What's Yea Forums's next spammable buzzword gonna be?

What's Yea Forums's next spammable buzzword gonna be?

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I'm irrationally angry at how flawed that list is. It really would need to be a list by month rather than every other year to really encompass the steaming shitpile that is this board's buzzword production.

isn't that the question of the day


kek was 2016? i thought it was longer ago

KEK was a buzzword? I thought it was just an alt LOL?

Nice try polfag.

he is just an election newfag user...

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Yangle. Trust me I heard it from hiro at the meeting last month

sneed grows more popular daily

What happened in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2017?

I think 2017 was GET LITTY if I remember correctly.

what years were pleb i dont even know


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Where does 'kino' fit in?

OP is a newfag because he thinks 2012 was "Bane?" instead of "For you"

No, I'm aware it's way older than that but it was spammed a lot during that time, mostly due to /pol/ because of Trump supporters, yes. You might as well exchange it with "SHADILAY" but "KEK" was way more prominent all around.

Have dilate.

>per month basis

Too much overlap.

I started to browse Yea Forums two months ago and Sneed got 10 times bigger since I came. And if I search through the archives it is clearly obvious that it's an incrasing phenomenon that it's still far away from its final form.

probably some ghetto slang like based

Its still baneposting. Ony hotheads stopped

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What year did t b h and f a m become popular ?

social media ebonics

I'm still salty that normies ruined kek :(



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Trips of truth, OP's a cocksmoker.

McDonald's Arthouse

I don't want to know

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dilate tranny

>baneposting is 7 years old

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I thought Kek was a Yea Forums term that just got coopted by Yea Forums in general. The others are definitely ours.

what? its WOW horde "lol" when viewed from alliance. Kekistan is literally a world of warcraft progeny.

Holy friggin based.

Something to do with the reelection

sad that /Stayvun/ died


You know damn well that social reject was shitting up Yea Forums and the other more obscure chans, before committing that heinous crime

I predict it's gonna be "cool story, bro"

Cool story babe hahah.... now make me a sandwich

Who /kekistani/ here?

invest in sneed coin, it's coming back in 2020

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Nice post Hoss

*schlop schlop schlop*

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2015 Cuck
2016 Onions
2017 Based
2018 Sneed
2019 Have sex
2020 Something even more incomprehensibly retarded.

Reminder: There is no rock bottom for Yea Forums.

Aye shut the FUCK up you Plebbit ass bitch. Go back to your meme regurgitating cesspool. Real talk, I oughtta smack the hell out your ass right now. No flex. Ima run your pockets.

SnEEd's fEeD aNd SeED!?

based has been on Yea Forums for a decade or more

I miss 2011 ISHYDDT and Seinfeld posting


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was sneed really that popular? you got banned for posting bane or anything related to bane posting. kek was everywhere too. sneed was only the rare post outside Yea Forums.

I'm your next meme, foos

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Coolsville is gonna make a comeback when James Gunn FINALLY makes his Scooby Doo 3

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No shit, but it's hit spam levels like never before. It's just another word kids get stuck in their heads that they repeat ad nauseum.

ISHIGGYDIGGY was just that year's have sex.

>not 2010

>Still doing this

i shiggy

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have kids

Look at those digits

Someone has to kill “have sex” first. Dilate is not good enough. “Bend over” or “yes, lets” is better but not perfect. We need the “have sex” killer to move on.

Is anybody on this board old enough to remember Mr T ate my balls? Or Mr T for that matter?


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Already a thing

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yeah, I'm thinking he's based

Have sex, is the end because none of you will and yet you all desperately need to. Also it enrages all of you to your core.

Sneed, but in pog form

You first

Eventually we'll all just have sex with each other to prove you people wrong.


david lunch lol

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based and sneedpilled

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Remember how simple Sneedposting started - mostly just threads saying "i don't get it" with a picture of the store.

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"Snard Crod"
You may not believe it, but you'll see..


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Dilate and have sex (preferably with a homosexual man of color)

Absurdism is a good way to counter a phrase that completely cuts to the core of Yea Forums’s anti-normalfaggotry (have sex), but it can’t last forever. It’ll get stale and old hat, Have Sex is forever relevant. We need to address it directly or it’ll never leave.

>Blocks your path
You can't comprehend me mortal, I am eternal.

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Based (formerly not based)

sneed and basepilled

have gay sex


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Missing a few. Where are your year timelines for, Alpha/Beta, Delusional, Autism, UMad, Edgy, Hipster, Pretentious, GOAT, Plebeian and Based?

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We need to devise the ultimate rebuttal

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Try 05-19 (ongoing)
I can never fucking leave

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why did you wait so many years with saying kek? also sn33d was pretty old aswell. Has tv a fetish for old shit other than feet?

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Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. Better than he was before. Better, stronger, faster.

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>someone took the time to make this

Have sex easily beats everything since despite what /pol/ claims, Yea Forums will always be 99% cis males. Especially boards like Yea Forums and Yea Forums.

yeah me too, I've grown comfortable with it though. Real life is too stressful.


Yea Forums is all cute girls

SEETHING roastie. Stay mad.

Rent free

seethe more

"seek help"

The future is now!


You're a fucking idiot, breh.

Everyone in this thread is delusional

bruh, you've got to get horizontal before you get vertical, know what I'm sayin'?

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formerly sane

Have sex

That’s good. I think the dismissive, easily applicable two word phrase is the future.


Sneedposting has never stopped

unironically it will be -

leave a like if you agree
edit: wow i wasn't expecting that! thanks the gold

screenshot this

How much?


have poo

And never will

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Code to learn


Ironic Forum/Reddit posting has always been a Yea Forums past time (Gold account meme, le meme, lemonkey face, etc) I could see it. People already collect pepes and flags, maybe they’ll start tallying (you)s or another artificial system like Yea Forums gold?

formerly and presently dumb phoneposter

>Ironic Forum/Reddit posting has always been a Yea Forums past time (Gold account meme, le meme, lemonkey face, etc) I could see it. People already collect pepes and flags, maybe they’ll start tallying (you)s or another artificial system like Yea Forums gold?
Just retweeting this to signal boost

>Have sex

Have sex, incels.

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2003: Sneed
2004: Sneed
2005: Sneed
2006: Sneed
2007: Sneed
2008: Sneed
2009: Sneed
2010: Sneed
2011: Sneed
2012: Sneed
2013: Sneed
2014: Sneed
2015: Sneed
2016: Sneed
2017: Sneed
2018: Sneed
2019: Sneed
2020: Sneed

What about a phone poster uprising? We are the only ones with infinite bans. We control the meme spice.

2019: "Have sex" (formerly "Sneed")

um sweaty, you don't get to have sex

this but ununironically

Bend over, sweetie.

I just did!

New term is youre banned faggot

namefag related

>tfw no one remembers ayy lmao alien posting

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you only make us stronger


Have snex

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The proper term is "btfos" not "beats"

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The /x/ happening scrubbed ayy lmao off the face of the earth.

wowie kazowie! NOW that's what I'd call based!

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Um, the proper term is "have sex"

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Perhaps that is more correct

Paint eyebrows.


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"I love Disney"

DILATE is the pretty clearly the front runner at this point. It reminds disgusting balding transgenders that 99.99% of them are disgusting freaks of nature that couldn't fool a 90 year old blind person on their best day.

Oh shit thanks for explaining why his post was so based dude it's not like I could see for myself

that's a big meme

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I’m /pol/ as the H-man himself, dilate is pretty weak. We can do better.

based have sex poster

>have sex
Not exactly a powerhouse it's just screaming, 'Virgin!' at people like folks have done since the early 20th century.

it's only an image ban though

It’s a powerhouse until it has a counter. Virgin has a connotation with female virginity which is seen as a positive so it’s not as strong. Have sex is just so direct and scathing. It’s the perfect normalfag response to our entire existence.

dilate is a retarded term that usually implies the poster himself is triggered off the face of this planet while also suggesting an acute obsession with the inverted penis of a faggot female LARPer.

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get this hothead outta here!

2017 was reddit


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insanely based

Are you referring to the ayy pic?


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Die uh late


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It's from world of Warcraft, alliance players would see "kek" if a horse player said "lol", how people don't know this I have no clue

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White fragility


sn**d was never a meme or buzzword

As a dedicated sneedposter, I'd willingly hand down the torch to based blehposters

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your general got fucked and your movie sucks

inb4 SEETHING z*omers

perro caca renaissance




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it's easy enough to make something new, just have to keep spamming it, the more people see it the more it'll catch on, just need that one dedicated user.

Why does this site as a whole even have this sort of culture of repeating the same thing forever?

>this board
Have sex is from Yea Forums

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Anyone got that rock paper scisor diagram with all the buzzwords where "Have sex" trumps everything but Dilate trumps Have sex?

Read the thread

Why don't you try looking through the thread first.

Unequivocally based.

singles and it's sTiNkY tOoTz

Mods please be consistent
what the fuck is this thread doing?

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Dilate = die late
Therefore new meme
Die early


It has counters. Threats of rape in response, accusations of virginity in response, accusations of hypocrisy (as it's typically used by liberal feminists who claim to oppose the very toxic masculinity 'have sex' reinforces) or evne 'dilate' (calling the offended party a tranny'.
IT's just retarded. And no one over the age of 25 treats it as anything but some underage cunt's idea of a response.

Something to do with manlets. You can feel society is getting sick of these disgusting creatures. That's why we have so many Warwick threads. God just thinking about some who is 5'10 makes me furious that they exist I'd fucking step on that tiny faggot

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>requesting mods when evading ban

I meant OP should dilate, not whatever dumb meme this shit board will hav.e

It expired already


this has potential



Your time is up, lanklet

Drac's Crac and Snac
Formerly Chuck's

"nice try /polfag" just might be it


Naked City's Absinthe

Kek's been around since WoW launched in late 2004.