Why didn't they save him?

Why didn't they save him?

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>not eating and coking and whoring yourself to an early grave
i'm doing it all wrong i think

If Farley sobered up and lost weight would he still have been funny?

How did people not see it coming? It’s so obvious he was on a path to self destruction. The real question is how the fuck did Artie Lange make it into his 50s? He’s even more fucked up than Farley

Smigel said in an interview it was like seeing a puppy in the middle on a freeway. You know it’s doomed but what can you do to save it? Lorne lived through losing Belushi and definitely saw all of the same signs. He even made Farley say on live TV that he was sober and going to do better from now on. As if that could help hold him to a better standard of living. Shrek was supposed to be voiced by Farley and it makes me wonder if Mike Myers really despised him by doing a Scottish accent for Shrek and later making the character Fat Bastard Scottish so that he could do gross out fat jokes and say that’s all Farley was

Beck and late 90s David Spade, impossible to tell apart!

hollywood sacrifice

Welcome to the crisis that drove him to overdosing.

I always got the sense Mike Myers didn't gel much with the stand-ups in the cast that Sandler/Farley/Spade/Rock/Schneider crew from early 90s SNL. Notice hes the one guy from that SNL era whos never appeared in any of the Sandler/Spade/Schneider movies. He seemed to think he was more highbrow and was above their more fratboy antics. This coming from the guy who would go on to make sophmoroic shit like Austin Powers and Love Guru?

Myers was like the one theater dork in that cast, probably the most stand-up comic heavy cast in SNL history. I think Farley was an improv dork but he seemed more like a cool stand-up bro than an improv fag so he got along more with the Spades and Sandlers and Rocks and Norms anyway

i hate to see what would become of him if he lived. sometimes its better to go out on top, he'd probably be as hated as Sandler and Schneider if he lived. Same with Belushi all his SNL co-stars like Chevy Chase and Dan Aykroyd are seen as unfunny hasbeens now

Jesus Christ, it might just be the awkward posture and angle but I've never seen Farley look that fucking fat before. Even in his death photo he doesn't look that big.

gonna say thats probably from about 97 the year he died he got fatter than ever than year and looked close to death when he hosted SNL just 2 months before his death. He was out of breath the whole show like he could barely breath and say his lines at the same time and looked coked out of his mind i honestly thought he was gonna die on live tv that night, so it wasnt a huge shock when he really did die 2 months later, was only a kid at the time but even then knew he wasnt well

>young comedians enjoying their climb to the top
Why do we have to age, bros?

Rocks the only one who looks better today. the others aged like shit. why do whites age so bad?

technically Farley aged the best since hes forever immortalized at 33. god could you imagine what he'd look like as a 50-something year old man? i just cant picture it

Black don't crack. But aside from looks, Sandler is a hated fraud, Rock is irrelevant, Spade is a failure, and Farley died young. Life doesn't get better than when you're young and full of dreams, even if you are successful and do everything right.

he has that one brother Kevin Farley whos an actor (usually has bit parts in a lot of Spade and Sandler movies) whose always looked identical to him so he'd probably look something like how he looks now

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Fuck David Spade so much.

then theres guys like Louie CK and Larry David who were much funnier than as they got older


Young Louis CK is still great

check out any young Louis CK or pre-Seinfeld Larry David (like on Fridays) so cringey and unfunny. some people seem like they have to age into being funny, like being a cranky middle-age dude was always meant to be their persona so it didnt work as young dudes

Yeah but they always make fun of how shit their lives are.

i dunno, dont think he woulda gone too far if this was as good as it got

Literally the only actually funny person in that picture

yeah whats that dudes problem with Spade? hes literally the only person i still have respect for from that era of SNL. The rest of former shells of what they used to be, at least Spade is still funny


Being a coked-up maniac was the reason people liked him. Part of his "charm".

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What's Farley been in apart from Beverly ninja ? I watched it with my Japanese wife and her family and it was terrible. They kept saying the actors were Korean and the american is not a funny man

this guy seemed so uncomfortable in his own skin and like he had to be "on" all the time like being the LOUD FUNNY FAT GUY was the only way people would like him and he could never turn it off. a more tragic figure in comedy there never was or something rite?

Tommy Boy
Black Sheep
Billy Madison
Cone Heads

just off the top of my head

They were probably doing just as much drugs. Farley's luck ran out before their's did.

and whats your fucking charm dipshit?

SNL and Tommy Boy are his best stuff. Sadly most of the other movies he made after Tommy Boy were pretty bad and it just made him more depressed and do more drugs. Beverly Hills Cop made him practically suicidal he knew it was terrible and thought his career was over because of it, he wanted to stop doing comedies after that and do more serious stuff but never got the chance, what could have been. All the funny fat dudes of the 90s seemed to die around the same time. I miss my nigga John Candy too

Is Jonah Hill Feldstein funny after he "got slim"?

When I eat out a girl I finger her at the same time.

you mean Beverly Hills Ninja

Yeah, probably. While the same compulsions that led to his various addictions probably also helped fuel his creativity, there’s nothing to suggest that sober, non-hambeasts can’t also be creative. A lot of creative people tend to also be highly sensitive and compulsive, but those things can be treated properly without resorting to booze and smack. Self medication is still medication, it’s just a shittier version.

>Beverly Hills Ninja

Ghostbusters 3 with these 4 would have really damn good, Rock and Farley were born to look "spooked"

>According to Bernie Brillstein, Chris Farley was so disappointed in this film that he cried on Brillstein's shoulder after the first screening.

>According to an A&E biography, Chris Farley hated the film upon seeing it for the very first time and told his agent that he never wanted to do such a film again. Farley's stance was justified as it arguably attributed to the exploitation of his manic, physical humor by dumbing it down and playing it out to an almost tiring and foolish degree.

surely a J** would never lie to sell more books

his final movie was kinda underrated honestly. saw it again for the first time in years a month ago, better than i remembered. didnt even realize its a chris guest movie and has all his usual regulars in it as all the supporting roles. Kevin Dunn from Veep and Eugene Levy are particularly hilarious in it. Farley plays more of a straightman role than is typical for him but still gets to be funny in it. Seemed like a was a step in the right direction for him, some of his more low-key earlier SNL sketches are a good reminder that he could play more than the loud obnoxious guy all the time, it was obvious he was sick of doing that same shtick all the time and wanted to prove that wasnt all he did.

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Didn't like it the first time I saw it, then watched it again years later and loved it. Just one of those movies like Fear and Loathing in Ls Vegas, either it clicks in or it doesnt

He would of went the way of Sandler

I will continue to state to anyone who will listen that this is the best farley movie.

False equivalency.
The jew was never funny.

>so lets voice Shrek
wow so different