Stuck in major development hell

>Stuck in major development hell
>Is actually good
Any other movies like this?

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The squeakuel, what's called Sounds

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Total recall

was The Man Who Killed Don Quixote good?

>Is actually good

You mean "is actually KINO"

That's one of the best films I've seen in a long time, one of Scorsese's best.

Fury Road


That's nice to hear. I remember reading about it online for like 15 years but then it came out and no one talked about it, myself included.

Beat me to it

this, it was great. which was weird, because its two MC actors are both obnoxious.

Avatar 2, 3 and 4

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The trailer was so misleading, I was expecting more action scenes. Also the characters were fucking portuguese and I thought they would be Americans.
I asked for a refund, but was given a form to fill out and send to the theater management which i never did

Good movie but too long

whats up with her arm

It's the opposite for me. I thought it would be a bore but ended up being the best kino of 2016 unironically.

I always get like 40 minutes into this movie and turn it off because I get so bored. It blows me away that this is a Scorsese film because it feels nothing like it.


Same. The first 15 mins worried me because I thought it was gonna be a snooze fest but then it really picked up. Movie was fucking intense.

>I asked for a refund, but was given a form to fill out and send to the theater management which i never did
Are you serious? Do people really do this? Are you stupid enough to believe the cinema is responsible for the content of the movie?

You request refunds from the cinema if anything they provide is foul, like non working sound or some shit. Or crack in the popcorn or something. They're not responsible for the fucking content of the movie you fuckwit

A Star is Born

Read my post again retard, the trailer was clearly misleading. Yes, if the movie shown is vastly different from what the trailer implied it would be then the cinema is partly to blame.
Imagine if there is an advertisement for a roller coaster and you travel several miles to go to the amusement part, buy a ticket, board the ride only to find out it just goes in circles like a carousel would the park not be responsible?

Most theatres have like a 20-30 minute policy for refunds. If you watched the entire movie then I don't think you deserved a refund.

Apocalypse Now is notorious for having many problems during filming. A whole documentary was dedicated to it.

how does The Mission compare to it?

>muh just keep your faith private!

Fuck you martin for selling your faith out, you Satan worshipper. God always wins virgins

Yes because the park built the fucking thing, idiot. The cinema didn't make the movie. And also not the trailer.

>is actually good
Try again.

Is this pasta kek

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how can he go back to making mob-pleb cinema?


*badly scrawled in ballpoint pen*
>coulda used more 'splosions I think

>dude, if I step on this block god will kill me or something lmao.

>the character also weren't American

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Haven’t seen the movie but is it pro-Christian? Scorsese definitely isn’t religious judging from his past films that deal with Catholicism

Scorsese is definitely a good Catholic and makes you believe the Papist subversives didn't just get what was coming to them

In the book the priest is given the choice of renouncing his faith or watch his japanese converts die. In the midst of his dilemma he has a vision of Christ telling him to do it. It would make it seem like as Christ bears our suffering therefore he should suffer our heresy. There is a telling moment in the book though where a cock is heard crowing (a sign of heresy) which calls to question whether he really had a vision or justified his heresy. This moment is also kept in the film.

As Christ suffers, so do we for we are all one in Christ.


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Absolute lowest tier garbage that only appeals to people who have a hard time understanding what makes certain Wes Anderson great but will praise anything that they believe will make them look cultured in social situations. The visuals and writing are romance novella tv adaptation level and the cast is led by Adam driver who only gets cast for being so ugly and untalented that he somehow does not register as a fucking white male. Avoid at any cost if you value the short time that is given to you on this planet

>Adam driver who only gets cast for being so ugly and untalented that he somehow does not register as a fucking white male
Oksy I laughed. I need to check this out. Usually love him in even shit movies.

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