ITT: Sequels better than the original

ITT: Sequels better than the original.

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Spider-Man 2
The Matrix Reloaded

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The Holocaust
At least it will be ;)

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Terminator 2

You're smoking crack OP, TS2 is good but not as good as the original

>The Matrix Reloaded
Wow, 3 incorrect opinions.

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wow, 1 incorrect opinion

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False. It almsot was but the ending kind of ruined the whole thing.

3 > 2 > 1

>zoomers actually believe this

Nostalgia, Music, Personality: TS1
Consistently the best overall, with few dips: TS3
Some of the best spikes of brilliance in the franchise but also some of the lowest lows: TS2

Absolute dogshit, not canon and extra gay: TS4

Shit taste

It's actually 2>1>3>power gap>4

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The Dark Knight was better than Batman Begins.

These are correct opinions.
Also everyone go look at my thread about the Sopranos.

X Men 2
Mad Max 2(still the best one)
Empire Strikes Back
The Fast and Furious have had many ups and downs. Some of the sequels were better than the first one for sure.

Wrath of Khan

Good movie, but not better than the original

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This one is more consistently funny and had better "big" laughs. It went a little overboard with pop culture stuff and general zaniness. It lacked the heart of the original. It's been a long time since I've seen it though.

This, Thor 2 was terrible

Wow that did not age well. It is cut so badly, the pacing is awful. I remembered it being so much more thrust, but that was almost soulessly executed.

The direct to video sequels should've been more like this. Just comedy.

>Godfather 2 was better than the first one.

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Watchmen, created by Damon Lindelof!

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