When you see this in a movie what is your initial reaction?
When you see this in a movie what is your initial reaction?
I turn it off
I watched 3 or 4 episodes of the amazon show Hanna and turned it off when I saw they were gonna give her a black bf
The beach? I hate sand. It's course and gets everywhere
I realize I accidentally downloaded an American movie.
Chad in the white hat does not like what he sees kek
Beign disgusted at racemixing is something natural.
Only Amerimutts see it as something that's anything but an abomination.
I burst into a giant fit of rage and sometimes it gets me kicked out of the theater
No it isn't. There's nothing unnatural about a loving couple.
Post her in her military dress please I need to cum
Amerimutt detected, and don't bother posting niggers, I feel automatic repulse towards black skin and monkey jaws.
Racemixing isn't possible because we are all one race. The human race.
Yeah, it's just skin color, right?
There's a triggered poltard who goes through thousands of Instagram accounts just to find interracial couples.
and you the disc race
One race indeed.
bitch has a clubfoot
I'm in love
She's a lurker, mostly of /int/ and /pol/
I dont watch movies so I dont care
I call this a suppository redpill lmao
dropped, she was so close to perfection
Is she hateful like them too?
I shout out “kino”!
I cancelled my netflix subscription like 2 years ago so I haven't seen this in a movie in quite some time
Tall with abs, it makes no difference what race they are girls will like them.
the young full of cum musle body stud guys with hard strong big cocks don't leave much chance for old used up chubby crippied lipped dicked bald headed old men like me a chance for my dream girl breaks my heart she is so beautiful in every way hot damn
Yes tranny, every single girl is a tranny too, you totally aren't an abomination and you look just like her.
I automatically think that chick's had a lot of sex partners.
you have to go back
I hope so.
What an angel.
'oh man, Yea Forums's gonna FREAK'
I don't care if our kids turned into disabled pale freaks. We'd have each other and that's all that matters.
Albinism is highly recessive, so they probably wouldn't.
But even then, they would probably end up looking like her.
It really is hilarious that white guys are most bothered by this
Anything. Asian guy. Mexican Guy. Whatever
If this bitch somehow ended up in a septic tank. It doesn't matter. Still good
But if a white girl even kisses a black guy, it's over. She's done. It really is hilarious that a mere mention of a man of african descent, being with a caucasian woman, is alone to make white men mad. And the fact that there are people here who will NOT watch a MOVIE with that element, is even more hilarious.
It's a good thing she's already white because I was going to paint her thusly.
I'm sure i'd offset her perfection tbqh
he told himself, over and over again on an anonymous tibetan archery forum
>If this bitch somehow ended up in a septic tank
She did, though, just look at that picture. Also, can you please post better bait? This is generic. I'm here to get trolled, but this is the micropenis of shitposting.
I've wondered this about myself too. It's like some kind of very specific insecurity. There is no disgust feeling at all when it's an asian or latin or any other race. I don't know why that is.
I'm white and I am disgusted by all race mixing.
>I don't know why that is.
Nobody likes black people in general, it's really simple.
Well, theres a slight chance you won't.
for the same reason having sex with a dog is disgusting
It's instinctual, foreign colored man mating with the women of your tribe.
are you kidding yourself? when r/asianmasculinity posts shit white incels reeee. when pajeets post the three white girls that married indian billionaires they reeeee. hispanics all envision themselves as >70% spanish so they don't really post pictures of white girls dating 150 cm squatemalan flat-nosed goblins, but if they did Yea Forums would reeeeee at that too