Why aren't millennials having sex?

Why aren't millennials having sex?

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Boomers are such whores

Because despite all the emphasis on sex the actual social interactions required to get it are increasingly stigmatized

Because sex is overrated and there are tons more options than going out and looking for whores.

nice im above average!

Daily Reminder Sex Out Of Wedlock Is Wrong And Shameful

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Afraid of getting looking at a women wrong or making any type of contact with them cuz current year chicks are empowered yaaas qweeb they ain’t afraid to MeToo all the evil men in 2019 all men are rapists now if u didn’t know

>Baby boomers had the most sexxual partners at 11

So fucking sickening, I can't fucking imagine my child having sex at such a young age. Thank god we've come to our senses since then.

because there's more to life than just sex, boomers had nothing to do but drink beer, talk about cars and having sex

I can't wait for Japanese rags to start writing misinformed articles about American NEET culture and herbivore males.

My oneitis has a boyfriend and is 12 years younger than me. I'm wearing her down though. Any day now...

>average 8 partners
I think this means an average women has 16 partners, and a typical man has 0. A chad has hundreds, even thousands. He must be mentally ill though and have nothing better to do.

>4 and I already think I’m too high
Is this one of those men are low and women are whores things?

Why would anyone wanna have sex or touch a disgusting woman we got too much other cool stuff now with the internet to surf and all the Netflix to watch seems way more funny than having some hussy see my tiny weiner and laugh at me and then refuse to have sex with me anyway who needs that kinda headache amirite guys???

They are busy watching capeshit. And when they are not, no woman wants a manbaby capeshitter anyway.

Most women's standards have become impossibly high and social media gives them all the dopamine hits they need.

lol women are getting passed around the top 20% of guys. There's lots of sex being had.

women collect dicks as if it's facebook likes.

>greatest generation
>had the least sex

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>tfw some chad is getting 16 and I'm getting 0

chad is getting 50 per year

I have a 5 inch penis

>tfw absolute zero

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I have a 4inch penis and just keep it in diapers for realism.

Boomers are the degenerate generation

Chad virgin generation

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>Only had two sexual partners prior to my recent GF
>GF never had a sexual partner before me
>I'm 32 and she is 25
>Rarely have sex but play a shit ton of video games
>Been together for 10 years
Sex isn't important, when you have other options for fun.

based and redpilled

Women purposefully uglyfy themselves now just to be woke. Who wants to fuck some fat cottage cheese smelling bitch with dementia from too much pink hair dye?

Cuz they're fat, retarded, and gross. Luckily they have porn so they don't need to fuck each other; they can fuck themselves.

Fucking baby boomers

Thank god I knocked out a solid 30 partners before I hit 25. I've only had sex twice in the past 7 years but by god, can't help but feel a little proud of myself. The halcyon days of e-thots on the internet was a glorious time to be alive. I could fuck like a milf a day on adultfriendfinder back then.

Bruh... she's getting side dick. No doubt about that.

>my recent GF
>she is 25
>Been together for 10 years
Can't you even keep your lies straight for a single post.

Yeah I’m seeing way too many chicks lately that have that naturally hot look but are doing everything they can to
Make themselves look unfuckable cuz they’ve been brainwashed by feminism. Shaved heads frumpy clothes stupid hipster glasses whatever else

If she was I would know. She doesnt drive.

That's a solid view, user, good for you. The only people that exaggerate the importance of sex are a) virgins and b) complete reprobates with nothing else to live for. Ultimately, it's a very quick activity (even if you fuck someone for like 45 minutes) that loses its luster the moment you cum. When you consider all of the time and effort, the money you've invested to really get to the point of attaining sex regularly, you realize that it isn't really worth it at all.

Once you hit 30, it's just not the center of your universe anymore.

The less time you spend around women, unironically the less you care about having sex. Take the hikkipill.

and what have you accomplished exactly?

the incel menace.

Plenty (since I stopped obsessing over getting my dick wet). It takes a lot of energy to pursue pussy 24/7. Once you get that weight off of your shoulders, you're free to pursue your own goals without interruption.

Imagine feeling envy at this post instead of disgust

Wanna attempt to disprove me? Ive been dating her since she was 15. You want to talk to her to she's laying right next to me.

>he doesn't want to have sex

You are such a fucking pathetic beta male. You do not deserve hot babes because you do not want to spread that seed around. Women will think you are an INCEL and you will NEVER feel intimacy in your life again. LMFAO you are so pathetic loser.

Have sex.

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a man in a civil society does not just have sex. sex is part of a grander plan of life.

if you have sex just for the sake of satisfying primal urge, you are no different from a raping nigger. (I have to solve 13 captchas because of the N word)

Nigger, I'm 33. I've filled more cunts with jizz than you'll ever get a whiff of in your entire life. It was fun but ultimately not worth all of the time and effort. You'll understand what I'm talking about when you grow up. Like I said, the only people that obsess about sex are kissless virgins and sex workers. Sex is great until you cum and then you kind of just want to be left alone, eat a ham sandwich, and fall asleep.

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HPV is the primary cause

Because we're all addicted to porn.

show her butthole.

You get it, I obsessed about sex early on and both girls I fucked literally sucked at fucking. It was really stupid because they were suppose to be "freaks" but were just stupid sluts. I gave up and found pic related a few years later and never been happier.

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Old people told us it didn't matter.

true but not true. I've known some truly archetypal, macho pussy slaying chadcakes that are genuinely obsessed with sex. They might have a problem to be honest.

You've been obsessing about sex over multiple posts.

>getting my dick wet
This phrase irritates me. Please stop using it.

all sex is rape!

What I'm doing is called discussing the topic presented in the OP. I know, it might be a little confusing to you considering this is Yea Forums and you're probably a newfag that's used to twitter screencap bait and sneedposting, but people actually used to do this a lot.

Get your dick wet first

Sitting for prolonged periods of time increases odds of getting ass cancer. Combine this with the fact that we're becoming more and more sedentary, it's obvious the ass cancer rates are going to go up. It isn't some "millennial phenomenon" it's a side effect of societal progress.

fucking boomers, they enabled ALL the cancer we see today

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Same to you user

i want a gf so bad guys.

I just went over to my kitchen sink and put water on my dick. Not even joking. Now please, PLEASE stop saying it.

Japan has a low rate of ass cancer and they sit for long times.

Sex is scary

Post her feet for proofs

Water is nothing like sticking your dick in a wet pussy and pulling it out and seeing that vag slime glimmering on your cock. Go get your dick wet for real, incel

I’ve had like 40 partners never wore a condom never caught a thing

I know like two guys like that
one admitted he's completely empty person. The other one signed up on a thailand phone line thing were you get to talk to pinoy women, he's white. On the polar opposite, there's another guy who's a broken man who almost drank himself into a comma, and tried killing himself cause of his shitty one-itis.

I already posted a picture. That's all your get I sometimes post her nudes on /s/ and Yea Forums threads.

Because for as much as I want to be a casanova, being a sexed up confident chad is scary as fuck. Women are a mixed bag and there’s too many unknown factors that go into being a pussy slayer. My only hope is that reincarnation is real and I come back as a super giga chad. I’ll probably be stupid as fuck but at least I’ll have the validation that comes from getting chicks at the drop of a hat.

God I do not envy you straightoids. Women are so shit at sex compared with guys. When I was pretending to be one of you not a single girl put in any effort really. And only 8 unique fucks in your entire lifetime is just depressing to think about. Going from hetero to homo relationships makes you really realise how unbalanced the genders are and not in the way mass media tells everyone

Because they are fucking autistic.
Just look at them.

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I don't think they're as fat as we are in general though, so it likely evens itself out.

boomers weren't socially retarded and actually engaged with the world in a way that many of us don't. we're posting on Yea Forums right now, user. it's a friday night

>a wet pussy
I've fucked several women's assholes, but I'm saving vaginal intercourse for marriage. Please just stop saying that you "got your dick wet" and other variations of that sentence. It's just early 2000s cringe.

That's the thing, I can get laid easily with girls.
You can't, and, since you had no choice, now you are an AIDS dispenser.
And worst of all, a leftist.

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Where the women that you did fuck act like a dead fish or something?

american millennials too poor to eat more than cheap unhealthy food so no wonder

>I'm saving vaginal intercourse for marriage
lmao what the fuck is wrong with Amerimutts.

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get your dick wet

we know. gays are just misogynist extremists. they hate women so much they'd rather suck dicks. that's why we are kicking you faggots out of progressive ranks.

I'm Lithuanian
You first

The reality of this graph is simply that there is a group of about 20% of men that have far more than 8 partners and an 80% who have less than 8.
A small group of men (Chads/slayers) is having more sex than ever while the rest are having less.

You don’t have to be a faggot to know this though. I’ve been hit on by gay men and while it’s flattering knowing that someone finds you fuckable it’s also depressing that it’s only men. Gay men that just wanna fool around definitely have it easier that straight men like me.

A fuckload of them got their dick blown off

Not exactly. They do get aroused and wriggle around and everything but they expect the male to do all the work to get there.

stop blaming your ass cancers on chairs, faggots.

Maybe around christmas or her birthday.

This falls apart when this data comes from one dating app from the USA.
And dating apps are used mostly by ugly people.

it is partner not sex
they can't count the sex amount

>but they expect the male to do all the work to get there
Ain't that the truth. Dating/courting women is so fucking tiresome when you're expected to do EVERYTHING.

Oh and and if you don't compliment her you're in deep shit. Don't expect the same treatment back though obviously

That explains why you are an utter faggot. Now go stop being such a huge faggot and get your dick wet.

WHat are you talking about? Millenials eat out at legit restaurants and eat far better food than any previous generation, they just don't cook.

Remember, boomers are constantly mad that Millennials are killing Olive Garden and Red Lobster and other boomer chains because we eat at local restaurants instead

She doesn't give you booty?
My girlfriend's booty gets my dick plenty wet. Have sex.

Why do you do that when most of you are poor?
Is it so hard to make your own food?

What are you talking about? Most millenials are not poor. Millenials would rather enjoy their time than waste it cleaning the kitchen

Cleaning the kitchen?
Just buy a dishwasher.

Almost all restaurants are garbage, and so is the food they serve.

How old are you 10?

nah, if you live in even a moderately sized city, excellent and moderately priced restaurants are common. Plus Millenials prefer fast casual restaurants to boomer fast food chains, so they just have a thing for eating better food

Is that why you are all fat and look like you are in your 40s?
And with a lot of balding, but that's clearly all the purple hair dye.

>How old are you 10?
No, but I'm trying to keep up with the vernacular of the regular people who use this site.

It's a mixture of being fat and being too sedentary, what's there to blame except ourselves?

What the fuck are you talking about? Do you even know what a millenial is?

>only had two(2) partners(one sex, one just a BJ)

It's over, most men my age have had lt least 15+ and are now married

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Yes, that generation of autistic fucks who started the latest trend of caring about politics.

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You are confusing coasties with millennials

who isn't? I frequently meet up with Yea Forumsbros for group jerks and sometimes full anal (no homo)

>tfw only girl i've ever fucked was my cousin, and that was 8 years ago

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I can only imagine the 40+ years old that you are bragging about fucking.


Not everyone is from cuckland.

God I hope I can get a 25 year old gf when i'm in my 30s

This, multiple women share a couple of chad, so they don't really have a high number of partners.

No, it's all millennials, one way or another they all think they are going to save the world through the power of internet shitposts, and in their 30s they are still watching superhero movies and playing videogames.

My buddy pulls "milfs" on tinder and shit and I've seen a few of them. Atleast he is having sex I guess.

We've been dating since she was 15 and I was 22.

Sex with someone you aren't really attracted to is worse than fapping to something you really like.

>vag slime

>tfw i'll never be this chadly

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>and in their 30s they are still watching superhero movies and playing videogames.
says the boomer guy on Yea Forums

I'm 21, and I have already mostly stopped playing games, mostly due to work.

haha, so you are a zoomer who buys the boomer memes about millenials for some reason, this is fucking weird

Well yes, all I see is 30 year old blue hairs and fatties insulting each other and claiming that they are saving the world by watching Captain whatever.

i wonder where zoomers are on this chart

Where do you live?

washing the dishes for good boy points isn't a job, incel

Yeah I learned that now.

Although what I get is my experience when I waas in the US.

I'm in the military.
I'm waiting until I have enough years on my resumee and a friend will get me into G4S.

oh so you're either a nigger or tranny. Why don't you go sing like your hero mccain at the first sign of torture, coward?

You don’t get ass cancer from sitting on your ass all day retard.

>oh so you're either a nigger or tranny
I'm not American, I already told you, i'm from Oslo.
I spent some time in the US, but it was only about 2 years.

>not american
opinion discarded

If I was American there's a huge chance i'd be a tranny, considering the level of brainwashing going on over there.

Your late 20's to early 30's is the easiest time you'll have.
You're young enough to look like a college kid yet give off the "mature" daddy feel because your a working man.
It literally ticks off two of the boxes that women look for without having done anything else.

I'm too young looking. I'm a 27 year old construction electrician and women treat me like I dont exist.

Well, I sure i'm glad I spent all my 20s being a glorified guard in the middle east.

Because the repercussions of decisions made by members of the previous generation have made the consequences of having sex outweigh the benefits. Every guy is afraid of pushing their luck and getting meToo'd and having the rest of their lives and legacy tarnished. Every girl wants to be pursued as passionately as a sex-crazed maniac because it validates them as attractive and that behavior incurs way too much risk on the part of the guy.

not worth the effort, women's standards are too high now. escorts are where it's at.

No, it's just for millennials not being a pussy is too much.