*dabs on all other panel shows*

*dabs on all other panel shows*

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Is QI considered a panel show, because it's infinitely more entertaining

It is... Quite Interesting after all

Absolutely not, especially with the new host

All panel shows are shit, unless you count Whose Line.
Qi is fucking abhorrent shit

Especially if Bob Mortimer is on as a guest.

>*sharply inhales*
>"claxon" sounds

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lee mack is an annoying panelist. he's witty and all but he cuts off everybody and tries to be the center of attention for every moment of the show

He's usually the best center of attention you can get, though, excluding maybe Sean Lock, or - on their day, mind you - David Mitchell and Richard Ayoade

>consciously uncoupling sounds like something a sentient train would do
Ayoade is consistently the single thing that makes a Big Fat Quiz worth watching.
Sean Lock was the same for 8 Out of 10 Cats until they merged it with countdown and turned it into the Jon Richardson tries to suck himself off while we watch basic math fun hour

Rhod Gilbert would like a word

>*dabs over plebians*

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>mfw they make a joke about british politics that I don't understand because I'm not british but I laugh anyway
>mfw that's all the jokes
I still have a good time

The guests have been shit recently and Paul looks bored out of his mind
Ian is still based though

Absolutely correct, but I'd say Lock is still very good on countdown as well. Ayoade makes the quiz worthwhile, less keen on Fielding though
Fair enough, Rhod's good.

QI honestly feels like a radio 4 show

is it dolphin in a bath tub?

Need some big personalities like Bojo or prescott or clarkson

Best guest

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Most panel shows are terrible. Bring back Shooting Stars I say.

*tips fedora at you*

Best panel theoretically possible


hosted by Bradley Walsh

don't @ me

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Barely watch TV comedy anymore. Get with the times granddads.

I'm not sure they could still do it

I saw their live theatre show a couple of years ago and it was pretty low energy

only when bob is on, too many shit guests drag it down. buzzcocks and shooting starts are the actual 10/10 panel shows.