Battlebots Episode 6


Friday at 8pm ET on Discovery Channel
Discuss here

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>Bite Force

Is no one hype for this?


they're all still just fucking wedges just with some stupid gimmick shit

The Yea Forums general fares better

KO incoming

except you're wrong

I've been wondering which board had the threads for battlebots

Can't these very smart engineers find a better use of their time and skills instead of making stupid robots that try to kill other stupid robots.
They could have built things that actually benefit the world, or working on renewable energy, perhaps making these robots for search and rescue or debris clearing operations.

Just a waste of time and talent, like video games.

Hydra just destroyed warhawk


>vertical low-mass spinner
Skorpios, it's like you don't understand physics

I really have to question Warhawk’s build quality. Never seen a bot just fall apart like that from a flip.

same sort of connection method as mad hatter. Crap inherent design

Are they going to do the Zoomer floss tonight?

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Sidewinder... that's a kit chassis right

How effective can Skorpios really be, damage wise? I can see them winning on control, but that weapon doesn’t look that potent.

someone didn't do FEA

Weapon fucked sidewinder up

Yeah, I’m eating my words.

>no interview with sidewinder

They jobbed hard. Thing was a piece of shit.





>Hammer bot coming up

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Even worse, it’s an axe bot.

delusions of breaking through armor. Like really? They're all like this, it's pathetic

I swear to god if I see one more axe shaped like a woodcutting axe instead of a pickaxe I'm gong to explode

Axe bots were viable twenty years ago, but armor has advanced too much.

>instant KO

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Has any robot jobbed harder than that?

there are some really shitty ones like Radioactive or whatever

I swear at least one hasn't started at all.

You’d think with 25+ years of meta, people would know what works and what doesn’t now.

Main problem is , armor/matrials improve so the meta changes every few years.

Does Free Shipping really have any chance?

It could work with a powerful enough hammer and a properly fucking designed piercing/crushing device. You don't use an axe against armour. You pierce or crush, you don't fucking chop. What are these people thinking. The back of their axe is more viable than the front, these daft fucks.
and this. Hammering your opponent has never been the best. Only way it can work is with an insanely well designed hammer but razer basically nullified the hammer build because it does the same thing a good armour piercing hammer should do but better.

behold, someone knowledgable

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here we go


there's one on Yea Forums right now too.

I've seen them on /sci/ before too.

not enough bite on that drum

Is this the goriest single episode ever?

Good ol' unga strategy huh

I agree battlebro. This guys need to get a clue

bald bearded youtube man has got this

fucking hell copperhead fix your drive problems

that is some shoyu

Calling Monsoon.




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Bronco is going to be destroyed

I disagree but I know in my heart it's true

I love Bronco, but they need a perfect opening and Biteforce is not going to give it to them.


That was a brilliant performance from Paul.

why not a full body flipper?

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