Who from Yea Forums is going to film the event?

Who from Yea Forums is going to film the event?

"Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop Us All" so who is planning on going? I'm wearing my cosmic furry suit. Who else is planning to meet up before the invasion? Anyone got any tips on staying cool in the desert heat? Also people are saying the hotel spaces are already limited so people plan to "camp out". Where is everyone else planning to stay?

Info on the Twitter & Facebook connections below since they won't let us post them here.


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Other urls found in this thread:


A51 doesn't contain alien tech, it contains human experimentation

i hope to god there is a massacre

And so the US was reduced to a version of Mexico with worse weather, because all activist energy was either in the pay of hostile foreign billionaires, or concerned with flying saucers.

Area 51 was decommissioned years ago. These people are dumb

I'm just thrilled that a mass movement of meme dream teams has risen to the point where planning a fake attack on a very real, heavily protected military compound is ubiquitous enough where they can't do anything about it.

How many boomers schizos will die during this event?

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>They Can’t Stop Us All
Machine guns, artillery and mines can

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are they thinking about whats happens if they make in?
how do they get out?

There may be. Groom Lake is enormous and well guarded. They could absolutely arrest and warehouse every protester that could come.

i'm bringing the george foreman. we're gonna be the first to eat alien tendies

Thread theme

Look at the plan, user. Did you not see the ‘EXTRACTION ZONE’? All bases covered, unimpeachable plan.

Finally we get to see what sorts of lethal alien crowd control weapons the US government has developed over the past 70 years.

Amazed it took this long desu.

All the important shit was undoubtedly removed from Area 51 decades ago though. Not much point in operating a secret facility if it's not secret.

The military can't kill hundreds of innocent unarmed civilians. Are you retarded?

>let the Liberty attack happen
>let IX/XI happen
>let the "refugee" scam crisis happen
>let BLM riots happen
>let BLM cop assassinations happen
>let antifa riots happen
>literally depend on China for our security equipment
>let the Chinese have the SCS while the US Navy forgets how you pilot a ship
Oh wow however did these modern Subotais strategize their way around American defenses? They must be real smart.

>not storming Pine Gap
Fucking normies

>They will totally shoot crowd of peoples on camera.

kek did they rent a helicopter from a las vegas tour?

Objectively wrong.
Objectively wrong.

ITT: sign gags you never understood

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ill be in the first wave providing a smoke screen in my Subaru

Not publicly.


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If those people are white, yes. Many such cases. If they're Salvadorean murderers with pounds of drugs strapped to them, SOP is to get down on your knees and kiss their feet.

how many people will actually show up?

what is subversion

>storming a government facility to trespass

What exactly are they going to do at the extraction zone?

What is the best way to get in? Probably be air? Stealthy hot air balloon?

halo jump

teleport behind it

Be extracted

A couple of us are planning on sewing some sheets together and jump off the mountains holding onto each end so we can parachute in kinda like pirates of the Caribbean.

American Tienanmen Square incoming.

I mean ignoring all those other American Tienanmen Squares like when they razed a highly successful majority black community to the ground.

Or all the Tienanmen squares that totally don't count cause they did them to foreign innocent people.

why do people think killing those people is impossible for the military? they can just accuse them of terrorism funded by foreign enemies, and voila no recoupersion

yes they can

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It isn't really gonna happen

ayy lmao

Hopefully all of them

Newsroom shill.

>there are people in this thread who think that this will happen
yeah right

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>like when they razed a highly successful majority black community to the ground.

Most of it was moved to Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. A51 is a historical piece. It exists guarded and occupied for purposes of disinformation


>make fake UFO crash site
>hide inside
>saucer gets shipped to Area51 with you inside

Why don't they raid all the pizza parlors where children are being raped?

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So Bob Lazar was right all along

Probably not the assault, but there will be thousands of people watching.

Wasn't the military, it's private citizens. That's why it's called a riot.

they're gonna steal ayy whip and go home with it.

These two women habe more balls than all of Yea Forums or any of the idiots going to this event in September.


What if you make a plane, put a saucer body over it, then right before you get spotted you detach the wings so you look like a flying saucer and crash/land on the ground?

if there was ever anything super covert happening at area 51 they moved that shit elsewhere decades ago

Real talk here, if there's any reason why the federal government would ever shoot a citizen, trying to invade a military facility is on the top of the list.

Right about what exactly

I really want this to happen. It's a win win. Either they succeed and find some tech (or prove there's no tech), or the gov't starts killing lots of civies.

ayy lmao

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It'll make for a great smelly shield to keep people out.

LA riots were worse, over 1 billion in damage compared to 32 million

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All the interesting tech was moved to other black sites. Area 51 was used to test fighter aircraft in the second half of the 20th century but it has too much exposure to be a useful research facility now. You're a moron if you think anything important happens there.

300 (((oathkeepers)))

Yeah that sounds like a fullproof plan user good thinking

human/alien hybrids bro

Is it true US has antigravity propulsion aircraft?

There is covert stuff happening there it’s just not sci-fi movie stuff. They test experimental aircraft and weaponry. And the military absolutely will shoot at anyone trying to storm the base.

doing the world a favor to be honest familia

old women can't really get in trouble.

When’s it happening?

Retarded to measure all things purely in terms of property damage, but even so its dumb to rely on figures of property damage in an event people tried to obscure rather than document.

Yes, code name "Air Jordans"

No, but there are stories of bewildered former workers realising they'd seen stealth bomber prototypes in the 50/60s. Shit is almost crazier than aliens, frankly.

Even if this happens(it won't), everyone would give up after a few gas grenades were launched. Plus the average redditor couldn't make it across that much dessert before dying of heat stroke.

Maybe 100

What other type of measurment would you propose?
And the burden of proof about fabrication lies on you

>advertising this publicly
>giving them time to move everything and prepare for an assault with military assets

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I'm no expert but doesn't a "wave" in an attack mean that the next group of attacks the same spot as the first? Like a wave rolling into the the same spot?

"highly successful majority black community" is the least believable thing I have read in this thread.

Hope retards actually show up and they force the army to try out new anti crowd weapons

Quibble: it's number two or three. The top of the list is because that civilian's husband refused to entrap his buddies for the FBI.

Just record a livestream, so I can laugh as you get machinegunned down.

I assume he was talking about Rosewood or 40s Tulsa, which was more of a pogrom than a military suppression.

Post some good Area 51 raid memes

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Imagine something like this in US soil

The power of memes is getting out of control. We're gonna live in the age of memes, brace yourselves

There's nothing interesting in Area 51 much less any alien stuff. There's not even any actual evidence aliens have visited earth at all, why would we? The universe is just too large to actually travel any significant distance.

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Storming Area 51 wont reveal much. Thats the hub base where people fly to from Vegas to be shuttled to the multiple surrounding bases. Groom Lake is a test facility for aircraft built all over the US. They might find some prototype drones or something like that the but all the Alien studies is disinfo they study aliens in medical facilities and test UFO tech over the Ocean.

The second Area 51 became known as the alien place they would have moved all the aliens somewhere else in anticipation of this exact scenario.


You think aliens make movies about space beings that look like us?

Get a load of this faggot.

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>BAREA 69 :D

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Yeah funny how everybody has a camera on them at all times now, yet pictures of UFOs are not even as common as they used to be.

>no fun

I’ll be there.


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>white power ranger
What did they mean by this?

How do we identify fellow 4channers

this is just a trick to get a bunch of people shot and so then they can shut down 4chinz, isn't it?

By the smell.

Dress as Bane
The force will be far too big to stop.

unless each of those arrow is 1000 people it will be a complete failure

It wouldn't even matter. They're attacking a military base. Army would call in fucking airstrikes on them.

When you meet someone
>Moot bless you
And you answer
>With the love of Hiro

What each arrow is a 1001 people?

>*A Department of Defense drone has been dispatched to your location. Please stand by*

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Put one of these in your fedora.

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>advocating crimes with a literal plan.
Yea Forums staff top notch as usual.

He's right I doubt they care enough about a dumb ol' military base on American soil to kill anyone as long as they've got brown skin.

I'm sure Yea Forums didn't come up with this plan.

if we dress like cia they'll let us walk right in

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>have sex

This plan is literally flawless and you cna't convince me otherwise. I fjust 2000 people showed up they could storm the place easily.

Why the fuck are people rising up to do this, but not attack trump?

It started on facebook.

who is he?

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4channers are obvious. its us based 4channelers that will need a dogwhistle of some sort

there better be some good footage of people getting eviscerated by machine gun rounds

Milk truck

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Selling my Bristol-Myers Squibb stocks since schizophrenia med sales are going to drop precipitously after this shit goes down.

glow in the darks

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They are going to release the zombie horde

>muh drumpf
Invading a base is not the same as attacking a person
>implying OP pic would ever happen

mmmm dem legs

This is so obviously fake

Stop fronting we all know you’re a fucking spider

They did in West Virginia



>tfw there will be livestreams

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naruto running


More like

>mfw the aliens are finally revealed on livestream

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Also, many were armed there but the government had sabotaged and murdered civilians for trying to unionise before this.

Ok I'm gonna come out as a schizo but fuck it: I'm happy we're talking about aliens again, unfortunately I cannot go to the event but fuck me they have all my support. We need to start talking about aliens again, fuck niggers and politicians who are massive fucking zionists anyway, people want to dream and to conquer outer space.

Don't even reply to me, I know you would be willing to die to explore our galaxy, I know I would and I know most people would be in for it. Are aliens real? I don't know, this is compeltely irrelevant, we just need to believe in something better, something that can make humanity dream again.

This is our universe and we need to conquer it no matter what, this is why we're here.

Next time you point out the government killing civilians at least refer to something recent like ruby ridge or waco.


imagine being so stupid to fall for this

>This is our universe and we need to conquer it no matter what, this is why we're here.
Well its a shame that because of the expansion of the universe we will never ever be able to move past our own galaxy

If this wasn't announced ahead of time and was just secretly put together then a few hundred people showed up and tried to storm the base by surprise then they would actually be shot with live ammo, but since the government knows this is planned they will just shoot a few of them with rubber bullets and tear gas and then they'll all immediately pussy out. Of course, none of this is even going to happen so it doesn't matter.

Hmnnn I wonder ""who"" organized this.

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I can't tell if I hate the internet or people in general

So funny and edgy XD
kys pathetic trash

lol I wouldn't even be mad if the Russians tricked a bunch of retards into trying to storm a military base

They talk about Ruby ridge and Waco, yankee tard. They don't talk about West Virginia and still have not paid for destroying Appalachia which is crippled to this day. The 20s is recent history.

grow up

You know they can just move shit out?
Also snipers.

Even normans are just catching on to the BLACKED meme.

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Fucking retard.
They are trying to trespass. They will get shot.

lmao that's funnier than anything I've seen posted here in a while desu

grow up

ok sweetie

one inch away from pluto is already outer space my friend

>they will get shot
I don't hope so, but if that were the case it would be what we need to start talking about aliens again.

>Tunneling Team
How far will they make it when their shit tunnel collapses and they die underground

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Plan should include flying a bunch of drones in first as distraction just before the first wave

why would anyone get shot? the government has more than enough time to move literally anything sensitive out of area 51.

or just to find all of the retarded "influencers" and threaten them into telling people to back down

It's a stunt by disinfo agents. Plan: Announce barrage of people. Move EBEs and advanced alien technology. Allow barrage of people. People find nothing. People claim you moved everything. Goal: Furthers the notion that conspiracy theorists will always find an excuse to continue their beliefs. Reinforces that alternative thinkers should not be given credence.

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The feds just raided a harmless youtuber whose hobby is MREs. Tell me more about how you can walk onto a military base without getting shot.

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Why the fuck do they split their waves? Do they honestly think the first wave can distract them enough for the Second Waves to break through? Who the fuck made this plan?

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Thank goodness, I thought you were talking about Steve1989

Isn't this just going to show that we could control the "refugees" if we really wanted to? Can the CIA only hold one idea in their head at a time?

It's still a military base. If they allow people to storm a military base without severe consequences then that just invites extremists to actually try to attack other bases by pretending to be unarmed civilians. That being said they have time to prepare and bring it extra guards and will just use rubber bullets/tear gas if this actually happens (which it won't).

literally r*ddit as fuck

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>people didnt give a shit when it became publicly available knowledge that the government killed jfk
>will do this shit for the memes

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>who the fuck made this plan
Pretty obvious that the writers for GoT did

>tunneling team
This is going to be fun

They really could. People of more scared of the police than the military.

why don't they just hack area 51 computers

US military fought US civilians numerous time(ie Battle of the Mountain)

>what is Shay's Rebellion

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There are no aliens at Area 51. They're all at Dulce.

mario 64 long jump

Why did this make me laugh so hard?

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