What do my frens think about Dark Season 2? I didn't know Germans were capable of making kino like this
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oh thank God I thought I was about to kill myself from all the stranger things threads
they did the score right this season. S1's were outright a bit too much
what's this about?
time-traveling germans: the show, but it's pretty good
2nd best girl selling estrogen to best girl
I wish I could be like you and experience it again for the first time
guess I'll add it to the backlog
Will they be able to make the multiple worlds right?
Naw. Jonas is just going to fuck his way through all three worlds, destroying all three in his quest for incestuous poon.
What do you think?
That looks a lot more like the guy noah kills with the pickaxe
it's a hannah ruins everything episode
almost watched this show but then i realized it's in some fuckin commie gibberish language
do germans like this show?
Convince me this series is not made by actual time travelers.
They hate it.
Glad im not the only one who noticed this.
I think people were sceptical (including me) about Season 1 ending when they introduced travelling to the future, and Season 2 turned out to be great, so at this point I'm not doubting the writers
But it's by far their best show since kommissar Rex! (Which like hitler was actually austrian) Why would they possibly hate it? Is it for its lack of diversity?
>Irgendwie, Irgendwo, Irgendwann starts playing
>Is it for its lack of diversity
How many syrian refugees did the town even house?
aber wann?
Anno Zwieback.
Time travel, incest kino & some satanist shit
t. Egon
i'm calling, theres only 3 multiples world
Im Sturz durch Raum und Zeit
Irgendwie fängt irgendwann
Irgendwo die Zukunft an
Richtung Zukunft durch die Nacht
hmm not really even sublte is it
so it will play after season 3 endcredits?
most europeans watch all the popular shows from us. game of thrones, stranger things. they really not that different from murricans
I'm working through it slowly. It's fucking amazing.
Who wins?
the casting is legendary, no doubt
my DAAD could beat up your DAAD
If you haven't understood the ending so far, here's the factor you're missing: time travelling makes you gay
No. The majority of the actors' delivery of the lines apparently comes off as melodramatic to where it's annoying. Unless, of course, you don't understand German.
No, its my DAAD can beat you up with his KRRK!
>S1 handsome boy Mads Nielsen dead
*blocks your path*
>I'd like to ask you some questions.
>Have you ever heard the lyrics "My only aim is to take many lives / The more the better I feel" ?
the only likeable character. felt really sad when he ded
They made him more likeable near the end, but he was a retard for most of the show.
>not likeable
Back to discord, discord tranny.
Not accordingly to current mainstream scientific theory.
Too bad that this show is popular only among 15 y.o. zoomer "geekgirls" in my shithole cuntree and all they do on the internet is worshipping their husbandos, so the only place where you can actually discuss plot twists and character developement
But we're way more disgusted by globohomo propaganda than the average burger.
I want to marry Hannah!
>show only popular between geekgrills
>start discussing about it with all geekgrills
>find a cute geekgrill
>made her your gf
>you will watch the last season with her
Thats a cute plot for a tv show.
Cute plot for a tv show and completely impossible to happen IRL. Most of this girls (at least in my cunt-ree, from what i've read) are pretending to love Mikkel for his cuteness and latent on-screen autism, but a real life autist is a huge no-no for those poseurs.
Netflix just gave the € for it, the krauts did everything else. Hence why it's not full of niggers and leftie propaganda
woah nice criticism
It literally has a lesbian orgy scene and is full of slavs and italians which is even worse
Maybe you should pretend you're not an autist at all but if some autism happens when you're with geekgrills and they say something about it, you should be like "are you saying i'm acting like Mikkel? Hahaha no way, c'mon!".
user 95% of usual European movies/tv shows are free from diversity/globohomo propaganda. Its truly an USA/Hollyjews thing only.
thought i could get past the dub as i can with anime, but for live action the dub is too much of a distraction over the charactors, its kino and looks good with a atmospheric score, and im 2 episodes in, im trying to get past the dub, but ive almost given up.
It literally is statistically correct to have like 1 lesbian 'couple' out of 50 female characters, they ain't forcing it.
Stop being a /pol/fag and enjoy things
Predestination Paradox and how infuriating everyone in the show is regarding that.
I tried with Eng dub, it was pretty awkward. Is is that hard to watch it with Deutch audio and read subtitles? Works pretty well
ok, Noah is based too near the end
Don't be a retard and read subs like a normal person you mongoloid
It's not an orgy it's just two bored married women fooling around with each other. It's not even a homosexual thing, women do that all the time, especially in their 20s.
Stop trying to pretend people talk about your shows after 2 weeks, Netflix. Fucking shillfaggots. I can actually tell there are only 3 people in this thread.
t. mad /got/fag
It's kino
You killed event television, Netflix. Now we all have 1 week to watch this shit and 1 week after to discuss it. Don't pretend zoomers have the attention span to talk about it for more than that. You reap what you sow.
Who cares incel
have sex
German critics, who are even more retarded than English ones, don't like it.
German audiences do like it a lot and a surprised at the sheer quality of this show, since everyone knows German shows and movies are awful
And why don't g*rman critics like it? The show is great with barely any flaws
Hmmm I'm German but I didn't watch it, I don't trust that we can produce anything good
>It literally has a lesbian orgy scene
How did I miss this famalamazoid?
Cause Germans are so obsessed with copying American culture that they find something locally produced embarassing.
You can watch in English dub like a true partician
No the lack of niggers make it good.
They say it's too americanized and "ungerman"
Oh come on, you stupid amerimutt. Read the subs like a normal human being.
You guys think the girl at the end is Jonas and his aunt's daughter?
ich konnts auch nicht glauben aber es lohnt sich.
>Hannah traveling back in time to ruin his life as well
>Multiverse Martha pulls out orb
Careful, this guy will go on an autistic rampage to make himself appear right.
What a retard for not going into Scooby-Doo mode and figuring out time travel. What a maroon I tell ya!
In diesem Fall habt ihr es tatsächlich mal geschafft etwas gutes zu produzieren
t. Österreicher
Hannah is an ultimate roastie bitch and I absolutely love it
What about the French delegation ?
Kek, funnies.
The Autistic Mikkel Houdini
BMW and Audi are pretty good. Volkwsagen is cheap and reliable. This show is great. Was going to say Hitler was based, but he was Austrian.
99.7% pure, unadulterated KINO
ungerman as in not trash?
Germans hate it because they mainly associate German speaking actors with bad and boring tv series. Also, Germans are really good at nitpicking. So the slow start of S1 and the over-boarding droning music paired with their usual experience of German shows being bad leads to them simply stopping after one or two episodes thinking the series is terrible like all the other shows they've seen.
This. The depiction in the series was surprisingly accurate.
Did you not notice the French people that were hanged in the future?
Were the just trying to get their rescheduled appointment, and instead got hanged by the barbaric Germans?
Maybe futurefu used the time vortex to travel to 1986 and become Claudia's secretary, and told the French to fuck off knowing it would kickstart the loop.
What are the odds the owner of the power plant actually got the money from bringing back notes on sports events and then betting on them?
Futurefu Silja exists in the alternate timeline as Jonas' gf
>I didn't know Germans were capable of making kino like this
>what is Herzog
>what is Wim Wenders
>what is Fassbinder
>what is Berlin Alexanderplatz
>what is Heimat
>what is the whole lot of German silent cinema
I love Dark but don't make dumb statements like this when everyone knows Germany has always been at the forefront of kino making
To answer your question, it was great but depends a lot on Season 3 to really be able to tell
Much better than the new season of Stranger Things.
one of the weakest aspects of the show is how Claudia is painted as a really important person for the town when she ran the plant for such a short time and basically did jackshit because she was busy investigating about the dark material thing all the time before disappearing
Aleksander says that he took her wife's name because the Tiedemann's shaped the town. How exactly? Egon's family didn't seem to be rich or having big influence on the town. Maybe Claudia was a smart girl and did some good job at the plant but she occupied the position for what, 6 months tops? Then Regina and Aleksander don't seem to have done much other than setting up that hotel
Helge's family seemed to be much more influential. The construction of the plant seems to have been an initiative of his dad and they seemed to be rich as fuck.
Me and my german buddies love it. Definately the best show the last 5 years.
>have women come to your office
>they are all crazy time traveling cunts
>warum nicht Straße im Wald?
>warum nicht Waldweg?
the whole eye color thing made me fucking hype for s3.
Hannah every time
no curly hair in season 2
i was so dissapointed
It's Stranger Things but boring.
KRRK sounds like a Russian bloc spy agency. They make DAAD disappear into the night.
what eye color thing?
It sure is summer in here
Jonas has blue eyes while future Jonas has brown eyes.
Some people also believe that universe X Martha has a different eye color compared to regular Martha.
thread music
>70 years ago
Martha always had blue eyes. Left looks different because it's a Instagram foto with a filter.
>1921 is 66 years from now