is HiTop films the biggest bitch crybaby """""video essayist""""" on youtube?

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I agree. It's good because it's in the mcu and everything in the mcu is good, so obviously spider-man ffh is good.

He only shits on Marvel when it comes to Spiderman films

He’s a faggot redditor but most MCUcks love him because he constantly gurgles Disney cum otherwise

Have sex

It was shit tho. The only saving grace was Jake G. The cast is shit. The writing is what a 10 year old would imagine SpiderMan is like. Its fucking trash

have consequences

Raimi spiderman was the product of a bygone age, gone are the cheesy/campy superhero films of the past.
Welcome to the new reality, old man.

I recently re-watched 2002 and the newspaper about Osborne being fired names the Super Solider Serum.

How could would it have been to just slap those movies into continuity? But then I guess Marvel/Disney is missing out on a ton of money from the 3-5 Spider-man movies they get to make themselves.

hi-top films is alright but he gargles his own cum too much sometimes
he's right about this movie, it stinks

Far from good

New spiderman was great, honestly it's easily the best spiderman movie too.

>New spiderman was great, honestly it's easily the best spiderman movie too.
Fuck off zoomer

Movie was bogged down with high school drama

The only high school drama was with the chunky dude who was trying to get with MJ. Besides that the high school aspect was perfectly played on Peter's character, being 16 and all. Mysterio was a fantastic villain, and that fake news meta narrative was one of the best things I've seen in a superhero movie lately. When Mysterio dies and says "they'll believe anything" that shit was kino. Especially after the footage reveal post credits. You are either a nostalgia fag or you just have shit taste to think otherwise.

>and that fake news meta narrative was one of the best things I've seen in a superhero movie lately. When Mysterio dies and says "they'll believe anything" that shit was kino
You're clearly underage or a fucking manchild


I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, but it doesn't hold a candle to the Raimi trilogy, maybe not even the first ASM.
I think someone on here said it best, the reason this Spiderman sucks is because he's the exact same character whether or not the mask is on.

FFH was fine even though it was incredibly easy to predict the entire plot after the first trailer and my roommate even correctly guessed that skrulls would be involved somehow. My issue with it was that the globetrotting aspect made it not feel like a Spider-Man movie.

Never saw ASM2 but I think that goes at the bottom.

>bygone age
Watch Ragnarok.

making negative videos whining about stuff gets more views than the other way around
that's why all the neckbeards on youtube are constantly acting butthurt and crying about every single piece of popular media that exists

Redditnarok was garbage you fucking zoomer cunt

Not talking about quality, but how cheesy it is. Also don't put this much memewords in one post user, it looks silly.

>gone are the cheesy/campy films
>LOOK EVERYONE MOUNTAIN GOATS!! *jumps out of bus epic style and no one notices*
u didn't even watch the movie fag

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Ragnarok was great, you're clearly just a jaded old cunt. Fuck off.

As someone who saw the Raimi trilogy in theaters, I have no problem with the mcu Spidey. The last reboot was a failure with terrible casting. But honestly for the new films, Peter, Vulture and Mysterio, they have done a great job. And I know people here don't like MJ and Ned but they're nice too. Only person who isn't believable is Flash. They should have just named him something else is they wanted to go with that actor.

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Shit was kino dog

Redditnarok was terrible and made by a shitty meme director
fuck off back to school kiddo

You ok?

Raimi films: 1 was good, 2 was great, 3 was bad
Asm 1 and 2: shit
MCU: Homecoming was good, FFH great
Spider-verse is great, best spidey film

>Ragnarok was great

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Get fucked. Holland is fucking perfect as Spider-Man, you nasally cunts have been wrong about him since day 1.

top jej

This. It is pure spider-kino, nostalgiafags are dead wrong. The Raimi films are moments of goodness buried in a lot of schlock and hammy acting.

This is what Holland derangement Syndrome looks like. It’s sending you guys crazy. Tobey is fat and 40, he hasn’t been Spider-Man in decades.

Ragnarok was the product of a jaded, bitter old cunt that reddit thinks is cool because he’s brown, gay, and wears pineapple shirts.

I agree, although I think this Flash is incredibly believable because the bullies at my multicultural school were always slimy manlet Pakistanis

Spiderverse isn’t a Spidey film, it’s a Bendis neurotic dream. Peter Parker is the only Spidey, everything else is money grubbing pandering shit. If he’s not the lead, it ain’t Spidey.

don't forget he's a kike

I dont get how someone can call this anything but ok.
The action was boring, the cgi was overdone, the story could have been handled better if the characters hadnt been written as bumbling 10 year olds and spider-man doesnt learn anything.
The whole movie is just an Avengers movie with spider-man, its all about Tony isntead of being about Peter Parker.
Mysterio was pretty good at times but it doesnt save the movie from bad writting and characters.
Also why was the chink still in highschool?

>It can't be that bad, it's just his opin...
>*Discover his "Batman 1989" video*

I know, but we’re not meant to notice things like that lol

At least he finally went need to wear a mask at all. So stupid how he took it off all the time in public.

But that’s wrong. The whole movie is about Spider-Man suffering ptsd yet being forced to grow up way beyond his years. He’s fucking beautiful in this film, it’s spider-kino.

I prefer it, because I like to see the actor’s face, it brings a capeshit film more into reality than just looking at a mostly cgi costume p.

Chink didn't get blipped so he was in first grade or whatever at that time and when they came back after 5 years he was the age of peter.


I'm pretty sure they said the name doctor strange was already taken in one of the movies, probably 2 but idfk


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Doing it in public is retarded though. Especially in the middle of the tower bridge. It's like he was asking to have his identity revealed. Everyone has a smartphone so all it would take is one picture or video.

>grow up way beyond his years
Thats the major problem with the movie.
It keeps mentioning how Peter doesnt want to be the next Tony while alluding to that idea right after.
Nothings is learned and nothing is gained.

I didn’t say I wanted to fuck him, I said I like actually seeing actors act. CGI masks don’t impress me much, they’re fine for short fight scenes but otherwise they put the film back into cartoonish.

Peter was close to him, is a young earthling and the obvious choice to look after some of that tech, but it also makes a point about how Fury would be too selfish and egotistical to inherit it. It’s not about being Stark, which is explicitly discussed and rejected both in dialogue and action, it’s about Peter taking on great power + responsibility and learning how to do that. Stark was the king pin on the Avengers so of course he’s a part of this film, but I think people are getting way too hung up on it. This was never going to be a carbon copy of the Raimi films, thank God, and it works very well.

I saw the beginning of this, non attacky question: does his suit get better after the Aunt May homeless conference thing? That metallic Spider-Man suit looked like shit. I’m not judging your movie bc I haven’t seen it. But that suit, does it get better? Looked stiff and shitty like Spider Iron Man or something.

Ffh is shit movie for kids

I just think it wasnt anything but a standard mcu flick that happens to have a hero named spider man in it.

Yeah, he first gets the noir suit and then he gets a completely new one that is just like the classic suit but black replaces the blue parts

>That metallic Spider-Man suit looked like shit
I was confused because wasn't it the normal spidey suit in the trailers?

>the bullies at my multicultural school were always slimy manlet Pakistanis
Bruh when I was in high school ten years ago, the Pakistanis kept to themselves so we were cool with them, what did you little niggaz do to give them power?

This x1000000

Made me fucking cringe and wanna leave at almost every scene. Never seeing another SpiderMan movie if it has Tom Holland in it

Tobey > Holland >> Jake Johnson's voice >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Garfield

I think 3 has aged better than 1. In terms of the original trilogy it's:
1 is very very campy. And a lot of it is filmed in sets for some reason, gives the film a closed off feel. I still like it though.

But MCU Spidey is soulless. The Russos had a better understanding who Spider-Man was than Jon Watts that I wish they did the Spidey movies instead.

Idk bout u lads but I was waiting for the scene where May helps spidey with his Peter Tingle by clearing up his ole web shooters

I don’t like MCU Spidey but he was great in Civil War. You had the fun Spidey attitude, the nerdy Peter and they alluded to Uncle Ben and money issues and other relatable stuff.

The first and last half of the film felt like completely different films. The first half is like a good higschool movie and the 2nd half was a proper superhero movie. It's not breaking any grounds but I'd watch that illusion fight scenes again.

You are crying about him to us right now bitch boy

Hi Top is completely right about the MCU and Raimi films. Currently the MCU is hot so the older Raimi films are getting shit on in defence but give it time and the praise and love for Raimi films will return again.

>zoomers getting triggered by a zoomer that seems fairly confident and public about his life.

We got told it was racist to not let them behave like entitled chimps, you get expelled or tagged with career damaging labels otherwise. Moral of the story, never vote left wing.

Hitop films is a legit drama queen and zoomer tier eceleb, whoever watches him should feel ashamed

>MCU Spider-Man

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That’s why they don’t drag up Ben corpse to flog again in HC and FFH, we’ve already gone over it and it’s Spider-Man’s basic foundation. I wish Raimifags would stop whining about Ben.


Tom Holland is Spider-Man and I don’t care what any balding Gen X pleb says. Maguire can’t even act and he pulls weird rubbery faces that ruined major scenes.

They don’t have to show Ben die again in the MCU but we need to feel his presence. So far it’s as if he never existed and has had zero impact on Peter’s life. Hell Jon Watts even implied Ben may still be alive and not introduced yet. This isn’t a Raimi complaint, it’s a Spider-Man complaint, Uncle Ben is the foundation of Spidey’s character. Ben shaped his morals and made him the man he is now, that hasn’t happened in the new films at all.

Ben does have an impact on his life though, it’s why he’s alone with aunt May, why they seem to be quite poor, why he was crying and talking about how much she’s gone through, the whole father figure issue with Stark, it impacts him enormously even without Ben having any on screen character.

2 > 1 > Verse > FFH > 3 > Homecoming > ASM1 > ASM2

Do you need everything spoonfeded?

Literally the only good scenes were the illusion battle scene which was fantastic, and Jake's monologue + some fucking around testing his effects. You're seeing what you want to see so you're allowed to like a Hollywood movie if you are actually trying to sell it as a fake news bashing redpilled production.

He’s alone and has one throwaway line alluding to Uncle Ben. Regarding Aunt May, you’d think after your husband got shot on the streets you would be worried about your nephew risking his life each night fighting crime but nope. She’s 100% okay with it and again we replace drama for a cheap gag or laugh. Also yes, they’re very poor that’s why he can afford a trip to Europe with no worry.

Wrong. And get Spiderverse shit out of there, it’s not a Spider-Man film.

That’s such a stretch it’s not even funny.

You can't expect marvel to actually remember any of its character developments between movies. Tony built suits again, the decidedly friendly neighborhood spiderman will go to space and then Europe. Thor will get his hammer and eye back. The dead will return unless there contracts are up.

I liked the film even though Spidey has been absolutely stripped of his working class identity and has now in his hands the power of international surveillance and we're supposed to think it's a good thing for anybody to have.

Wrong, and it is. It's more of a spiderman film than the MCUs. Also Shazaam was the best capes capeshit of the year.

Don’t you dare talk shit about Kaine that way

That’s plain wrong dude, the CW scenes and whole of Homecoming he had to make sure she didn’t know he was Spider-Man because, as he said, she’d already been through hell, but once she learned who he was she was ok, because he’s a superhero, but she shows concern for him even then.
Europe was a school trip, we don’t get to know the financial details but the trip is booked cheaply until Fury interferes. Aunt May does have a job, but they’re still working class people as is repeatedly show, same as me but I went on school trips to Egypt and NYC because we got huge discounts.

It’s not a stretch at all, it’s what you take from the films without huge glowing signs pointing the way and the hammy acting and dialogue of the Raimi films. Subtlety, nuance, not spoon feeding about Uncle Ben.

It’s not a Spider-Man film at all, it’s scooping up the quantity over quality shit from the comics and edging out actual Spider-Man.

If by spoonfeeding you mean actually showing the impact and having consequences, sure. Hiding his identity from aunt may only to have zero consequences, being poor but going to a great school and Europe without trouble isn't behind the scenes symbolism, it's lip service.

Good one. If you enjoy the MCU Spidey films that’s fine but they’re extremely shallow empty films. Once you try arguing the subtleties you’ve already lost.

Why are people pretending the PS4 game didn't exist? It is better than both the Rami trilogy and the MCU.

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>Maguire can’t even act
His entire career is a mystery. Him being a dork in spiderman was the only role that he did well. Everything else he's in, EVERYTHING, he's terrible.

Miles is more of a spiderman like figure in every quality than Holland.

So you mean you want a copy of the Raimi films, rehashing Ben’s death and having May do nothing but bleat with worry and shit out Hallmark movie standard dialogue in every scene. He already felt guilty about Stark and the weight of responsibility on him, it’s partly what made Mysterio’s mind fuck scenes so good. Why can’t he go to a good school despite being poor? Don’t you have scholarships or life savings etc? I swear one minute you’re all bitching he’s not a genius but now we’re bitching because he’s enough of one to get into a specialist school?

But you’ve literally missed all the subtlety of Spider-Man films because you need it hammering on your skull with graphic scenes of Ben dying, Peter dumpster diving, May crying etc. You’re shitting on this film because a comic book ham fest of 20 years ago is your childhood. Or you’re clinging to it because the MCU has you all wound up for some reason.

I thought he was fine as Nick in Gatsby

Because what relevance does it have when we’re talking about films? Do you go watch a video game at the cinema? Does it mean nobody should ever adapt Spidey for the big screen? No. So why talk about it?

He watched other people play it on youtube

I liked him in Gatsby and Wonderboys but he was only 7/10 as Spider-Man because of his stupid simpering voice and his damn OTT faces. Like the train scene and when confronting villains, he looks like he’s doing a comedy skit.

lmao fuck off Bendis

You can capture what makes spiderman an interesting and unique character without remaking the Raimi movies. Spiderverse did and you don't even consider it a spiderman movie. Miles goes to a rich kid school there but we see him come from a poor school, see him try to fit in, and see his life outside of that school actually living an urban lifestyle. That's affecting character. It's not lip service.

Peter Parker is the only Spider-Man, and everything you’ve said about Miles is done by Holland’s Peter Parker from CW to FFH. I don’t consider -verse to be a Spider-Man film.

>The writing is what a 10 year old would imagine SpiderMan is like.
So you're saying it was written for Spider-Man's target audience?

tom holland cannot carry a movie. ffh is too much an ensemble affair, but then that's the mcu has become.

Those aren't subtleties they're just straight up nothings. They have 0 impact. They can set the film post-Ben but Raimis didn't so how is showing the death beating you over the head? How is may being affected beating you over the head? Tony is the substitute since they don't spend any time reminiscing and those scenes are just as ham fisted in FFH - which is to say they aren't, your definitions are just skewed and hypocritical.

I stopped watching when the nigga beats didn't stop

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I do really like how they handled doc ock in that one.

He actually is a good actor, he was a beam of light in serious stuff like The Pilgrimage. He’s what we call a scene stealer, as he was in all three ensemble Avengers films he’s done.

They’re subtle, because they’ve already painted a full picture of him without showing anything but little slices of his life. You’re just massively biased. I actually like the Raimi films but everyone beating on Peter’s dick with the emotional neediness was overdone at times. Old Aunt May was terribly written, she graded so much. We do not need anything from the Raimi films rehashing for this version of Spider-Man, he’s doing excellently with the basic comic book character and his own path.

Holland is a different guy who happens to have the name Peter then, it's just a coincidence. I don't recognize him.

I get the strong impression you were gutted the MCU decided to bring in Spider-Man and that they made him white, cute, likeable and a perfect fit.

Just because something is hinted at and never explored beyond the surface level doesn’t make it subtle. It makes it lazy and shallow and poorly written.

The issue is not the actor but the actual character of Spiderman is poorly following source material. Having Uncle Ben be replaced by Tony Stark just completely ruins the character of Spiderman as a whole.
Uncle Ben was a man that tried his best in raising and taking care of his family but was not known by many and is seen as a simple man but in Peter's eyes is seen as a great man and uses his teachings to try and make the world a better place.
Tony Stark is a recovering alcoholic that is a tech genius but to the point of is he man or machine. He's more logic then emotion which is the anti Uncle Ben aka the anti Spiderman.
MCU just keeps making Spiderman worse with making knowing Tony Stark his powers instead of his actual spider powers. In the Avengers movie the suit (made by Tony) does all the fighting. Spiderman should not be wearing a robot suit, he is Spider man, not Spiderbot.

I like the MCU films well enough, the only bad movies are Garfields. But no they don't. Would you seriously have that same positive impression of him if you didn't already know his backstory from the comics and the older films? Disney banked on the same thing by skipping his origin story. And it's fine they did imo, but they don't carry any of the impact as a result and it leaves Peter in this weird place where hes relearning but not really learning this shit again from Tony, and doubling back on his character development.

Jesus a white supremacist gay guy. I didn't realize milo hasn't killed himself yet. I'm guessing you didn't actually watch the movie because as a /pol/ack it's inoffensive besides the fact there's a black kid existing.

I vote left, yet I'm not a pussy who let's manlet middle easterns push me around

Spider-Verse is better than every MCU Spider-Man movie and just as good as the Trilogy.

Ben is an important character, we don't need to see him die again, I want a nice mention.

Spider-Verse is an actual Spider-Man movie, unlike MCU ones.

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It’s explored in little pieces, without drenching the audience or going over old ground, as I keep saying. It gently gives us information most Spider-Man fans already know, but moves on to the new story.

I haven’t read a comic since I was about 10, and I have never watched these films with Raimi’s films in mind, I judge them on how much I like them and what they show me about this character. So yes, going from the MCU alone I think of Peter as being a gifted working class boy whose father figure (parents + uncle) are gone, he gets a mentor like Stark because he obviously lives in the same city and has superhero abilities, so why would he be ignored, and of course an upgrade in tech but he often works alone. Etc etc.

>wHiTe SuPrEmaCiSt
Peter Parker is white, he’s also Spider-Man. Miles is a diversity token from a guy of dubious morals about race, and he’s not Spider-Man, sorry pinhead.

Oh look they used an old Peter Parker to give it legitimacy. Nope, still not a Spider-Man film.

You just vote to import them by the millions and then crucify anyone who dares to point out things like Muslim rape gangs. You do in fact let them push not only you, but everyone else around too. Bravo.

I just want to fuck holland.

You may think of him as that but those qualities of spiderman are never shown in those movies, they are mentioned. I know having scenes that actually show Peter living as a poor kid would be too on the nose for you but any impact of those things aren't present. He often doesn't work alone, in the first movie hes saddled with an AI most of the time and has a fat kid sidekick, when he's not interacting with Tony, Happy, Fury, or Mysterio, or the other Avengers. Tony as a replacement mentor I have no problem with on paper and think it works well in FFH, if not in HC. But the guy isn't even in fucking Queens for the main plot of 4 of the 5 movies he appeared in.

To me ASM1 was a perfect Spider-Man movie right up until the final objective of the Lizard. “I’m gonna shoot science from this tower and turn everyone into lizard because (race allegories)”. Can’t even defend that as camp because the rest of the movie is pretty down to earth. The bits with citizens helping him when he’s fucked and the cop father in law actually being useful and the real hero of the movie were kino though

As a faggot, you are more offensive to me than Miles being black. (That's Miles, not Peter Parker)


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what the fuck are you even talking about at this point
the movie had more heart and soul in it than the whole MCU

Get in line

Must not have stayed after the credits where they started making fun of based Alex.

They do show Peter as poor kid, what the actual fuck are you on about? In CW he’s embarrassed about his ‘dumpster diving’ and all through his solo films he’s bullied for being a loser, partly because he’s poor in relation to his middle class peers. Obviously it’s all too subtle or you haven’t bothered watching at all.


You’re projecting, Miles being black isn’t the offensive thing, it’s that fags like you are using it to attack actual Spider-Man films. Just go wank off about Miles as a separate thing, it’s not Peter Parker, it’s not Spider-Man, and it has that repulsive doorknob nosed animation so common now.

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MCU Spiderman doesn't quip enough.

Pretty ironic honestly

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He’s so fucking cute though. Best Peter Parker, he actually looks like a boy next door. Tobey was alright, sometimes cute, but Garfield is fucking gross looking.

That's power son that's power! Garfield looks like 2013 era fuckboy that got hit by a car.

Yes it is, or else you wouldn't have made a point about miles being black and me supposedly being upset that Holland is white with a cute ass and thick dribbling cock. I thought those last two parts were weird but hey, you do you, you disingenuous idiot.

The car reversed over him too it seems

I like how there is not a single front view shot of him only where he looks like autistic child.

Right, until Tony enters his life extremely early into the film and that becomes irrelevant. Or when he decides in the end to be a friendly neighborhood spiderman and by the next film hes in space.

No brainlet, I realise this is too complicated for you but Peter is supposed to be a working class kid from Queens, as Stan Lee himself said. He’s meant to be likeable but nerdy, it’s cute. Don’t project your sexuality on to this too. His whiteness is part of his identity, now racists like you can’t stand it, so you push characters like Miles into everything when it’s not necessary. We already have Spider-Man, Miles is nothing but a brief colorwash fantasy for creeps like you who fetishise black people, his creator is the same. I don’t care about him, I just think it’s extremely cheap how they keep making all these spider-rip offs that don’t even come close to Peter Parker. I’m not impressed with any of them. It’s where comic books and I part, I just like the main, iconic characters.

Next film is an Avengers film, so yeah, not exactly Queens, and his parts are some of the best because he’s so out of place but is still trying his heart out. I think it’s soulless of people to not see it and to keep shitting on him.

>You’re projecting, Miles being black isn’t the offensive thing
Holy shit dude, keep a consistent opinion, that was literally one post ago!

HiTop is kinda cute though

Yes they are, I think Holland is a fine actor and the character works in ensemble films.

Spider-Verse > FFH > 2 > Homecoming > 1 > 3 > ASM1 > ASM2

It was written by the target audience

For the target audience. That's like perfect. Isn't it?

His race isn’t offensive, it’s offensive how you use it as a tool because you can’t stand a white kid being Spider-Man. You can go wank over Miles, you can make a whole new thread licking his ass out and feeling good because you’re a fat white girl promoting him, but you’re here instead insisting he’s actually better than Peter Parker in a Spider-Man thread, you’re a retard.


I'd be willing to accept this begrudgingly if the climax of FFH wasn't the worst of it's kind in the entirely of the MCU since Iron Man 2.

>the only bad movies are Garfields
I feel like I'm the only person that enjoyed ASM. It had it's problems but I thought it was fun and appreciated it being the first Spider-Man movie where the villain didn't just fucking die.

Let it die! Let it die! Let it schrivel up and die!

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FFH> 2 > HC > 1 > 3 > Garfield crap

Spider verse is about Miles Morales, it’s not a Spider-Man film.

Just because it's not a Peter Parker movie doesn't make invalidate it as a Spider-Man movie.

Spider-Man 2099 is still a Spider-Man book despite it being about it a fucking spic. Get your head out of your ass user.

wait wait wait. Not that i like niggers but.
Spider man movies are about spiderman. And spider verse is about miles who is spider man so in turn about spiderman.
But spiderverse is not about spiderman.

Yeah that makes sense considering my favorite Spiderman films are Raimis. You're a schizo or so insecure in your argument your brain is trying to assign an ideology to me I've already said I disagree with.

t. Watched Cosmonaut Variety

Maybe. I'd still keep it where it is in my ranking I'm fairly sure but it has been awhile for ASM specifically

I know right? He is such a pleb

Spider-Man is Peter Parker, unless we’re saying Miles is there to shove out Peter Parker, which Bendisfags always denied.

Call it Miles and His Friend Spiderman: Into the Technically Not Spider Verse. It still does the themes of the character better than the MCU.

You didn’t say anything other than spazz out with Buzzfeed shit because I think -verse is a lame rewrite of Spider-Man but with racial politics and ugly animation. And it is, if you see the source of it.

It doesn’t, the MCU Spider-Man has everything from the working class hero trying to find himself and the weight of great power, and it does all of that with actual Peter Parker, the one and only Spider-Man.

I called you a fucking faggot because of how important that spiderman be cute is to you and still hold that impression. There's also zero racial politics in the movie, but I could see how someone who thinks FFH is redpilled because "fake news" could be picking up political messages that aren't there.

This Spider-Man is reddit as fuck and the fastest way to identify a redditor

No you did the whole “Naaaaziiiii” bullshit too, hilarious.

>and it does all of that with actual Peter Parker, the one and only Spider-Man.
This is the only relevant part of this post. In your mind, this half informs the first half.

Niggers aint cute

I actually saw the films, and I’m saying this as someone who actually likes the Raimi films, read the earlier comics, saw the cartoons, etc.

Because you're a racist, and I'm a racist. I just think gay white supremacists are fucking cringe. Or alternatively, you're a "dems are the real racists" boomer, which is even worse.

The racial politics are behind the entire creation of Morales you dumb bitch. Are you denying the Marvel comics terrible decline now? Fuck me.

The only video I've seen from this faggot is the one where he says Batman doesn't kill, then hand waves away all the times throughout Batman's history when he has killed. He's a disingenuous autist, who gets upset when iterations of characters he likes don't adhere to his personal favorite version of them.

I’m literally not a racist, which is why I don’t like to see diversity tokens, pandering, white/black washing or any such shit. I had no problem with Black Panther, but the white virtue signalling that came after made me puke. See the huge difference? You clearly are a racist, which is why you can’t understand my position.


So a "dems are the real racists" boomer then.

I’m a liberal too you insufferable cunt, but it’s easier for you to whine like a retard stuck in his own shit so whatever.

I don't know what those are, I stopped reading comics before such controversy. I'm purely judging the movie by it's own merits and my knowledge of spider-man as a character archetype

what the fuck is this thread at this point

Which is also why you were so happy to praise the fake news message you perceived in FFH way back in the thread, something I've called out multiple times but you never responded to. One of those fake news bashing liberals who hates diversity in films. Yeah, uh huh.

That’s fair enough then

Wrong user though, I just don’t like fucking Spiderverse. And the movie calls out Buzzfeed, which is sound because Buzzfeed is retarded clickbait, why is that a problem?

I’m a jaded anti-Marvel Raiminigger and I thought it was a decent film.

>b-b-but the comics!
Who gives a fuck, nerd. The movie is what matters, and as a movie Far From Home succeeds where most Marvel movies fail. It was a huge step up from Homecoming.

post cute

It's fine and I agree with it. I don't know who the fuck I'm talking to at this point but the point is, as someone who normally shits on a
diversity casting, I didn't have a problem with Verse and found it to be inoffensive to my delicate contemporary racist sensibilities.

As someone that grew up with Raimi films, I get why people don’t like any post SM2. I thought the ASM movies were fucking ass and while I like MCU Spidey, I don’t love him. I don’t have an issue with Tony being his influential tether to the world of capeshit but it does make him feel like he lacks agency unlike Raimi Spidey. He feels more like a byproduct of the world around him rather than a hero for the little man as he claimed to be in Civil War. This isn’t so much the fault of Holland or even this new Spider-Man but rather the fault of the MCU as a whole. Outside of the Whedon movies these guys really aren’t portrayed as “heroes”. Homecoming was probably the first time in a minute that you actually saw a capeshiter saving regular people. I think FFH tried to give you that Raimi Spider-Man feel but it still has that MCU sheen so it still feels like it has this identity crisis.

>t.someone that doesn’t care about spudermon

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>loses Uncle Bens briefcase like its fucking nothing
>he doesnt even flinch about it
this guy is not fucking Spider-man

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Seething Disney shill

Yes it was written for 10 year olds but mainly being watched by middle aged millennial men. Thats the issue

It's a fucking briefcase. It's not like he lost his medal of honor or some shit. If it really was cherished, he wouldn't have taken it. Besides, he has tons of his clothes. Isn't there a scene in Homecoming where he's putting on one of his suits?

Ok no worries, our argument was getting weird anyway.

Might as well change his name to Iron Spider

>It's a fucking briefcase.
any Peter Parker would have lost his shit had he lost something like that, hell 616 Peter kep the fucking Baseball hat Ben bought for him when he was a kid
no matter how much you downplay it, Ben was simply too important of a person to let this slide

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literally throw the comics away and have sex

>Triggers Yea Forums
How does he do it so well?

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has the shill run out of script?

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if you want comic book spiderman, stick to your stupid fucking comic books. This is a different iteration of peter parker, he doesn't have to follow whatever stupid rules you think he has to follow. Get that through your stupid virgin skull.

i want Spider-man
actual Spider-man
you can call a chimpanzee King Kong but that wont make him King Kong

cry more faggot

you seem the be one getting mad here tough :)

Learn english.

grow up :)

Tom Holland Spidey would beat the shit out of Tobey Spidey

>I think 3 has aged better than 1
Fuck no, this is a horrid opinion

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He hardly beats his own villains compared to Tobey.

T. summerfag

Hitop is kinda meh, he's a fucking Dick and Peter fanboy. So anything related or involving the two he dislikes 90% of the time

And Tobey was a pussy whipped faggot, meanwhile the Chad Holland had MJ thirstin for him

So just like MJ from the Trilogy?

>Same MJ who was thirstin for Chad Harry
yeah, fuck no

Trilogy MJ was a whore tho

Tobey's Spider-Man would absolutely destroy Tom's Spider-Man.
Also Tom's Spider-Man would lose this fight.

Do you guys actually watch video essays written by people younger than you?

She wasn't, for the Trilogy movie she wanted to be with Peter, they were breaking up constantly and in 1 he rejected her in order to protect her.

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Because he’s cute and he has a job that he’s perfect at, and he’s fucking all their favorite actors like Jake G

He's a faggot but he's right. Nu-spiderman is fucking trash.

No it fucking isn't, a perfectly solid 9/10 turns into 3/10 as soon as miles and MJ show up, infact everything about miles is awful and MJ is worst than Skylar from breaking bad.

The story is flimsy as fuck. But it's the best Spiderman game

Agreed. Tom would win, though Tobey’s is taller and fatter

Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 are the definitive Spider-Man films. Amazing SM could not even hold a candle, and Marvel SM is a mediocre CG-fest of a joke compared to that.

Fucking this. Miles and MJ need scrubbing from everything. MJ has always been an entitled whiny cunt, I unironically prefer Michelle Jones.

Stark's toys have nothing on pure strength of a real Spider-Man

Fuck Uncle Ben, he added nothing to Peter Parker. The best people could do is rehashing flash backs after flashbacks and repeating 1/3rd of his entire script.

Tony Stark has a presence in the world, he directly impacted Spiderman's performance and had a deeper relationship with Peter than some guy will always die before anything happens. Off screen relationships are shit and always will be shit, and you can't expect people to give a fuck about a guy you've only seen for 10 minutes.

jesus he's sexy

Ben's presence in the Trilogy is impactful in every movie, and in Spectacular Spider-Man there's a moment when ZERO things are said about Ben, but his photo is shown and tells a ton already.
I'm tired of Stark.

How does it impact the story after he died and the 15 minutes of crying.

No I'm sick of hack writers trying to shove everything into a big conspiracy box.
Somehow Peter's dad is in oscorp, Peter is friends with the heir to oscorp, oscorp produced the spider that created Spiderman, oscorp unleashed venom, Peter either knows all this and never does anything or he will never figure anything out even when he's piecing together harder cases.

Fuck all that, the Spiderman mythos is flimsy as fuck and never holds up. Tony Stark being Spiderman's hero guardian is the best take on the character.

finally people can see.
>ITT: the absolute state of the manchild raimi fags

This desu desu

Best post

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Making Thor a retard was the best thing they could’ve done for his movies. He’s boring as fuck when playing it straight.

Listen everyone can agree that TASM movies are quite bad which is why they are an awful example, and I wasn't even talking about fucking TASM, I don't like it myself.
Tony Stark being such an important character to Peter is a bad take, somehow EVERY fucking Spider-Man villain is now an Iron Man villain. This is not good.
Also Mysterio was really similar to Vulture, both have teams that were screwed over by STARK, both hate STARK and have a grudge against him. Terrible.

You disgust me

Because Ben made pretty much every Peter more responsible than MCU Peter.
And not every single one even has shown his death.

“I’m a kid who can stop a bus with my bare hands!” He’s not just about tech, memes mean nothing in a vs match.


Well Tobey stopped a goddamn train.

peter is already responsible when he's introduced. As far as I know, that was Ben's influence...it just doesn't need to be shoved down our throats again. Stop fucking crying you big fucking baby.

Want to know why Tony Stark's villains are infinitely better?

Because why has there never been a villain until Spiderman showed up? Why was a scorpion guy not around pre Spiderman, lots of people with the same backstory and shit. But they all conveniently start shit when Spiderman watches, amazing.

A world where does Tony Stark after he was a living legend who took out Galaxy class threats and kept everyone in check would disrupt everything. Now these underground villains who underestimate Stark's squire show up because they know Stark and the avengers aren't there to wipe the floor with them. It not only makes more sense, it also plays out far mak.

Spiderman is an endless pit of plot holes without the support of the larger world.

>same every unrealistic formula where peter changes due to his uncle "dying"
>they try to make a movie where the spiderman is influenced by death of father he never had and then events related to his death
FFH basically expanded on benshitter.
We got the same formula where death of person important to peter made him change and instead of 15 minute flashback we got a movie with main narrative being peter not knowing what the fuck to do without that person.

Mysterio’s hate is for Peter once he got the tech, Stark was his boss but that’s gone, it’s actually Spider-Man he tries to kill.

Tom stopped a plane though

and I'm glad he actually started going against Peter rather than Stark in the second half of the movie.

Spider-Man was already in a larger world since his creation and yet his villains still weren't Iron Man's

yeah and then every bit of that "influence" is gone once he starts making a suit with AC/DC playing in the background.

by crashing it?
a weird example, don't think anyone could really "stop" a plane

how so? Or you just wanted to type that out?

literally becomes Tony Stark 2.0, even Happy Hogan wanted to say he's just like Tony but didn't.

just because he made a new suit doesn't make him tony 2.0. What kind of stupid fucking logic is this?

He's a super hero who Never leaves his city. We keep seeing major disasters happen in new York alone, but why do we never see anything outside of new York? His world is tiny, it can't stand on its own.

Having Spiderman a young kid whose very foundation is built around the avengers is a better story hands down. Also they aren't Stark's villains they are people who are villains who knew they couldn't fight Iron Man, there's a difference.

he made the new suit (which had nothing special to it) to face his responsibility....so what exactly is your point?

he made a new suit with stark tools, in a plane owned by stark, with Back in Black in the background
sorry but I dont really see Spider-Man in this movie.

waaaaah...he's not spiderman...waaaaah

stupid fucking idiot. Go read your stupid comics then.

>movie is about Spider-Man
>its not a Spider-Man film because i dont like the premise

Shut up retard

wow a spider-man doesnt have to be like spider-man
and peopel still go around saying how "comic accurate" MCU spider man is
fuck off

>and peopel still go around saying how "comic accurate" MCU spider man is
literally no one. You're making up arguments to fight against. Shut the fuck up already.

The biggest mistake when it came to conceptualizing MCU Peter was still making Ben a thing. I honestly think they regret this which is why they only tip toe around him.

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every fucking one was going around and saying that idiot


Also this so fucking much. Ben is so fucking old and done.

sorry you were living under a fucking rock

this game is fucking great, not gonna lie, it's the only PS4 game that keeps me from selling the console altogether, but it doesn't belong in a movie discussion, and other than some unlockable costumes it doesn't even have any connections to any movie like older Spidey movie tie-in games, so it just has no point to discuss this game here

Same here mate, it was a good move, and to go all out on him too

A plane that he steered away from NY buildings to an empty beach, don’t be pedantic.

Back in Black was Happy’s nostalgic moment, the kid didn’t even know the band. It was a light hearted joke after the crying and emotion of the previous scene. The tech is Stark’s but he always funded the Avengers as he pointed out in previous films, the suit was one Peter designed and put together himself, if you made a suit would you also build the sewing machine?

prove it then retard.

prove that noone did say that

It’s not a film about Spider-Man, it’s about Miles Morales. It’s called Into the Spider-verse because it ain’t a Spider-Man film, just an animated cash grab using clone characters not good enough for stand alone films.

like i thought faggot. Cry more.

>cash grab
>clone characters

literally go on any other site that isnt Yea Forums
eat shit

This is probably one of the better reasons why Peters rouges gallery is much more interesting in film. In comic book format the hero’s having villains relegated to their neck of the woods makes more sense. Most of the marquee characters in Marvel comics are basically within their own world with only the crossover event shit bringing the whole fold together. But the MCU is one continuity line so Peter having a shit ton of powerful enemies that pop up out of nowhere just doesn’t make any god damn sense.

Tony Stark was a fucking asshole billionaire that made weapons of mass destruction before reforming into a billionaire hero. Tony Stark has affected billions of lives and his legacy both good and bad is gonna reverberate throughout the MCU till the end of whole thing.

If you hate that you might as well jump ship now.

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no thanks. But thanks for proving my point for me.

you havent proved a damn thing

>rouges gallery

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sure I have. No one has said that. There are no instances of it. Still waiting on you to show me some.

what the fuck do you want from me? dozens of screencaps? hundrets of sites that have been saying this thing for years?
why is it my problem that you only use this shithole of a site all the time now

thanks again for proving me right.

it seems someone ran out of arguments

It literally is cashing in on the super hero trend you idiot.
Clone characters = every fucking spider-thing who isn’t Peter Parker

my argument hasn't changed.

try to enjoy something for once

Good point

it never existed in the first place

I’m really enjoying these new Spider-Man films, thanks. It’s you that came to insert Morales shit in a thread about MCU Peter Parker. Do try relax and enjoy things for once.

it seems someone ran out of arguments

im not the Morales user and I did not start talking about Spider Verse in this thread.
But you'd better go outside.


yeah you're not even trying at this point
stop already, go do something else

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I don't have to try. You made the statement, you have to defend it. Literally no one said MCU spiderman is the most comic accurate.

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I just want a movie like the Spider Man ride at universal or that one chapter in the game where a bunch of villains are fucking up New York and the city is in flames. In other words just give me Arkham city the movie but with Spiderman

i wasnt talking about anons in this thread, i was talking about mcu fans in general

>I’m not him and I don’t care but...
Whatever you say. You’re sure putting a lot of sweat in.

No. The target audience aren't trained artists.

Are you living in a fucking cave that's what the Spiderman PS4 game was about.

but im not the same user? i just like the movie

It’s called Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse.

Please kill yourself

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Am I the only Raimi fag that actually knew who he was before Spiderman Trilogy? Part of why SM2 is so venerated is because Raimi actually got control over that movie and this is evidenced by the Evil Dead style montages. It's weird seeing people just skip past this and name drop raimi incessantly.

I'm talking about literally no one, including mcu fans in general. So far it's just a stupid statement you cooked up to prop up your stupid rage over a movie.

as i said, it is not my problem you only use one site
lets just end it here

>Am I the only Raimi fag that actually knew who he was before Spiderman Trilogy?
no you stupid special little snowflake.

I don't just use one site, thank for the assumption though. Again, if everyone says it, you can easily prove it. But you can't So fine, I'll leave it there. Thanks.

i cant go around every single corner of the internet collecting your desired proof, i have seen this comment pop up often throughout the years, and it absolutely not my problem you didnt see it
lets just agree to disagree

>child using trumptard lingo
Why did it make you so mad you weren't aware of a film maker before your time and I was? Just chill.

lol, no. You're fucking wrong and you can't handle it. Fucking idiot.

It’s not about Spider-Man, it’s using him as a launch pad for the superhero money floating about. It’s an entirely different medium to actual live films about Peter Parker, the Spider-Man. Please, kill your good self.

calm down buddy

everyone knew who raimi was you stupid idiot. You're not fucking special. Go jerk yourself off somewhere else.

>everyone knew who raimi was

That's funny because I distinctly remember a maddox article that turned people onto a movie called Army of Darkness that somehow became a massive sleeper hit around that time when it was already a cult classic. This is indicative of the opposite of what you are suggesting.

>I distinctly remember a maddox article
lol, great source

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Miles Morales was literally created because Donald Glover lost out to Andrew Garfield, a white knight made him as a diversity token. Sorry but he’s not Spider-Man.

“In 2010, Donald Glover said he wanted to play Peter Parker in the then upcoming Amazing Spider-Man, and asked, “does Spider-Man have to be white?” There are, after all, plenty of poor nerdy kids in Queens being raised by their aunts who are people of color. An online campaign to get him the part failed but it (and a winking reference on Glover’s show Community) inspired Brian Michael Bendis to create Miles Morales, the black Puerto Rican Spider-Man currently headlining the comic Spider-Man.

Now, Miles is a great character and I’m glad he exists. Donald Glover played Miles on Ultimate Spider-Man: Web Warriors (as well as Miles’s uncle in Spider-Man: Homecoming) so he’s gotten to play a Spider-Man. But there’s the problem: Miles is a Spider-Man, he’s still not Spider-Man: that is, he’s not the character one thinks of when one hears “Spider-Man,” and he will never be Spider-Man unless Peter Parker goes away entirely for like a decade. And maybe not even then. So the creation of Miles Morales doesn’t and can’t answer the question, “Does Spider-Man have to be white?”

If anything, the existence of Miles Morales suggests that Peter Parker can’t be black.”

You are joking right? Miles existed long before Glover or Garfield were relevant.

>it’s not about Spider-Man
>/Spider-Man/ Into The Spiderverse


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>first publication appearance 2011

Relevant? What does that have to do with anything? It says Bendis created him because he wanted black people to have a clone of Spider-Man. He is a diversity token from a feeble mind, not Spider-Man, and his animated film doesn’t compare to the films of Maguire, Garfield or Holland, because he’s a different character in a different medium.

Miles was changed quite a bit for the animated movie, he's much different from his comic book version.

Miles ain’t Spider-Man faggot.

but Peter Parker is

Yes he is, and this thread is about Spider-Man, cheers.

>a different medium
Ok retard, a film is now of a different medium than another film, according to you. I'll keep that written in the list of shit nobody cares about.

Obviously you handle animation differently brainlet. Just because they have Spider- in the title doesn’t mean they can be compared fairly. Go make a -things that aren’t Spider-Man thread or something?

Movie sucks, cockgobbler.

Nigga the movie is called Spider-Man, not Miles Morales: ITSV. Spider-Man is plural because OMFG there’s multiple versions of the character including a homage of the Raimi version. Nowhere did I claim that Miles is the defacto web slinger.

It’s still a Spider-Man movie

2=PS4>Verse>1>FFH>ASM2(Blow me)>ASM1>Homecoming=1