For the love of God, sir. There's TWO SEATS!

>For the love of God, sir. There's TWO SEATS!
>Yeah but I like to put my feet up!

Attached: koqv6f9odhyy.jpg (702x535, 36K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>For the love of Chuck, sir. There's TWO SEEDS!
>Yeah but I like to suck my feet up!

>For the love of God, sir. There's TWO SNEEDS!
>Yeah but I like to put my feed up!

I don't get it

Have sex.

I don't get it

>For the love of God, Sneed. That’s a FEED and SEED!

>Yeah, but I like to put Chuck’s name up.

Attached: 24C5F6B5-1AB7-458C-A510-917405233913.jpg (300x300, 17K)

Mr. Burns is an asshole.

Do you sneedposters actually find any of this funny or are you just doing it because everyone else is?

They're pajeets desperate to fit in with an uncreative meme. It's just best to report and not acknowledge them.

They actually hate the meme and are trying to force it to kill it dead

>getting triggered over one word
Leave your room once in awhile

>trying to force it to kill it dead
It's more than 2 years, I doubt it's going to die anytime soon.

It's not "one word". It's constant spam, every day, almost every thread, and it hasn't been funny once.


I heard they're actually from Guatemala.

snee post best post

Get this chucklefuck out of here

>Sneed the sneed of Sneed, Sneed. Sneed's SNEED SNEED!
>Sneed but I sneed to sneed my sneed up!


Guys please stop posting sneed I’m so tired of it already.
