Are you ready for the real Power Rangers movie?

Are you ready for the real Power Rangers movie?

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fuck i hate that guy

not gonna work
the kike who owns the power rangers ip is a billionaire and has retained some of the most aggressive lawyers in the world
they will viciously stomp this out or end up funneling all of the money that it gets directly back to shlomo

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I didn't realize Hasbro was a person or that a company could be a Jew. You learn something every day.

Except Saban is a person you fucking idiot

What does Saban have to do with anything?

Go to bed Austin.

>Jonny Yong Bosch
>Jason Faunt
Alright, maybe this is good


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WHITE POWER .. ranger

Haha, never heard that one before.

only 30 days to back it. lol should had made it longer

I wish them the best I love it when productions like these are made that let actors reflect on some of their earlier roles in new ways.

It certainly looks better than that shitty "bootleg" edgy Power Rangers trailer they made a few years back.

Why does everyone hate on JDF?

>What does Saban have to do with Power Rangers?

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Power Rangers is owned by Hasbro. So what does Saban have to do with anything?

He sold it a two fucking years ago you brainless fucking nigger. Hasbro are probably fucking lining up to make toys of this. They have licensed Bat in the Sun shit before.

Actually looks like it cold be amazing. It will not reach half a million though

I've seen dumber funded in less time, and Power Rangers fans like to spend money.

Probably gonna drop a couple of 10k on this so me and my family can go to the premiere and set.

Oh great, just what this fandom needs. Another Tommywank OC Donutsteel Ranger.


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That trailer was the best acting I have ever seen from JDF. It wasn't good, but it was the best acting I have ever seen from him.

That's a pretty low bar.