Why is this show never talked about here despite it's amazing quality? Great show, great production quality...

Why is this show never talked about here despite it's amazing quality? Great show, great production quality, amazing music, and a pretty good cast.

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Awful writing

It's pretty good but it feels a bit repetitive.

>amazing quality
there you go
Yea Forums only cares about the latest FOTM blockbuster and YouTube memes

Because it’s retarded after the 2nd season.

not great, not terrible

>show has frequent threads
>why is this show never talked about here
OP keeping it real

t. brainlet

>amazing quality
polly is sansa tier in terms of writing
>shes so extraordinary!
>but lets not show anything she did
yeah sure


Attached: peaky blinders tom hardy-5.webm (1280x690, 2.49M)

The fuck are you talking about? Season 1 is pure kino until the last episode which goes a bit retarded but that's it.
season 2 has been nothing but gold, except I'm not sure how the fuck the spaniard dude jumped what's his face on his home turf

Good show but music is cringe

>Is it meme-worthy?

If you want the true patrician's meme show then just watch Tom Hardy's Taboo. You could watch the first 3 seasons of Peaky Blinders though as Hardy ramps up the meme factor in that too.

Attached: taboo-3.webm (1284x718, 1.14M)

Christ I nearly let my power level slip with Tom Hardy's character
>Don't you find it funny that they always get a Jew to play a white person then get an anglo to play a Jew?
>mfw I realized what I said as my family just stands there saying nothing

Attached: 1513038244695.gif (161x250, 1.24M)

Normie the show

>Ireland is mentioned
>Dropkick Murphy's starts playing

plus Joe Cole shows off his ass

It really is awful. They should have used early 20th century music.

>feels a bit repetitive.
forced cool guy response to every piece of conversation that doesn't warrant a rude answer

On a gathering storm comes a tall handsome man
in a dusty black coat with A RED RIGHT HAAAAANNNNNNDDDDDD!!!!!!!

the intro theme is based but apart from that I agree

Attached: peaky blinders tom hardy-14.webm (1000x539, 2.82M)

because after like the second season there's literally no point in watching it.

Watched part way through the first season but stopped because I'm from Brum myself and was sick of seeing locals larping as peaky blinders and putting on yammy accents.
Saw a trailer for one of the later seasons, apparently lead guy becomes an mp or something ridiculous?

c'mon dude, you know it sucks

I mean the whole plot is supposed to be about a semi sociopathic mastermind. Just listen to the theme song.

Attached: peaky blinders tom hardy-6.webm (1280x690, 2.4M)


It’s worse than bad, it’s mediocre and bland. Nothing memorable at all.