The Infinity Saga Blu Ray box for $500

How did we go from "you're a fan, so have this nice deal" to "you're a fan, so pay double the price"

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based, normal happy people I know will unironically buy this for the saga of the century

>watching the same movie 22 times

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>Infinity Saga
>villain only shows in the end

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>double the price
it's every MCU movie, if the average Blu Ray today is $25 it'd be $525 for all 21 movies.

So it's actually slightly cheaper

No one except mentally ill söyboy incels will spend five fucking hundred dollars on a pack consisting on one movie rehashed 22 times though

>saga of the century
it's not even a coherent saga or anything nor was it ever planned as one. they just landed a surprise hit with Infinity War and then pretended like it was a giant genius masterplan, which it wasn't.

People will pay for it, people are fucking stupid. Do you not know how it works?

Capeshit fans DESERVE to be swindled for every penny they have.

I usually only ever watch movies once, if i really feel the need to watch a movie again i'll usually wait at least 7 years

okay genius, now calculate the fact that some of these are over 10 years old and often get discounts and the fact that you can probably pick them up for a few bucks used on ebay or with your local flea market app.
Selling a 10 year old Blu Ray for the price of a completely new one, without even making a remaster or new transfer is laughable

but you get that free Anal fister with the boxset.

I've never even heard about it

No, it's too expensive. At $300 maybe, not a $500.

Are you fucking joking me I've been wagecucking for two weeks now and I've barely made 500$ and this poorly made garbage RETAILS for 500$?

blurays are 20$ a pop so its fair price

Who was Logan Paul's better assistant? Lydia or Ayla?

Personally I found that Lydia was the best since she was a qt and a half and had a great personality. What do you lot think?

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it's funny that they're acting like they planned this as a saga when really they just fucking winged it by pandering to whatever shit ended up making them the most money
bunch of fucking phonies

You’re just straight up lying, retard. Even if you don’t like capeshit, you can’t say they weren’t planning it. It’s an objective fact since IM2 they were planning a series

but you can buy all the old Marvel movies for under $10 online, Marvlets, will they ever learn?

So there is an actual video on YT and people comment and express their opinion on this question?

How much is the pack if you buy every individual movie?

Just pirate


says 22 on the box

I don't know why but this really irks me.


Spiderman FFH is unironically better

Capeshit is fuckin stupid. Fuck you

>I hate capeshit: the personality
Keep seething for no reason, I hate those jews too, but doing this doublethink is just flat out wrong, retard.

even shitposting on Yea Forums seems more meaningful than that

imagine paying to watch capeshit

Does this come with FFH?

Who cares, you fucktard? They could sell it for $1000 and people would still be preordering. It’s just business. You’d be doing the same damn thing too if you were successful.

>Infinity saga
>only 3 or 4 movies out of 22 are related to Thanos at all
Why is this shit so culturally irrelevant? Harry Potter and Game of Thrones have a bigger impact for fucks sake

Sorry DC didn’t make it as far.

was this the start

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>b-but DC
Meanwhile TDK is still universally accepted as the best capeshit ever after all these years

>tfw a jap manga is better than them all

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imagine taking time to download it

Oh please just stop already, Christ. TDK isn't even in the same leage as Iron Man 3, it's just a meme joke on this board. TDK is mediocre, end of story.

>TDK isn't even in the same leage as Iron Man 3,
Of course it isn't, TDK is genuinely good and Iron Man 3 is dogshit.

Does it include Far From Home? I know Faygee said it's technically part of phase 3

That's not real.

How does Yea Forums eat up literally any lie or clickbait thrown at them but then have the audacity to call other people brainletts? It's unreal.

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imagine being such a loser that you care about such normie fag shit like some youtube star's assistants

The real question is how expensive will the set be once the mcu is over (assuming that physical media still exists of course)

>Why is this shit so culturally irrelevant?
They are designed around a brand, not a story or not the characters. The selling point isn't emotional engagement from the public, but FAMILIARITY and brand awareness, it's a safe bet for your money, inoffensive and vanilla entretinment

>posts an unfinished one
Here is one that is actually great.

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bet they're in cheap packaging too. I bought a tarantino box set once and they were in paper fucking envelopes

It was always like that and the idea that it wasn't is pure fantasy

For me, it was Ayla, I feel like she was a bigger part of the logang family and was a good foil to logan

it should but I don't think it does. far from home is a endgame epilogue and should be there

just wait for all the saga to be remastered in 4k HDR, only for a thousand shekels

100% guarantee that anyone who would buy that already has every movie on blu-ray. Marvelfags are absolute retards.

you know you dont have to buy it, dont you?

Oh fuck off. That's obviously not going to be the price.

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You can get most of these movies for $10 at walmart

yeah, the first Iron Man,Thor, and avengers are still $25 11 years later

I hope they have hdr10+ or dolby vision for every movie. Otherwise it isn't worth it.

Reminder that Thanos gets literally zero stones in any film but IW - where he gets the first one off screen - and in fact gives two away in other films
It is not a “saga” because it doesn’t tell anything resembling a coherent story. It’s a loose collection of crossovers, the overwhelming majority of which no well-adjusted person over the age of 7 would desire repeat viewings of

They plan this stuff out a decade in advance. We already know the quarters that Disney will release Marvel films through 2024. You could maybe argue Iron Man one wasn't really intended to be a saga. Like, yes it teases Nick Fury at the end, but if the movie had bombed they could have easily stopped it there, but by Iron Man 2 it was apparent they were committing to a long form story.

What did they plan? The screenwriters openly admit they had no idea what to do in Endgame by the time they finished writing Infinity War. They put the fucking Infinity Gauntlet in the throne room in Thor. They “planned” to use Thanos as a villain and obviously he would collect the stones, but they didn’t have him get his hands on a single one in any film leading up to their climax. That’s like saying Lost was “planned” because they knew in S1 that the Smoke Monster would be the eventual villain when they shit out a stream of self-contradictory, seat-of-their-pants incoherence the whole way through just like Marvel

>The screenwriters openly admit they had no idea what to do in Endgame by the time they finished writing Infinity War
gonna need a source on this chief

>and in fact gives two away in other films
no he doesnt

This is for the rubes user.

>still in cropped widescreen

>They put the fucking Infinity Gauntlet in the throne room in Thor.
It was for keks, you silly.

This desu
It's retarded that people act as though the stones have been what everything was leading towards when they're essentially a very minor footnote from movies 10-20 until Thanos gets actual screentime and suddenly becomes a real character

What did he mean by this?

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He gives Ronan the power stone in guardians 1 and I think user believes that he gave Loki the space stone in the first avengers when he just gives him control of the army to conquer earth

they mention the Infinity Stones in Thor 2 and have Thanos trying to get the Power Stone in GOTG 1 you casual

>$500 for 3 decent movies and a bunch of filler. What retard would actually buy this? The packaging is lazy and not even worth displaying.

He gave loki the septer that had the mind stone in it.

lmao BTFO

>highest grossing movie franchise of all time
>culturally irrelevant
DCuck spotted

It's funny because pretty much anybody who is a hardcore enough fan to buy this would already have all of them in the first place, so a lot of the purchases will be double buys. I'd say the market will be flooded with the standalone bluray releases as people sell them off, but I guess the collectors will just keep both copies.

does this mean dvds are out so i can pirate a not-shitty-handcam copy of the last movie or is this some "preorder this crap one month before" bullshit

retard. iron man is only 24.99!!!!!!! stupid idiot

this is fake btw

>it’s a Yea Forums falls and rages for a fake mockup image episode

>they mention the stones
Oh wow they mentioned them?? But nothing actually happened to build toward a premeditated outcome? But they made a reference?? No fucking way dude, this changes everything!
(Obviously they intended Thanos to be the big villain and use the stones, the point is that they did absolutely nothing to build this up until Infinity War starts and he gets his very first one off-screen)

I got Iron Man 1 & 2 and Hulk 1 & 2 for $4.99 each when Best Buy had trade any DVD for $5 dollars off any Blu-ray movie.

>the infinity saga
>most films have nothing to do with the infinity stones

I'll wait for the Yiffybox

There was a third iron man?

Yes. It was terrible, even worse than Iron Man 2.

Yeah? At the time of its release it was the fifth highest grossing film of all time. You sure you weren't living under a rock?

list of wrong opinions: that one