This is the scariest scene of all time. I shit my pants every time

This is the scariest scene of all time. I shit my pants every time.

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i agree op this one was really scary

shit in my mouth daddy

this movie is very spooky in general

it's scary because ayyys are real and this could happen to you IRL at any time

Is there a list of approved alien kino?

>cum on his face and melt it


You ayy lmao Kino?

alien abduction

The Fourth kind


hey dilly dilly
smack-a my willy
a doo da diddy
sorry OP I was sucking my own balls

is Yea Forums, dare i say it, full of pussies? between this and the scene from mulholland drive you guys seem to get spooked by the weakest shit


These niggas out here getting trips like it ain't nobodys business

District 9

Dark Skies

Is Yea Forums, dare i say it, full of niggers? between this and the scene from roots drive you guys seem to be spooks, the weakest shit

Diapers are really not that expensive.

Reminds me of the Patterson-Gimlin film. Inhuman creature casually strolling by glancing at the camera.


Close encounters of the third kind

>I shit my pants every time

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I was like 8 or 9 when this movie came out. It was pretty scary.


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War of the Worlds scared the shit out of me as a kid. Not really any scene in particular, but most of the tripod attack scenes I guess

Where was he going anyway? Grocery shopping?

Yeah that movie was pretty disturbing as a kid
>inb4 zoomzoom
Frig off old shits

>it's set in Brasil
this fact almost killed me as a kid

Classic kino

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look at these dudes

The thing
Fire in the sky
Fourth kind
Predator 1&2
Alien-Aliens everything after that is shit
Alien vs Predator
Independence day

It isnt your business, boy!

Spielberg's War of the Worlds is a really good one to get the real feeling of an alien invasion

>get the real feeling of an alien invasion
How would you know?


t. alium

I remember watching it on tv and i thought it was amazing
Mother got me the movie after i told her how much i liked it

What movie bros...


Scary Movie 3

Fucking checked

I was in like 3rd grade when I saw this the first time and this part scared the shit out of me ngl


why build one when you can build two at twice the price?

Monster House

be serious

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I'll bite, what movie is this from?

>this whole fucking thread
goddamnit /r/television

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This and Courage the Cowardly Dog fucked up so many nights

cursed thread

Crop Circles starring Russel Crowe, directed by David Lynch.

Man that was a real fucking creepy show to watch as a small child. Havnt even heard it mentioned in years

2001 zoomsters are legal Yea Forums residents now boyo

The Sign

I honestly was so on edge watching Signs I almost had to leave the theater during the climax. I've never had a film experience quite like it. I was probably 11-12 years old at the time and I was trying my hardest to stay cool because I was with friends but I was in full blown panic mode. I had a really intense irrational fear of aliens growing up and this movie was just my worst nightmare. I've watched it as an adult and yea it's dumb now but I will never forget watching it that first time.

Basement scene with the hand is the spoop moment for me


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