Jason Schwartzman

Jason Schwartzman

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I like this one

Is a no talent kike.

has clearly never listened to coconut records

he did a good job playing the autistic fox

I share similar defformities with him (and dwarfism), here I tried to make him look more normal.

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Guys I look just like this guy. Is that bad?

I don't think so.

there are uglier people to resemble for sure


Is he Jewish?

>Guys I look just like this guy. Is that bad?
It means you are a Jew, so yes, that is very very bad.

Are any good women attracted to this look?

First movie I saw him in was Spun, then I remembered I had seen him before in Spun.
He was great in both. Can't say I've seen him act in anything other though. Darjeeling, but that was another boreland movie. Pic related, it's what he looks like now. I can't see him playing anything other than a seething manlet. Unless they mess with the camera angles.

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This looks like Ryan Gosling mixed with Keanu Reeves mixed with Jared Leto. Not necessarily positive results.

just get a haircut, mate


Based shit-taste poster

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He got to sniff Portman's butt in that short movie made by Wesley Andersons

Bored to Death was stoner kino

I'm Armenian, so I look Jewish but I'm not

I'd say yes. I look somewhat like him too and it's probably the least attractive face type.

Lots of incels look (somewhat) like him.