Did he do it?

Did he do it?

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No but he should have given that bitch lied and ruined his life

I watched this shit and it was poorly written, like the little girl just wanted to fuck his teacher and that's it lmao

>that post credits scene that showed him fucking all the kids in his secret trapdoor basement

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no. did you watch the fucking movie?


it didn't matter, brainlet
have you even watched the movie?

How to pronounce his name?

We don't know. The ending is meant to be ambiguous.

He almost certainly didn’t but it’s ambiguous, the film isn’t about whether he did or didn’t do it but it’s about how paranoia and pressure can destroy a man even if he’s innocent. The little girl saw sexual activities when the little boys showed her the porn on that tablet or whatever, and that’s likely where she got the sex ideas from.

still makes me pissed. fuck people

Didn't the ending just say that it doesn't matter if he didn't do it, the accusation still ruined his life even if he was cleaned. Some people from the town will still suspect that he did and won't forgive him for it.

The movie clearly implies that he didn't do it

It's intentionally ambiguous. The man shooting him can be symbolic of his own personal guilt and his shame at what he did

No it doesn't. And it's not even a question of did he do it or not, it's a fact that he didn't do it and presented as such.

He did it and got away with it. It's pretty obvious if you can read between the lines.

You're just baiting now, but just so others are aware Vinterberg the director confirmed multiple times that there is no question did he do it or not, the entire script is based on actual false allegation cases.

You just know he did. Trust your gut people. If it's a white male, safest to assume he's guilty. #Believe survivors.

>he director confirmed multiple times that there is no question did he do it or not, the entire script is based on actual false allegation cases.
then why did he also talk about a deleted scene at the end, which is basically a montage of the dad molesting the kids

next time atleast try with that bait my dude, some effort or anything
