Are there new movies with this feel?

Are there new movies with this feel?

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Unironicaly Uncharted series for Ps4

This was Spielberg mocking the poorfag goyim. No man who has ever held a piece of gold in his life wouldn't know this bag of dirt didn't match the weight of that head. Or maybe Indy had a death wish? Or he was susceptible to a stress laden environment. Who the fuck knows.

My theory is that it was just poor filmmaking. Raimi couldn't have done it differently. This would've been a walk in the park for the average white man. Muh action scenes! Fuck Hollywood.

the fuck are you on about?

This but post-ironically

Tintin animated

an AI wrote that post, don't worry about it

The Spielberg one?

Fuck yeah, I saw it in theaters. Was so fun.

yeah Indiana Jones, there's three of em

It wasn't a bag of sand you dumb fuk, it was a bag of GOLD, hence equal size equal size and same material means he gets away without problem

All intelligence is artificial

No, Raiders is probably the most efficient and effective adventure film ever made and it was total lightning in a bottle, even Spielberg hasn’t topped himself since

Great movies. Plus, yo can watch them for free on yt

Indy didn’t fill the bag with sand to defeat the trap he just wanted to know what a boob feels like

It was a bag of dirt. I remember him taking some from it the first time around, because he wasn't sure.

It backfired though, because Indy was almost crushed by the trap's mighty ball.

It holds up better than 'The Last Crusade'. The Temple of Doom, while being consistent with his character, felt weird to me because instead of Christian territory we were now suddenly in 'Indian Voodoo' territory.

There are no adventure movies that are as good as this one. Not to sound like a boomer but they don't make movies like this anymore.

Movies that gave me sort of the same feeling (not as good though, obviously):

Big Trouble In Little China
The Good, The Bad, The Weird
The Mummy (1999)
Tomb Raiders with Angelina Jolie

>Are there new movies with this feel?
These are the closest. Adventure movies are dead in 2010s.

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i slapped mine ding dong to allan quatermain and the lost city of gold. dat prime Sharon. hnnng.

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The only movies that try to be as “fun” is the two national treasures. They aren’t very good.

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oh yeah and also wacked it to romancing the stone/jewel

The statue is hollow


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>another schizo forgot to take his meds episode

>movies with this feel

You mean movies that celebrate colonization and cultural appropriation?

Any movies made by white men, sweetie

Explain how this applies to Raiders?

Jesus was a Jew. Also Jesus and Ford were carpenters before they found their true calling.