I understand a key to good horror is not explaining everything, but it didn't explain enough to be satisfying and was ultimately a disappointment.

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this movie is like Peele had a pretty cool idea for a psychological thriller fairy tale and then made a generic zombie movie while he was thinking about it

Why is this guy so obsessed with ugly black people crying?

>twenty minute info dump at the end

Good question. Knowing his MO, it probably has some faux deep symbolic meaning to him.

to show the oppression that the white woMAn has done to the ebonic race.

Imagine having to look at this poster next to other actual kino recorded at the Boardwalk

>Explain literally everything
>ummm sweaty, you didn't mention how they travel long distances, 0/10

peele is a racist cunt, notice how every villain in his movies or twilight zone is a white male and/or white family?

someone explain to me what the white family in Us was there for

oh kill yourself, white bitch

he just plays to the market.


>make body snatchers with groids
Amazing. Inspired.

How the fuck would Adelaide know about the US Government making clones if none of them can speak? It's not like there was any documents laying around the underground facility that said "Hey, it's the gubmint, we made clone for teh lulz."

The villain in this movie is Lupita’s character

Statistically over half of them are villians.

Why wouldn't there be papers down there? Once you're inside the secret government facilities you don't need to hide things, and there will no doubt be offices for the people who were running it.

>someone explain to me what the white family in Us was there for
>he hasn't even seen the film

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shit in WD an in this

>Why wouldn't there be papers down there?
Because it's established that the place has long been abandoned. It makes no sense for there to be any kind of paper trail if they left a long time ago.

it shouldve explained less and gone more lynchian with the central conceit. the half-explanation turned into more of a bad explanation

the villain in this movie is a black person?

I feel like this would have been better as a TV series - it needed way more exposition and explanation. I still enjoyed it since the editing, score, cinematography, etc. were great, but I wasn't able to suspend my disbelief at the end.

They left the people, rabbits and furniture down there

And why did she keep getting scared with the flashbacks

Also the intro sequence was pretty nice

And the twins were pretty hot

So what? None of that says anything, it's just weird. Which doesn't implicate the government. The only clues we get towards that are the opening text bit and a passing joke of a remark from Zora. Considering the former has no effect on any of the characters involved, we can't expect the explanation given to us to make sense in context given a fucking joke is our only real piece of evidence to work with.

The white family was in the film to be butchered violently

by...other white people...