Based Favreau and Filoni saving star wars

Based Favreau and Filoni saving star wars

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So another hack is going to make another mediocre film that every pleb on earth will praise as genius? Can't say I'm excited

Films don't usually get second seasons, user

I would've been excited if this was 2008 Favreau before he became Disney's bitch

>we’re already milking this show dry
Wow great can’t wait for a lackluster season 1 with the promise that it will get better!

Fuck star wars and fuck favreu

star wars was always gay shit

Would you prefer if they made a lackluster season 1 and then gave up you unbelievable retard?

>saving star wars


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So basically mcushit with a Star Wars skin?

Gross flabby no-talent micro dick energy perpetual wannabe.

Stop falling for this crap. Jesus christ, every time.
Something new. Get hype! Based!
"Looks like kino is back on the menu, boys!"
No. Stop.

Lol did Favreau rape you as a kid or some shit?

Not me personally, but I wouldn't put it past him.

Me neither. Maybe you would have been better off that way.

>*makes capeshit in your path*

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tragically, it actually looks like a decent show. too bad it's surrounded by such garbage.

I would prefer they write a complete story that occurs over one season instead of setting out to create a multi season story.

Then don't watch television. Or move to Europe or some shit

I'm willing to give it a chance because the leaked footage and trailer got me hype
Not subbing to disney+ though, pirating all the way

Just fucking give Filoni the keys to Star Wars. Seriously. He made Ahsoka not only tolerable, not only likeable, but probably the best character in the entire GFFA.

And Favreau is so fucking money and he doesn't even know it.