How does a nuclear safety technician afford a mansion like this?

How does a nuclear safety technician afford a mansion like this?

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This thread again nigger?
Fuck off

>a mansion
What kind of ex-USSR European novel do you live in

Hi there Grimmy

its made out of paper and matchsticks
like all houses in america

t. Frank Grimes

>living in a closed concept house

I like taking lots of amphetamine and then having porn on my televisions, computer monitors, cell phone and tablet as I walk room to room jerking off while cleaning.

He lives in a small shitty town so houses are probably cheap

this. i live in miami and my average sized house is $500,000 meanwhile my uncle in kentucky has a 4 story house on a lake that cost him $100,000

>a nuclear safety technician

i imagine thats pretty adequate for an important position like that.

67 to 82 thousand a year. He's fine.

He’s a boomer

You think people working in a nuclear power plant make $15 an hour or something?

A nuclear safety tech in 1990 would be very very comfortable. Homers just dumb and spends all his money on beer

His dad paid for it, didn't he?

nucular... the term is nucular

it was the 80s son

Mortgage. Debt.

>a room purely for sitting in despite the fact that the tv room is literal steps away
>a room purely for eating in despite the fact that they have a table in the kitchen
>TWO televisions
>THREE toilets
>FOUR (!) bedrooms
>an entire room that's so under-utilized that it's only ever seen in two episodes
>an entire basement level AND a full sized loft
>lawn so big that they have their own tree
>tree is big enough for a full sized treehouse
fuck off, billionaires

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This no novel, frend. This reality.

>lives in a boring midwestern town that has very affordable housing
>made decent money for 80s and 90s
You're just upset Grimey

every day i become more like Grimey

How come the basement stairs is next to the garage though? I always thought it was in the door next to the main staircase.

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What is that room in the top right corner? I've never seen any of the simpsons use that room.

None of this is unusual for the mid-level manager of an international corporation.

rumpus room

those were the pre-NAFTA days and illegal alien labour, while a problem, hadn’t hit critical mass yet

it was a different time

And dumb investments

>those nice stereo speakers not connected to the tv
absolute pleb setup

Wow that's a fancy house

He doesn’t blow his entire paycheck at Chuck’s like you.

it was before the housing market crash

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Do you live in a city? Who the fuck doesn't have a yard big enough for a tree?


He has like 7 or 8 side jobs.


It was the 90’s, you could buy a house with 100 bucks

Finally, its about damn time. This was formerly a normal thread

Most be he'll over there.
Heard England barely has any trees at all.

You people will never know the suffering of living in a flat.

how do they breathe??


based slav pal

What room is only in 2 episodes? The storm cellar?

congrats on being born at the worst time in history

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rumpus room, top right

Good, move out of the city asap if you want to keep your sanity

I’m not aware of that method, is it an acronym? or can you translate it maybe? I don’t speak Arabic

Small shitty town that has a thriving economy where even Homer Simpson can get a good job, its own nuclear power station, its own TV network, multiple sports stadiums, greyhound track, casino, fancy renovated waterfront etc.

>what are historically low interest rates

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In canon it is still a small suburban town

Maybe that applies to britcucks or something, but I live in a perfectly average suburban house yet on my property there's several large trees, a garden and on top of that enough apple trees to produce more apples than I can eat.

He bought the house in the 90s in a small town no one wants to live in

And then be chronically unemployed and poor because all the jobs are in the city? Cool idea will do

>he fell for the city meme

McMansions are the baste choice of housing.

That dining room looks like there's no room for the table, and what is that small room with the fish on the wall?

Bros.. is this the death of Sneed? This is the second Simps*ns thread today that didn't have Sneed in it.

I fucking hope so.
Such a retarded meme.

Frank Grimes, or Grimy as he liked to be called...

That's really nothing with a wife who doesn't work and 3 kids. But I'm pretty sure Homer admitted that he practically got the house for free or something

Its the sneedatorium.

His dad bought him the house with his retirement money or something. And he fluked into a nuclear job despite being totally useless.

Well nobody owns houses so there's that to start with I guess

What the hell jobs you gonna work in a small town, besides a Walmart cashier or etc?

based bush poster


Maybe youre just brainwashed into thinking that. Just because you dont believe you can find a job in a rural area doesnt mean other people cant make a rural living. Get some confidence bro

>t. boomer

How does a farmer afford a business like this?


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my house has 4 tvs active and 2 older ones stored. you dont have tvs? and im not american

by sucking and fucking off the people at the nuclear power plant

>those cardboard walls
>that terrible layout
this is actually worth money in america?

you have mental issues

Oh god, I can’t make a single post without thinking about them!

>>an entire room that's so under-utilized that it's only ever seen in two episodes
Yeah what the fuck is that room? I don't think I ever saw it

formerly meme

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The simpsons takes place in the 90s
Homer makes just under 90k and got his house for "free" with his Dad's retirement money on the condition that he gets to stay there when he wants.

You have Park Avenue manicure issues.

oh shit son, take a break from the internet

I fucking hate boomers. Literally all boomers have 2 or 3 properties at this point, because their lives were so fucking easy. When they all start dying off in a decade the housing market is going to become reasonable again.

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Have sneed

Don't forget that there's still a farm country in Springfield that includes a Seed and Feed Store. So there's a lot of space in Springfield. Kinda assume it's akin to Texas.

Sneedular.. the sneed sneed sneeedular...

Doesn't your company let you work from home? Is this still a thing in 2019? Or do you wait tables or McDonald's? I would assume those jobs would be in a small town as well

bump, sneed and based (never cringe)


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Blow it out your ass.

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Why do the simpsons house threads never have sneed in them? They’re in all the other ones, but not these. Why?

>Homer makes $9 an hour

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now THIS is a city slicker

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Janny has been impotently attempting to ban sneed posts ITT

Credit is slavery.

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They also had an (above ground) pool.

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It's the one Homer's sitting in.

The creators have commented on it once or twice, saying that it seems to defy time and space. It phases in and out of existence and can even show up in different parts of the house.

>bought 25 acres for $40k
>hire artist and architect to design house to my specifications and art style
>try to hire someone to make stone foundation, all say they can't do that but suggest pic related instead
Fuck I just want my own wizard tower in a neoclassical art nouveau mix with a stone foundation, I have money and am willing to pay and already have all the plans and blueprints from the architect

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I thought it was $7-8, max

Mortgage and stable job.

>cardboard house

his father gave him money and then he shipped him to the retirement castle

they live in America
nice pic. do you have the second floor? actually comfy house

Wtf is that room in the top-right? I didn't even know the Simpsons' house had a study and I don't think I've ever seen it in the show.

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Frankly its not that nice of a house, there's no roof and many walls are missing.

Sneed’s Feed and Seed
Formerly Chuck’s

Not him, but I work as a software engineer in a small town in Missouri. Most of my work is remote, so I mainly work at home. House is cheap and I'm making six figures, so I think I'm doing well. It gets lonely sometimes though.

Don’t know about there but here in Iran you get very good money working in nuclear plant

how does a farmer afford a store like this?

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What was their reasoning for not being able to build with stone?
Where did you buy 25 acres with 40k?
What is your occupation?

what's that room in the upper right corner with the TV and the toys?

Bro, you can buy a lot of house in burgerland.

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>Hamilton, Ohio Population Total 62,477
That's why it's (relatively) cheap.

Buying houses in cities are so expensive because the land has become so expensive, not because the construction has.

feed room

very based

>living in the city
>being surrounded by nogs
No thanks.

Yeah, just look at these opportunities! A tiny 100 year old rickety shack in the woods with no utilities whatsoever and less than an acre of land for the low, low cost of 115 grand! Truly murica is a land of plenty and prosperity.

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Where the fuck do you live where home foundations aren't stone or reinforced concrete

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>cherry picking

feed and seeds were cheaper back then, also formerly chucks were cheap

People will pay a premium to live isolated, you would understand if you weren't a normalfag


very good tabs. Glad to see that hasn't died out.

t. sneeding europoor

>What was their reasoning for not being able to build with stone?
They don't have the skills, told me it is "outdated" which I know is a lie, that is typical trick companies use to get people to accept. I've tried over 10 different companies, a few offered reinforced concrete but fuck that.
>you want x?
>its 2019!
Fuck that tactic
>Where did you buy 25 acres with 40k?
>What is your occupation?
Programmer with a few side gigs, but most importantly I got extremely lucky a few times. The real reason I can afford it is because I got lucky with a few investments and I saved 95%+ of my money since I lived with my parents with no expenses other than car insurance and gas.
>reinforced concrete
fuck off
Great, RC is stronger than stone or Roman concrete, but it doesn't last nearly as long despite all the modern engineering that went into developing it. I don't need the extra strength of RC so why should I deal with the negatives?

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There are a bunch of overpriced properties that malinger on online listings cause nobody will buy them. Good deals get snatched up immediately, you have to sort by new to find them.

im all sneeded out.

Based sneeky sneed poster.

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the stair to the basement is right next to the stairs, but in some other episodes its a shelf, also there's a toilet under the stair

also based rumpus room

Abe sold his house for him to get it