'm resolutely against IQ, even though I'm the one who brought it up. Ironic, isn't it? Shit is crazy deep if you really think about it. Look it up. I'm so impressed with myself, anyone else? Huh? Anyways, in conclusion, [buzzwords] are [etc, etc]. they should try reading tvtropes.org so they can learn more about their fellow humans, like me. I've figured it all out.

QED, peace out, don't forget to like and subscribe

He's an autist in the wrong place. The mob doesn't allow autism. His wife tolerates it.

he had flaws he was a real human bean

consider the possibility that statistically, all things being equal, that 5 out of 12 times, across all demographics, [man] doesn't hate [woman] (or vice versa), you're just an annoying twat

>The mob doesn't allow autism. His wife tolerates it.
my sides

so in other words he was pretty based and redpilled.

holy based you fucking murdered him
>its nearly been an hour and no response
kek op is the only gamma male here

Are there fucking (insert Greek letter) males for every one?
For me? I'm a upsilon male

I'm a π guy, I love eating pie.

This is going to be the copypasta of the summer.

Shitty pasta that in no way refutes my argument

t. OP on a phone

Sounds like a friend of mine who used to study medicine


What's the argument? It's a fairly accurate assessment of a character on a great show.

>typing LiKe tHIs

get the fuck back to discord/reddit and learn the fucking culture, you fucking zoomer fags

desu i skimmed it

>high intelligence
>most posters on 4channel

who is this a satire of?

taxonomists who think they've discovered a new species by packaging together a few tropes

>the fucking culture
Kill yourself cringelord kekistani muh board culture xD

Hate kekistani larpers too, but not as much as you.

Get the FUCK back to discord, you zoomer piece of shit. Holy shit, please tell me you don't frequent twitch (you do).

I don't wanna be categorized by three groups of males kys tranny

nah typing like that is just gay dawg

My father is a decorated particle physicist. You couldn't put him on a spectrum.

The whole point of Yea Forums is that we don't copy other website's memes, cause we're not fucking hacks. We MAKE memes, and people are supposed to steal it from US.

Yea Forums humor is never supposed to be derivative, especially from an outside source, you fucking newfag dumbass

my father was an alcoholic czech who would beat me and my three sisters but never my brother, no, he was spared the rod and the child was spoiled. he was the sacrificial lamb for my father to make a point to the rest of us that if we weren't beaten we would end up married to a dutch hooker who stole our petty life savings and gave us syphilis.
you couldn't put him on a spectrum.

Well, I'm sure some memes used on Yea Forums are from outside sources. Can't think of any specific atm though.

But I agree twitter memes are cancer

'tHiS' is the new '/s', you "feel" me? *mimes air quotes* [dab emoji]

Looks like a fun childhood except for the beatings.

Yeah, from back in fucking 2005. The "culture" behind Yea Forums is that it's purposely supposed to be very alienating and hard to follow, that way it's very easy to distinguish the tourists from the regulars.

You see people tYpINg lIke ThIs on shit like reddit and discord, and you assume, on bias, that Yea Forums utilizes a very similar sense of humor, so you use that same lingo here mistakenly. Boom. Immediately outed as a tourist. No actual Yea Forums native uses outside memes because everything we use is homegrown, so to speak.

We take things like "based", "BTFO", "oh no no no" and shit like that from outside sources, but besides a handful of other people, they're OUR in jokes that only WE know how to use properly. So learn your shit before you come on here and make a fucking fool of yourself.

I fucking hate reddit and discord memes. They're all lowest common denominator shit and derivative as fuck. No creativity. No soul. Literally the equivalent of copying the funny kid in class's joke until eventually the whole school is saying it expecting a polite laugh and grinning like an idiot when he gets it.

Yea Forums is more like one funny kid comes up with a good joke, and that joke becomes a part of the playground's common lingo, like if Barry does something spectacular, you'd say "Woah, Jim just did a Barry on us".

Walt was quixotic. Anyone who proffeses that Walt was 'the bad guy' of the show lacks heart and soul.


It was named after the Watchmen character who defeated everyone with his mind like Walt did.