What the f was Coruscant like during the original trilogy...

What the f was Coruscant like during the original trilogy? Other than the fact that it wasn't made by George Lucas back in 1977-1983? There needs to be some info about it's status during the galactic empire and civil war.

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During the OT it was a planet-wide city controlled by the empire.

In the PT Coruscant was a palent-wide city with the senate and Jedi temple on it.
Now for the OT imagine that same thing but with no senate or Jedi. Probably encountered a slight economic decline in the main governmental area(s) too as a result, but it's still an entire fucking planet of Manhattan 5000.

It's not like anything interesting happened there during the prequels.

So are their cities only on land or do they have underwater too or did they completely fucked with the ocean, the salty bitch? Also, how deep do these cities go?

I really hate to use this excuse, but just don't think about it too much
They may have called it a city covering the entire planet, but we only ever see a tiny part of it. Just assume it's a really big city on an otherwise normal planet.

Oh, I'm not OP. I'm just curious about it. Thinking about the logistical nightmare of trying to run a city this big, the culture and crime. You could write a whole series about the damn thing and one wouldn't even be able to skim the surface.

it's like blade runner it rains everywhere and theres things that make loud vroom sounds all the time

Oh absolutely, just think about the light polution alone. Even in the dead of night the sky would still be lit up like dusk. You'd basically need an entire separate civilization of people just to govern it, if not multiple governing bodies spread out across multiple other planets.

I imagine it like Vichi France. Stormtroopers march in and everyone cries. Alderaan getting btfo added to their daily misery.

Controlled by the Empire. Basically the same as during the PT, except now only the wealthy elite were able to live near the top. Everyone else, the poor, the aliens, the weird looking freak lived in the lower levels which were not patrolled by Imperial troops.

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exactly the same as it was in the prequels
remember Lucas squeezed it into his edited ending for return of the jedi

how are this planet's tectonics?

During the OT the core world was called "Byss"; Coruscant is prequel hoobajooba.

What happened to Dexter Jettster's 1950's cafe in the original trilogy?

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The lower levels you go on courscount the worse it gets. At the bottom there are mutants and shit.

That's probably where the good sex clubs are.

Cafe? Don't be silly user people don't eat in star wars what is this bullshit

there was this cancelled star wars game called 1313.
As far as I remember it also took place on a planet that was covered by a city.
If that wasn´t bad enough of a managing and logistic nightmare the city also went several layers down into the earth. 1313 was called that way because it was the 1313 city layer underground. One layer was about as tall as a modern skyscraper I think and covered all of the planet as well.
So imagine having to take care of 1313 planet sized cities all on 1 planet alone!

They were forced to integrate Tusken Raiders onto their counters and thus sacred away the high-tipping Twileks.

>info about it's status during the galactic empire and civil war.
Well, in the beginning of Episode 4 there is the conference on the death star which tells you all you need to know. The Galactic Senate has been abolished by the emperor and the local governors enforce his will, so the planet coruscant itself became nothing more than another city planet, as opposed to the galactic capital it was before.

It's a fuck huge city that continued operating during a galactic war regardless. Nothing would have changed.

I doubt people even cared or probably even celebrated the Empire. Authoritarian regimes often have very little deviancy.

What the f was Coruscant like during the sequel trilogy?

From where do they get their oxygen when there are no forests or oceans?

Centralising control would give you more government, not less.

The Old Republic was decentralised af. Now Sheev comes along, it makes sense that Coruscant or whatever planet serves as the Empire's capital would have even more bureaucrats, now that all decisions flow in and out of it.

Maybe they've invented synthetic breathing air that is compatible with every species in the universe. If not, then they're generating it somehow.

Byss is nothing but 90's fan fiction.

Just Google "Trantor" to read what the star wars city is based on

>the lower levels which were not patrolled by Imperial troops.

A thing I appreciated about Rogue One was its tacit sympathy for the lot of the poor, downtrodden stormtrooper and the couple of reminders it contained of how there really were situations in which you'd find yourself feeling glad to see 'em.

it was first called alderaan, then had abaddon, finally imperial center and then coruscant
it was full of castles and palaces
also had two orbital death stars and an emperor throne room with lava deep underground

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they import water, food and air, thats why theres so many ships in the sky all the time

No it was named alderaan in the first scripts, then it was named imperial center and had abadon in return of the jedi
Byss was the place in the center of the galaxy in wich the ghost of palpatine went to lay low until he came back in dark empire, wich is a must read for any true star wars fan next to tales of the jedi

what was sheev's tax policy

I didn't know Lucas and Games Workshop shared the same creative design team. Looks like Holy Terra

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not all of it

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suposedly this was palpatine's crib

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So is it confirmed JJ wanted to blow up Coruscant only to be stopped by Disney suits?

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No, did you not hear the thing about the local governors? He doesn't centralize power in coruscant, he gives all the powers to the individual governors of each sector, who all answer to him. The old republic was centralized as in all the decision flowed through the galactic senate, but now all the decisions rest with the corresponding governor for that region.