Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?

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john mccain was jewish?

everyone who serves in the US military is an honorary jew

well he ain't catlick


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What did he mean by this

Attached: john mccain.png (1200x808, 1024K)


I prefer my heroes not captured personally

What the fuck I love trump now?

Trump was a draft dodger. Muh flat feet

>John McShitstain
>nothing than a murderer and war monger and a big military complex shill

based, thise wars were not lade to defend America, only cucks went to those wars

McCain should've been a draft dodger, it would've saved everyone a lot of time and money. Who joins up just to crash planes and sign statements denouncing your country?


>flat feet
post some

Attached: feet.jpg (837x528, 96K)

>dumping on a Jew

In what world?

Do /pol/yps still defend Flumpf after the Epstein story?
Jesus if by now you haven't realised you've been dubbed there is no hope.
I mean MAGA. Let's start a war with Iran wouldn't that trigger the libtards epic style?

What does that have to do with the fact that you aren't supposed to let yourself get taken alive? And if you are captured, you aren't supposed to sing like a songbird. His time in Vietnam was shameful but he got away with it because of his daddy. You do not need to be a Trump supporter to see that he had no honor.

and politics

Lol checked retarded

I don't come from a military family. We were always too old or too young to go to war. But I did have one great uncle who was in WWII. I asked him once, right before he died, what his thoughts were.
>If I'd had known then what I know now, I'd have fought for the Germans. The Nazis were the last people in history to actually stand for something.

>you've been dubbed


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Was getting caught part of his plan?

yeah I do believe if all those Americans wouldve got a glimpse of the future they wouldve packed their bags and go home instead of storming normandy

What was his tax policy?

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The Hanoi Hilton songbird no longer sings.

i love how he's a """Hero""" once he ceases to be a political opponent

Yes, and? He cut his friendship in the early 2000s and helped build a civil case against Epstein years ago.

Farm world.

the 180 is hilarious

True, if the military industry wants a war to profit from, we should start it in US land, we have plenty of terrorists around here to justify it, mainly activists and protestors.

>that star of david
top kek accurate

An uncaptured draft dodger

Please link to when Obama denied his status as war hero

did he know we can google his comics from 2008?

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