Who will play him in the inevitable adaptation?

Who will play him in the inevitable adaptation?

Attached: screen-shot-2019-07-10-at-3.49.13-pm-e1562788229846.jpg (780x440, 31K)

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warwick davis obviously

Me probably

Kit Harrington

>manlet jannies will delete this
Also Pesci is rumored to be attached

danny devito

What is this?

Manlets rising up

>be manlet
>"u wanna go m8?"
>m8 actually goes
>plays victim and milks the whole thing for 5 minutes of fame


Somebody finally taking a stand

Holy shit, why does he fly off the handle over a simple question?

Robert Downey Jr.

Attached: serendipity.png (708x304, 249K)

>self proclaimed feminist
In this day and age, you have to be a special type of cunt to proudly wear a feminist badge. Most women know it's really become a negative stereotype and avoid saying they're feminists.
What did she say that upset hi and made him cut the interview? Why did she edited out that part? At lest she wasn't wearing heels but she still comes off as a cunt

Attached: ali.jpg (315x432, 24K)

LOL you actually underlined it.
honestly have sex


a transmidget


Only Tom Cruise king of manlets can match this character's energy

Came here to post this

If I was him I probably would have gone home and shot myself.

Joe Pesci.

They even got the same voice ffs.

Attached: 4zidewFE0x8OBlW0RjEKlkhw4lr.jpg (480x720, 24K)


I really don't get the logic here. Your superior female brain must just be too far beyond mine.

he was interviewed yesterday by /pol/

Attached: IMG_20190711_194216.jpg (1080x800, 118K)

bagel manlet is that you?


7:40 lmao

Can't really hear what he's saying? What did he say about immigrants

i wish i was dead

"I've noticed, that considering immigrants are taking the world over"


Too tall

>same voice
Found the Europoor

Richard Dreyfuss

Hopefully the guy who tackled him gets charged.
People have outbursts all the time, tackling to the ground is uncalled for when there's no actual danger.
You don't know what the manlet's heart condition is, his skull could have been completely cracked open when it hit the floor.
Police are trained to de-escelate for this very reason.

you all sound the same amerifat, get over it