Warwick Davis appreciation thread

Warwick Davis appreciation thread.

Press A to appreciate Warwick Davis and his great accomplishments in the world of on screen acting!


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Yeah, let’s not give him the short end of the stick. He’s gotten enough of that in his life.

Is that the bagel guy?

Show some respect user, Warwick Davis is at the tippy top of the A list celebrities.


>Warwick Davis is at the tippy top of the A list celebrities.
No he's not, but he's sorta ok-ish.

Nah, bagel guy is from Long Island and expresses his manlet rage by getting loud and acting like Tony Soprano. Davis is from the UK and expresses his manlet rage by reporting people to the police for insensitivity and hate.

Don't you dare incite violence towards little people in this thread user.


I think you mean "a."

I love this little faggot, Life is Short was great and he was a part of 80's classics like Willow. Give him some respect you shallow cunts, he dwarfs your achievements.

A little jealous perhaps? A short temper?




Like your dick.

Defending Europa from Bolshevism is securing the future of our blood. You got that right.

Press K to kick him in the head

user. This baked my lasagna.

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why is he dressed like a sami

Top of the ladder you mean


Daily reminder that CGI has abolished the need for midget actors. Anklebiters BTFO.

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Why would I do that? I love that movie.

Willow is really comfy. Almost as comfy as the LOTR trilogy

Press 'P' to Punt.

I was coming home one evening after work and I saw this ugly little goblin coming out of a pub, completely pissed after downing more than 4 spoonfulls of beer. He was shouting obscenities and tried to attack a local couple pushing a baby stroller, but the wheels were too tall for him to climb. This made him absolutely fucking livid and he made so much noise that he drew the attention of a couple of seagulls who started chasing him around and around looking for a quick pick-me-up. As soon as that deformed little shit came near my foot I just swept with my foot and chucked him into the Thames. I had hoped he would drown but he fell onto an old cork that was floating nearby and he fashioned himself a large raft, but he must have ridden a speck of dust and escaped because I saw him on the news again recently

We’re his kids 100% doomed from the start? If so was it criminal to have them?

It is immoral, unethical and obvious child-abuse but not illegal.

I wonder if they were left alone on some lush large island, would they make their own midget society where they would evolve into their fitter yet still midget forms?