The ending of Men in Black scared the fuck out of me
The ending of Men in Black scared the fuck out of me
babby's first cosmic horror moment
>there are about a million stars in a galaxy
>there are about a trillion galaxies in the universe
All that we are is just dust in the wind OP
men wand black 3 was kino
if our galaxy was in a marble we'd be able to see that
It really wasn't
I wish I was 14 again. Go to the movies with dad.
Cringe kino
what movies had the most impact on you when seen with your father? Lord of the Rings for me. My father wasn't a fantasy a fan of things like knights and magic and he never even read the books but he took me to each Lord of the Rings movie without me even asking him to. If it wasn't for him I would have never even experienced the kino of LOTR.
Uh you should be goin with your friends at that point...
Has a "larger" alien or creature ever been depicted before? I've thought about this since I was a kid. Nothing comes close. Gods don't count. Although at that point that alien is probably God-like. But regardless, nothing comes close!
Godzilla, Dune sandworms, nothing!
Even something like Galactus is tiny in comparison.
what do you think this is?
wtf was that even about?
we can see other galaxies and there's no marbles around them and there's clearly not a marble between us and them so we know that our galaxy isn't in its own marble
the observable universe
How daft are you
>being this brainwashed
it’s just a fucken marble wake up sheeple
that is clearly the inside of a marble, you can't fool me.
what actually is that, seen it a lot but what does it actually represent?
>what movies had the most impact on you when seen with your father?
The only movie I ever saw with my dad was Jurassic Park 1 (until a couple years ago when I took my parents to see Secret Life of Pets). I have very good memories of the ride back home with him because we were both so amped from all the dinosaurs.
it is the background cosmic radiation. Radiation residue from the big bang, essentially.
that's a universe sized marble though that's not scary also we don't even know if it's flat or not yet
I close my eyes
Only for a moment and the moment's gone
that means the ayy lmao playing with our universe sized marble has to be infinitely bigger than the one depicted in the film.
haha imagine if some alien put the marble up its asshole lol wouldnt that be so weird then we'd all be in an asshole forever
>Are you the one who pays?
I like lolis
Was it the sequel where we all lived in a locker?
i get that much, but why is it an oval? is a map of the composition of CMBR throughout the universe? the red areas represent high CMBR amounts?
yeah, which kind of contradicts this scene.
>we can see other galaxies and there's no marbles around them and there's clearly not a marble
Gettaload of this pleb.
It's just a projection I suppose. And yeah, red spots is where the radiation is most intense. I seem to recall the big blue splash in the middle is the Bootes Void or one similar.
I own a telescope you doofus
the jews put a sticker on the end mate
how can space be real if they can make movies set in space?
I mean how can space be fake if they can make movies set in space
Your telescope can see the edge of the observable universe?
yes it looks like microwaves
That's the edge of the marble.
i bet you believe we went to the moon
we're on the moon right now, the thing we call the 'moon' is actually a planet
the moon isn't real
Daily reminder that we are just part of God's dream, God is the center of the universe
more cosmic horror kino?
Kill yourself sneed nigger
>then we'd all be in an asshole forever
But we're already on Yea Forums
stupid question but isn't this light we are receiving from hundreds of light years away? if so does that mean this has already dissipated
They're photons that have arrived to us from 13,8bn years in the past. It has redshifted quite a lot due to the expansion of the universe, which is why it is relatively hard to record. I don't think it has a particular spatial origin, it's just a sort of glow that permeates the universe. If your telescope is sensitive enough, you will see this instead of the traditional darkness that we're accustomed to.
From Beyond is on a much smaller scale, but a personal favorite of mine.
The oval I think is to show everything of a sphere flattened out into 2 dimensions. Much like a globe.
>so crates
this movie was gold, and we dont deserve it