The passive aggressiveness. The salt

The barely contained rage of Viaduct Cucumbersnatch. All patriotic Brits and Americans should watch this for a laugh.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>let's make him balding to make him seem more silly/evil/stupid
I think that the way they design characters in movies is a big blackpill about how people will subconsciously classify eachother based purely on looks.
It's like how they always give short male actors a stand when they're in a shot with a woman.
Reality is pretty brutal.

Sup baldie

I'm not bald or balding I was just pointing out how blatant it is in this case because cumberbatch's hair looks nothing like that.

*checks calendar*
ayooooo y'all pussy as brits is still in the EU lmaaaaooooooo *wheezes*

Yeah okay chrome dome

Brexit's cancelled get over it.

Right? Fucking Brits think they can just vote for something and it will actually happen. Brussels is laughing at you.

why would I lie about not being bald on the internet when loads of guys here complain about it 24/7?

Lasted up until he said Bill Clinton's campaign was absolutely perfect. There were aids of Bill's thatvwrote books on how much of a clusterfuck it was. The two reasons he won were Ross Perot was helping and his opponent was Dubya's Dad that fucked the whole country by breaking the biggest political promise in US history.

Reminder that Boris wont solve shit

The english are so pathetic to think they can have a vote and expect their masters to free them lmfao
English pigdogs should know their place

Yeah I once voted for a unicorn and they didn't give me one. Don't they know it's the will of the people?

>bongs brag about being disarmed and how 2A boomers are paranoid
>meanwhile their government can straight up throw out a referendum and just say "fuck you"

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So their multi-billion pound establishment propaganda campaign failed and they lost the vote so they blame... the opposition's relatively tiny propaganda campaign? Can't they just admit that the people want out?

It's true, the left has always tried to appeal to low-level, lizard-brain emotions when trying to shape public opinion.

Common hollywood tropes: Blonde women are dumb, jocks are assholes, blacks are non-threatening and suitable partners, right-wingers are uptight brats, "racists" are stupid and deserve violence, and jews are never the enemy, ever.

>jews are never the enemy, ever.
what about drive?

Take it from a Norwegian. We voted against joining the EU TWICE, and instead of forcing us to vote again they just said fuck it and forced us to join through the EEA instead.

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Britain isn't run by referendums, they have no legal binding. Britain is run by parliament and the British electorate keep electing pro-remain MPs.

There is something fundamentally wrong with the German psyche

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we're leaving on 31st oct. get over it yuropoors

>w...wwere..d.definitely leaving this time, honest

wrong thread, Winston


Projection. Sup baldo.

Cry more Klaus

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>decide to vote remain
>see slogan on bus
>completely change my mind
Fucking Russian hackers are everywhere

>adverts don't work, that's why companies spend millions on them

Despite the obvious opinion of it I thought it was a very good dramatization of how the event actually happened. The big data piece is really important. We have methods of collecting and analyzing data that simply didn't exist 20 or even 10 years ago. The way elections and campaigns are run is vastly different now than they were before because a decent campaign now has the ability to hone precisely in on the pressure points where votes can be tipped.

It's why Trump was able to flip some blue states for the first time in like 30 years. It's some weird form of technical populism.

What if instead of democracy we used the combined resources of modern entertainment to tell voters to shut up and not know facts any more?

>dude children saying fuck lmao

why do leftist like this trope so much? really makes you think...

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>Britain isn't run by referendums, they have no legal binding.
They're not required to give referendums, but if they do (and they did), they have to abide by the result.

Would those be the same blue states that Hillary refused to visit?
Or -- or -- and stay with me now -- Trump actually saw that the emperor was naked and said so out loud, and our braindead, introspection-incapable elite just quadrupled down on ignorant smugness.

No they don't. They're not legally binding, basically just an opinion poll. If you want Brexit to happen then elect a majority of Brexit-supporting MPs, that's how our system works. Otherwise keep crying.

>voting to regain sovereignty for your nation is like asking for a unicorn

Man, yuros really are the most cucked people in the world

>your side wins

Everythings great!



Liberals have a childlike understanding of politics, which is why the western world will eventually crumbled under the weight of supporting every third world brainlet that shows up at their borders

The voting slip literally had "we will implement your decision" written on it.

>Brexit referendum: 23 June 2016
>Brits are still in the EU and refuse to leave

They get off on defiling anything pure and innocent.

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You're not wrong but also it's not just that Hillary didn't visit those states. It's that Trump did. His campaign understood those states were very much in play, even if by a narrow margin, while the Clinton campaign fell victim to the classic cognitive bias that past performance would indicate future results.

>undo forty years of legal and economic integration overnight by ticking a box
>"just get on with it"

germany should have been nuked desu senpai

Last time I watched an episode of British politics their woman leader basically said fuck it and resigned. What's happened since and do your politicians even have a remote clue on how they would leave? That's gotta be fucking complicated for money.

well now we know you're definitely bald

they'd still be more successful than the uk, just like japan.

btw if the uk 'won' the war, how come they lost everything? the empire, their industry etc.

Yeah, "we the current government"
Parliament is sovereign and cannot be bound by anything, even the decisions of previous parliaments

Woman leader was forced out because she was fucking shit
Men are competing to replace her
They say they can get a better deal with the EU or tell the EU to fuck off
The EU says they will not give a better deal
Most politician say they will not allow UK to leave without a deal
What will happen? Tune in next week

It's almost as if the whole Brexit process up to now has been led by people who don't actually want to leave and actively campaigned to remain.

That's 100% the gist of it. Theresa May has only delayed, delayed and delayed since 2016.

Boris, for all of his opportunism, did publically state his preference for Brexit in 2016 and did resign from May's cabinet in 2018.

Anyway, here's my bets for the next Conservative leader/PM. I got my bets on in late 2018 for the majority of them, and put $30 on Hunt recently just to confirm my winnings.

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>Dubya's Dad that fucked the whole country by breaking the biggest political promise in US history.
What promise?

Drive is not typical hollywood. I'm surprised they got away with it.

"Read my lips, no new taxes."

Civil War isn't.

no joke but if i was him i'd just shave it, bald guys are way hotter than hairlets with poor hairline and flimsy thickness who can't cope

Simple. As.

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Actually he said her deal was like vassalage then voted for it anyway when it made it more likely hed get the job

Lmao, bald cunt.

>a referendum
You got an online petition to go with that?

So the "remainers" main gripe is that the brexiters used the duplicitous campaign tactic of... posting their arguments on the internet?
Is everyone on the remain side a hundred years old or something?

>We voted against joining the EU TWICE, and instead of forcing us to vote again they just said fuck it and forced us to join through the EEA instead.
This is why I support the Russians just coming and invading europe, first 10m into the eu border and the Eu would collapse, it would be every country for themselves.

Too bad the Russians have absolutely no interest in invading europe...

remainers are the same as lefties in the US who got mad about the electoral college doing what it was supposed to do.
They'll grasp at anything to make the other side sound evil

Just google it, faggot.
We voted no in the 70's and again in '94. But we're basically in the EU anyway and have to follow all EU regulations.

>people we dont like and label as stupid outsmarted us and innovated something we find threatening.
Make them look evil too!

imagine being European

Even if farage were to become prime minister nothing would change, that fag still talks about how he wants mass immigration, just from different places like india

Farage was literally controlled opposition to take away support from BNP and drive all that energy into civnat eurosceptism

Yeah I wonder why they made the "based on real events" character bald?

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yeah :(

Britain is more cucked then Sweden

IQ and ugly physical traits only exist when we want to make someone look bad incel.

That was really the biggest promise in history? Every presidential candidate says they're going to raise or lower taxes.

It will be Boris Johnson, at least he'll be good for memes.

>thread about Britbongs
>somehow twist it into anti-German shitposting

The eternal Anglo strikes again.

Attached: eternal anglo 1488189476014.jpg (3440x1257, 1.67M)

Long hairs is associated with being left wing. Baldness is a sign of R*ghtoids political spectrum.

>country puts X to a vote
>almost every resource the country has and most people shill for Y
>X wins

>posting their arguments on the internet?

>every president lies therefore I shall make their lying easier
Amerimutts in a nutshell.

No, just unable to grasp basic English like

You should go on a diet then.


You can't even admit that sort of fearmongering shit is precisely what killed Brexit lmao

>win a democratic vote
>make a (((movie))) to show why that democratic vote is stupid XD

To every guy who thinks it’s okay to laugh at another man’s baldness: it could start happening to you any day.

>lose a referendum/election
>lash out at entire concept of democracy
Haha. Liberals crack me up.

Democracy is only a good thing when we win, shitlord.

>if brexit happens all the brown people will be in concentration camps, nigel farage is literally hitler
based leftoids dont fearmonger tho

>Stating how much our EU contributions are is fearmongering

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Lmao, those aren't even the same at all.

>how much our EU contributions are
Pro tip: it wasn't 350 million pounds.

>Lmao, those aren't even the same at all.
Yep. That's why I said them both instead of just one. Good job.

Why are remoaners so illiterate?

>The barely contained Sneed of formerly Chuck's. All patriotic city slickers and feeders should watch this for a laugh.

>bongs are still in the EU months after the "no turning back deadline"

If this happened in literally any other country people would be rioting in the streets and shit

Try again

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Sup fattie.


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you look greasy

So you could weasel put of your dumb argument when I clarified how stupid it was to compare the two? Sure.

Wash your nails.

>So you could weasel put of your dumb argument when I clarified how stupid it was to compare the two?
Is this your first day speaking English?

Because deep down they all have infantile fantasies of being free like children again. They think kids swearing and holding up their contrived political opinions is somehow cool and edgy.

>Is this your first day speaking English?
if he's a remoaner the answer is probably yes.

I just don't understand UK. How can 4 countries be 1 country? What does someone in Belfast have to do with someone in Cornwall? At least in the UK they are all states but in the UK I hear they speak a whole different language in Wales.

What the fuck is British?

>stubby fingers
>dirty fingernails
>greasy hair

I wish the EU would have some balls and just unilaterally expel Brits from the EU at this moment without any deal or negotiations, and then place trade sanctions on the UK

Reminder that napalm death constantly signals against le eeebil nazzzis and fashies all the time, and modern metal is flooded with numales like this simp.

I am a 190cm 100kg mechanic taking a shit, I am neither bald nor fat, stop moving goalposts you stupid niggers.

children swear all the time though.

>I am 190cm

You're right, it's £19b a year, or £365,384,615.38 a week

Calm down and eat your bagel

Only if they have terrible parents.

>and then place trade sanctions on the UK
For what purpose?

Remember to wash your hands when you are done, those nails need cleaning.

Did you wipe your ass with your hair?

Make an example out of them.
EU or bust.

>Make an example out of them.
Well it sounds like a wonderful forward thinking club.

In an attempt to get more votes in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, the Labour party started transferring powers from Westminster to allow them a bit of power within their own territories, none of them are really different countries and didn't even have a government of their own until 1999 for Scotland and Wales, and 1998 for Northern Ireland. Also there is almost nobody who speaks Welsh but not English.

To punish them for centuries of destabilising Europe and the world and for destroying Europe in 1918 and 1939 and starting wars against Germany

You're probably thinking of France.

not nice to lie to people of what they are voting for.

The real story should be that the british people voted for brexit, and people completely fucking ignored them and pretended as is it was an evil thing that happened.

You can tell when a board is in full Reddit infiltration when people start using their slang like it's normal

he is
common mistake

thank god the politicians i vote for never do anything like that


The UK itself is a remnant of the colonial era. Ancient Celtic nations with centuries of history forced into subservience towards English imperialism and the English monarchy. Just as countries like India and Pakistan achieved independence from English colonialism, so will Northern Ireland and Scotland. The brexit fiasco will the final nail in the coffin of the unnatural and artificial British state

France has been based ever since the De Gaulle era and has committed itself towards Europe and friendship with Germany for decades.

Brexit is over, lad. Seethe more.

>France has been based ever since the De Gaulle era

this is a vote on a very specific thing, everybody was under the impression that the government will abide by the outcome of the votes.

if you undermine such basic democratic operations, the entire system loses legitimacy. voting is just a show, like in North Korea.

So France wouldn't do something like, say, sell anti-ship missiles to the enemies of one of their fellow EU members? Based.

>untucked shirt
Is it just me, or British tvs resort to simple, crude, childish insults.

>european "freedom"

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So they will just go back to being separate countries? But it's a giant island. The only way I can understand it is that they pretend to all be one country so they stop going to war with each other. But then Northern Ireland still makes no sense. It should just be part of Ireland and I'm sure they just call themselves Irish anyway.

I can see you're a fellow history buff.


Who are you referring to? The biggest enemy of the EU is Britain and America

I don't believe this was meant to convince anyone. It's just singing to the choir.

I will try to learn more, but the history is too much. It's like over 1000 years. I've visited, I've seen buildings over 800 years old there, houses people live in today built over 300 years ago. Worldwide Empire. Sometimes I wonder how a country this ancient gets involved in this Brexit mess.

>go back to being separate countries
They haven't been separate "countries" for over 1,500 years, before the word even existed

>But then Northern Ireland still makes no sense. It should just be part of Ireland
hooo boy

Based. Britain still needs to be punished for WW2

WTF, which mega-cuck country is this from?


>>They haven't been separate "countries" for over 1,500 years

But you speak to an english scottish etc guy they never call themselves british first.

This Troubles stuff looks too complicated. Why should religion, the same religion at that, divide them so much. As far as I know, British Protestantism is almost equivalent to Catholicism besides the lack of a pope.

Scotland, they're fucking mental retards up there

>Sectarianism in Glasgow takes the form of religious and political sectarian rivalry between Roman Catholics and Protestants. It is reinforced by the fierce rivalry between Celtic F.C. and Rangers F.C., the two football clubs known as the Old Firm, whose support is traditionally predominantly Catholic and Protestant respectively

Boris will save Britain! Gone in time for fireworks!

>as far as i know
There's the problem.

>But you speak to an english scottish etc guy they never call themselves british first.
It's the equivalent of Southerners who identify as belonging to their state rather than America because of a war that happened long before they were born

>As far as I know, British Protestantism is almost equivalent to Catholicism besides the lack of a pope
They were drilling holes in each others' kneecaps because of the minor differences, like divorce and contraception.

Rangers are literally and unironically straight-up Jews

What is secretarian language?

enjoy HMP Peterhead faggot

So if you are born even before you are born you will be assigned your football team and never be able to change? A rangers family can never have a Celtic supporter in it?

Those sexual innuendos that Bond would aim at Moneypenny in the movies

>vote to get out
>gov won't let you out
films with this theme?

>so will Northern Ireland
typical "i'm a celt!!" bullshit from a yank
northern ireland doesn't want to unify with the south, they're one of the only parts of the uk that support the idea of the uk other than london

It is inevitable Ireland will reunify and it'll happen sooner rather than later with demographic change.

>Nazi Germany invades another country
>this is the fault of the UK
lmao okay incel #getwokegobroke am I right

The UK is so fascinating. I just read that Scotland England and Northern Ireland don't have personal nation anthems, but Wales does. I wonder how Wales still has its own language, even if they still speak English too.

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dictatorship has a long intellectual tradition in europe. only this time you will be ruled by corporate elites instead of a monarchy. you guys are really fucked.

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it was their clay

>I wonder how Wales still has its own language, even if they still speak English too.
it's to preserve welsh culture, all of the signs and stuff are in welsh and english

Wales is full of remote villages with no real infrastructure to allow them contact with the rest of the country, for example there's a town called Staylittle which didn't have mobile phones or internet until 2017.

Unlike the right of course which doesn't entirely rely on "other tribe bad" lizard brain reactions.

This suggests that Northern Ireland is quite divided too. Half call themselves British and the other half Irish? The UK is fascinating.

It's inevitable due to the Good Friday Agreement, but demographic change will hasten it. Your meme graphic doesn't disprove fact you dumb paki.

If you actually watch the movie, they portray cumming as a likeable character and just tack on "and that's a bad thing" at the end

I don't understand how Cornwall identifies as English.

You read wrong

I only know the UK from Crusader Kings 2.
Can any bongs tell me, are Devon and Cornwall considered English? Are they considered Welsh?

the final redpill about the uk is that only the rich foreigners in london actually want it to exist

They are English, why wouldn't they be?

>a town called Staylittle which didn't have mobile phones or internet until 2017.

Incredible. How ancient must that village be. Surely in many other countries that village for sure would have become a ghost town and abandoned but people lived there today and they still eventually got connected to the modern world. Other countries for sure would have abandoned it.

Their club is owned by Jews and they wave Israeli flags you dumb kike

>northern Irish prods are so pathetic that they cling to some "British" affiliation that not even English people identify with

What cucks

All the countries have personal national anthems? What are they?

you're going to prison

Better a prison than a gas chamber, shlomo

They used to have their only languages and culture and sheeit

I have read that the Cornwall people consider themselves their own people and their own language. I know they protect their food a lot and read they have their own language too.

The only places that put British over English in England are the paki shitholes that aren't English anyway
Literally everyone in the UK would be happier if we were allowed to go our separate ways or decentralise power from london

that's another 5 years

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Cornish people LARP as their own country but I'm 99% sure it's just so that they can sell rock sweets with a different flag on it

Well this sounds like Brexit won't fix your problems

Devon and Cornwall is a countie within England. Covered by Devon and Cornwall police service who police it under UK Law as constables. They are just as English as someone from London.

Brexit was an act of lashing out against the government by English people because they're corrupt elitists
class divides are a major problem in the UK

>They are just as English as someone from London.
>implying anyone from London is English

Sure, everyone did when long distance travel was difficult, but that all died out hundreds of years ago, and the attempts to revive the Cornish language and "traditions" are very modern efforts by some weirdos, Cornish went extinct, but there have always been people who spoke Welsh.

>vote for something
>government basically just says no???? progressively for several years
>okay thanks daddy government!

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But class has always been around in the UK, even when it was an Empire. What's wrong with the class system now?

>Retards acting like the UK is the only country that was once multiple countries
Gotta love that American education, it's not like France, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands and ESPECIALLY Belgium are in the exact same boat and have also been unified for a shorter amount of time.

The ruling class is actively trying to exterminate and replace the lower classes with foreigners because they'll work for less pay and put up with shittier living conditions

Shut your Goddamn fucking mouth or so help me God I will do it for you, understand?

I wish northern ireland could be independent if not just part of the uk cause all independence seems to be right now is forced absorption by southern ireland and destruction of ulsters culture, it would be nice if it could be independent, bilingual in Ulster Scots and Gaelic and not just fenians speaking Irish and proddies speaking Ulster Scots but everyone speaking both rather than English and working together to forge a northern Irish identity this should be how it is rather than being owned by a country that doesn't want it to mock the other whether that be roi or the UK

I picked London because it’s the capital but thanks for the sweet (you)

But it's literally true, this is not a foreign concept to anyone except for yanks who LARP as Europeans without knowing anything about Europe. Have you heard about Catalonia? It's literally Spain's own Scotland except it could actually function as its own country.

Come on, in all those places you mentioned, while regions might consider themselves different or historically might have been, they are not actually recognized as individual countries, like the UK does of its constituent parts.

But it's not it's own country though is it, no matter how much they whine

>they are not actually recognized as individual countries
Recognised by who? The UN doesn't.

Brexit was mainly voted in by upper class people and elderly boomers. Younger people and lower-middle income mostly voted remain. You don't know what you're talking about and are just repeating the /pol/ self-victimisation

If no ones going to get off their asses and shoot them there's no real reason to listen, that's always been the name of the game.

They're countries in name only, that's why they don't get a seat at the UN.

Yes but FIFA does.

doesn't matter though really because Scotland don't qualify for anything anyway

Same can be said for the EU members/subjects of merkels 4th reich

How much power do politicians really even have over Britain, compared to companies?
There's things like immigration, sure, but in terms of people being economically disenfranchised, are brits even in representative political control of their lives? Don't companies basically run Britain?

And whatever happens, do you expect them to lose? They don't even pretend to serve the people's interests like politicians do.

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>town doesn't have mobile phones or internet
>named Staylittle
This is some jk rowling bullshit

They recognise it as a dependent territory, not a country, same as with Taiwan and Palestine

But he wasn't the villain. And the movie made clear he was one of the smartest politicos in the world. The villains in the movie were the British people:

Politicians clearly still have the power to crash a plane with no survivors as proven by this Brexit catastrophe

Looking at the way that the UK and the rest of the EU is treating their own citizens...

I am so happy to be an American, you guys.

Ironically the referendum was legally binding under EU terms rather than British Parliament terms. Brexit is being carried out under the authority given by the EU, which shows that the EU controls the UK not Parliament.

He was chaotic neutral in the film.
The film clearly takes the stand that he's doing it all as an ego trip and to prove how competent he is. Which he did.
He's not idealistic or pragmatic either.

The focus group people were highly sympathetic too. The older woman's breakdown captures quite well the sense of disenfranchisement within the country which drove the whole thing, and is justified.

Really the establishment politicians are lawful evil and the far right leave fuckwits are chaotic evil. They're the only villains.

We're better represented than some countries, worse than others. For example, in Parliament there are currently members representing 10 different political parties (or 9 plus independents), and they all have different agendas, some members of the same party even have different agendas as has been made clear recently. Really it means votes are a crapshoot because no one politician has much power on their own and whether a vote will pass depends on what the majority of those disparate groups want. There's nothing to stop them from deciding not to represent the people who elected them though, as can be seen in the 'Change UK' debacle where a bunch of members from both the Tories (right) and Labour (left) parties decided to quit their parties and form a new pro-EU party, abandoning all their campaign promises but choosing not to call an election in their boroughs to allow the electorate to decide whether they still wanted to be represented by them (because they'd lose).

Honestly overall I'm not sure how much difference it really makes, it's basically the same situation the Americans have where some of the Republican politicians are working against the Republican president because they have their own agenda.

>that webm
>You're wrong because I'm fucking better than you. I'm normal, and you're a freak

It must be some weird projecting because they know all those situations in the clip are intended to get a reaction BECAUSE they aren't normal

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I'm not asking about how well politicians represent you, but more, whether or not they do, how much power they even have themselves over the country, not compared to EU politicians, but compared to companies.

>german """comedy"""
maximum cringe

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Who can say? When it comes to big things companies can exert a lot of power, BP was a major power in the push to join in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but generally there's more regulations on lobbying here than in the US (via political donations and the like). But obviously huge monopolies like Google exist pretty much in a vacuum, and there's little that can be done against them.