What is your favorite movie from the 70's, 80's, 90's, 00's , and 2010's?

What is your favorite movie from the 70's, 80's, 90's, 00's , and 2010's?

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70s taxi driver
80s lethal weapon
90s pulp fiction
2000s the departed
2010s john wick

I like the list, but i've already seen them all. You're killing me here senpai

bump so i can find something to watch

70's The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
80's Scarface
90's Shawshank Redemption
2000's The Dark Knight
2010's True Grit

god i wish i had a body pillow mommy gf

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How come in America these body pillows are marketed towards pregnant women but in Asia they are marketed towards hikkikomori virgins?

Declining birth rate. I unironically want a body pillow to cuddle when i go to sleep though, but there's that weeb stigma to it. I don't even want a graphic pillowcase on it

The Last Picture Show
Das Boot
Mauvais Sang
Evil Dead 2
Lost Highway
The Royal Tennenbaums
Yi Yi
The Five Obstructions
The Master
Hard to Be a God
Upstream Color

>I don't even want a graphic pillowcase on it

You say that now but after sleeping with it for 6 months you will change your mind.

>the nigger choice
not mine

70's - The Sting
80's - When Harry Met Sally
90's - The Matrix
00's - Lord of the Rings trilogy
10's - Drive

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on this list i only watched the master and i fucking hated it

no i watched upstream color too and that film was even worse. Pigs really? sage

70s - TCM
80s - The Shining, I guess
90s - Goodfellas
2000s - There Will Be Blood
2010s - The Master

70's Sorcerer
80's Macross: Do You Remember Love?
90's Fearless
00's Master and Commander
10's Alita: Battle Angel

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70's - Mean Streets
80's - Scarface
90's - Goodfellas / Miller's Crossing
00's - There Will Be Blood / Eternal Sunshine
10's - Drive

I tried to pick movies representative of their decade but probably failed

is "When Harry Met Sally" really that worth it?

bullitt (1968)
three days of the condor (1975)
terminator (1984)
matrix (1999)
bourne trilog (2002-4-7)
tinker (2012)

entertainment is kino.

I'm not going to lie to you man, I absolutely loved it. It's light hearted but very well written, and unlike most rom coms this one is actually funny. Prime Meg Ryan also doesn't hurt at all.

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you may see Pretty woman instead

I can't find Tinker from 2012. Is This supposed to be Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011)?

but let me switch
Edge of Tomorrow (2014) now

70s = Serpico (Really good story, and Pacino sells it)
80s = Coming to America (Still holds up.)
90s = Goodfellas (Favorite movie on the list, Pesci is on another level)
2000 = The Matrix. (Yeah it's 1999, but it kicked off every single digital movie after it)
2010s = Into the Spiderverse (the best animated CG film in its class, while being a step above as a superhero movie and send off for Stan Lee)

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70s Dirty Harry
80s Blade Runner
90s Captain Ron
00s Snatch
10s Blade Runner 2049

sell me Captain Ron

Wake In Fright
The Thing
The Wrestler
Either Shoplifters or The Florida Project

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Family adventure comedy with a great cast. Mostly nostalgia though, it's comfy was my go to on sick days, still have the vhs somewhere


70s: The Human Factor
80s: Predator
90s: A Perfect World
00s: Revenge of the Sith
10s: Maps to the Stars

The Wicker Man.
The Talented Mr Ripley.
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.

Decent list going, thanks for all the suggestions.

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V10 A10


>The Last Picture Show
my homie