Yea Forums Humour

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I laughed.

>Yea Forums Humour

Fun isn't allowed on this board, is it?
From memory, this is the 2nd most cucked board on the site.

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non american here
is that even true? where do you guys get the statistics?


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the fbi, it's actually real

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Clearly you haven’t been to pol since the 2016 election. It’s just trump cult vs sjws. I support trump and have had sex, though not recently.

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Yea Forums representing I see

And when you control for the fact that it's mostly males, it's more like 7%. Others have pointed out that if you then also control for age, it becomes like 4%

only based post in this thread

Who else here /lowfunctioningautism/

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Please understand eurofriend that the black people on your side of the lake are nothing like our inner city niggers. It’s bad. Basically their culture is fucked beyond belief because single motherhood got incentivized for poor families.

have sex

It’s not real. Black people make up 13% of the population but that doesn’t mean that the entire 13% commits crimes. Yea Forums cannot into math


Funny how you can easily sum up some boards current affairs. Wish Yea Forums were that easy

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based and jungle fever pilled

God you're illiterate. By this reasoning the Nazi Party didn't hold power in Germany and all white privilege and overrepresentation grievances must be withdrawn.

You're a special kind of retard.

Based and sneed


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Holy fuck, that's insane

My sides.

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Yea Forums is the most cucked board, the mods turned it into Reddit

>le /pol/
rent free


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hell yeah nigga

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It's not about the individual black, it's about them as a whole that makes it shocking. But yeah, more like 4% of the population commits 50% of the crime .

This. They sperg out when they see le ebil green frog.

son, if you ever have been to france, it's similar. don't you dare enter paris

I only get banned on Yea Forums if I post wojak or pepe edits but anything else I can shitpost to my hearts content
here I get banned for the stupidest shit ever. I once got banned here for saying anime is shit

based and dukatpilled

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well Yea Forums is notorious for banning the truth

wait, are you telling me they seriously ban you for posting pepe images on Yea Forums? what the fuck

Black American here. It’s false. Just conspiracy theories peddled by racist white supremacists.

[citation needed]

not 100% guaranteed but if you post a wojak there a big chance you'll get banned
go try it out and see I'm not lying

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No, it's actually more like 6% of the population that commits 50% of the crimes. 13% is the total black population. Subtract the women and old people for the real number.

and if you were here any longer, yu'd know the trump cult and sjws are both fake

They've done this for years. Good thing too

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everything behind cgi scenes looks retarded

god i love /trek/

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That makes the stats less astonishing because men commit like 90% of violent crime so it’s worthless to control for more and more variables. Just keep it at 13/50

check 'em

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It's gotten pretty bad

I don't get it.


shit bait

>the left can't meme
Thanks for proving that once again.

You're not wrong. Yea Forums is probably number one in that regard.

Fucking cringe

formerly I did. now having sex and full time job

words words words


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nazi tranny posting: the meme sweeping the nation

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fucking based Yea Forums king of all boards lmaooo

reddit frogs and wojakikes are cancer

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Lemme break it down for you, retard.
Let’s say USA is comprised of 100 people. 13 of those are black. Now let’s say out of those 100, 10 are criminals.
From those 10, we know that on average, 5 of them will be black. Sorry you’re an ESL nigger.

>3.6 dead Bajoran workers dead in Ore processing per day. Not great, not terrible.


I.had a Nubian queen. She had a good body and good ass but I didnt really desire her so the sex felt lack luster.
Also our tent stank quite rapidly. My dick had an horrible smell the next day

from /pol/ infographics, obviously
they are posted by "based & redpilled" anonymous, so you know they are real

fucking redditors

>Yea Forums Humour
It ain't allowed. You get banned for replying to off topic garbage for fuck sake's

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>Yea Forums humour
>posts a screenshot from Yea Forums


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God bless mel