What do you think about merch?

What do you think about merch?

My wife often buys funko pops for me, I especially love the Rick and Morty ones.

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I like your idea, but it is too obvious, try again later

I especially love the Chuck and Sneed ones.

I used to be all about it. Now I want to burn all of my clothes with anything even slightly noticeable save for maybe some old band t shirts

Funko pops are based

Holy spaghetti and toothpaste batman! What an epic post.

An upboat is yours sir, you win the internet today kind stranger!

Ignoring the second part of your post that is bait, I don't really like merch unless it's functional prop stuff. Things like a working Pip-boy are fun to own.

Figurines, posters, stickers, buttons, eh. They just gradually become clutter in my house. I used to be all about that in high school, then when I hit adult hood I was like, "What the fuck am I going to do with a bunch of Invader ZIM prints I got from cons?". Now they're just stored away in a drawer somewhere.

I guess clothing is okay.

Sure she does. *Sure* you do. With that said I'm absolutely fucking baffled by their popularity.

I'm just going to assume you wrote s-oy and got filtered

Your wife's boyfriend you mean?

What do you think about seed?

My wife often buys feed and seed for me, I especially love the Sneed and Chuck ones.

What roes she buy her boyfriend?

My wife buys me fuck and suck.

>I-I turned mys*belch*elf into a pickle, Morty. And-and then I turned myself into a lighter

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I keep getting these from s o i family members and I don't really know what to do with them but I also don't want to be an asshole so I just accept them and shove them in the back of my closet

>come out of the closet funkos

All the plebs don't see a solid investment when they see one. Excuse me while I put my kids through college. (Not that I believe in cis normative ideology of having children due to the harm it causes on our carbon footprint.)

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Huh. I bought one of those for a friend who collect lighters. Well. He buys a bunch to smoke weed with. I think it may have been fore the whole pickle Rick thing. He also likes jerkin the gerkins of other guys, so I was mainly making that joke.

Don't call it a cultural grave.
This is the future you chose!

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Simon Pegg was right.
Geek culture was a mistake.

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Yeah. I like to keep my room down to the bare essentials. I have gotten rid of anything that doesn't spark joy.

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Including floorboards, windows, and wallpaper it looks like.

Nendoroid is better

> I have gotten rid of anything that doesn't spark joy.
Then why are you still in the room?

I am nothing. I am but a vessel for Smash.
Nintendo is good. Nintendo is great. We surrender our will as of this date.

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