What went wrong?

what went wrong?

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why bother?

Disney forgot to pay them off this time

Attached: lion king cast.jpg (910x1185, 216K)

More likely Disney is more lax with critics rating their remakes bad than Star Wars or Marvel.

They actually put Jon Oliver as a comic relief, what were they thinking?.

Highly based and quite redpilled

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I would hope people would stop seeing shitty remakes but this is not about to happen anytime soon.

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Ah, the checks are clearing I see.

Disney forgot to motivate the critics.

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if its anything like the new dumbo its fucking soulless as shit, like a neural network put it together

Disney clearly gave the critics instructions to "like" the movie, but don't kiss it's ass ass in a compromise for critics to maintain their access and Disney not suffering a flop.,

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Disney had to choose between paying critics for Spiderman or Lion King. Guess which one Disney would rather choose.

whoopie was also in the og cast but she isn't listed which brings the ratio to 6 pocs compared to 8 in the new one. That's literally not that bad at all

dammit nevermind Im high and didn't recognized that bitch was whoopi lmao

The current year Disney as well as replacing both Rowan Atkinson and Jeremy Irons.

Attached: disney little mermaid-4.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

It's actually rated fresh now, disney shills came in hard

The checks came late its fresh now

Pretty poor attempt at a parody
Keep seething

Spider-Man isn't Disney you dumbfuck

this but unironically

>you're casually sitting on the bed browsing 4channel
>dan scheider suddenly crawls out from under the bed on all fours

It will still make well over a billion dollars and there’s nothing you can do about it Yea Forums turds.

It's features Disney sanctioned marvel characters so it's still their child even if Sony owns it.

It's a really bad movie. It shouln't even be this high

It's the definition of soulless.

>yfw disney forgot to look at real lions and didn't know they have facial expressions

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And it'll still make billions.

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Lion fucking shits.

Attached: bbc planet earth 2 lion fucking shits.webm (1920x1080, 2.18M)

It's at 60% now

Incels getting dabbed on

>It's at 60% now

This is high for Disney shills lmao.

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Disney has like a dozen of these coming out and they don't mean anything, and they can't pay off for each one. Dumbo was a fucking bomb too, most people probably don't even remember Dumbo already came out.

I didn't know Mr. Bean was the tucan. Or that he can talk.

not this fucking clip again. I saw the video earlier and I just got over it

Disney got arrogant

I'm scared to watch, what is it?

nothing gory but it's really sad. A lioness has to abandon her lion cub because he had his back broken by some cunty buffalos

leftists cant meme

meant for

how will trannies ever recover?

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It's RT so subtract 20% to get the real score

>scary stuff lmao

what is up with those meme actors like Seth Rogan and Eric Andre?

Fack off cunt, I payed my rent this week.


the l___ can't m___

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fuck lions

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fuck buffalo too

Attached: retarded buffalo parent leaves its child to be eaten by predators because it doesn't want the p (852x480, 2.93M)

>same score as Alita

>jump from 44% to 60%
not suspicious at all


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You'd think it's impossible to make a baby elephant anything but sexy, and yet they did it.

Except none of the "pocs" are talented, they were only cast because they're worshipped by liberal Jews for political reasons. Also every white person in the new one is an untalented Jew. James Earl Jones is the only good actor listed there.

Tim Burton is a fucking hack

It's on 44% if you switch to Top Critics only. OP is a bit misleading.



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i sure do hate white people after watching that scene

Noooooo :(

>t.nigger hyena

>t. baby eater

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>Vinyl figure

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